/ / What distinguishes the seven-petal diet?

What is the difference between the seven petal diet?

Today, many representatives of the beautifulhalf of humanity is ready to go literally to everything, in order to get rid of extra centimeters in the zone of the waist and hips. Some even lie on the surgical table, just to achieve appetizing forms. However, modern medicine can only change the appearance of a person for a while. If, after the operation, he does not continue to play sports and eat properly, then the previous volumes will soon return again. How to be in this situation? Everything is very simple. Recently, at the peak of popularity is the so-called seven-petal diet. How is it different from others? That is what we will discuss in this article.

seven lobe diet
general information

In fact, the seven-petal diet is prettyis simple. As the name implies, it does not last long, just one week. If you wish, you can repeat it several times until the desired figure on the scales is really achieved. So, the seven-petal diet is a combination of several separate monodiets. It is important to note that it is necessary to strictly follow the proposed food schedule, otherwise it will simply be ineffective.

Diet "Seven petals". Recipes and menus

  • First day - drinking.As the name implies, absolutely all products are allowed, but only in liquid form. It can be broths, juices, kefir, and even yogurt. You can arrange a fasting day on sugar free green tea alone.
  • The second day - vegetable.It allows any vegetables cooked without the use of salt and oil. The best option is recognized cabbage, as it allows you to effectively burn fat. Note that steaming vegetables is better steamed or baked in the oven.
    seven petal diet recipes
  • The third day is drinking again.
  • The fourth day is fruit. You can eat sweet fruit in any quantities. Preference is still better to give grapefruit, lemon and pomelo, as they contribute to the burning of fat.
  • The fifth day is proteinaceous.It is recommended to think over your diet in such a way that it consists solely of protein foods. This component is found in fish, eggs, lean meats, and dairy products.
  • Drinking the sixth day.
  • Седьмой день - особый.For breakfast, two boiled eggs and coffee are allowed. At the second breakfast and snack you can eat only one fruit. For lunch - cook vegetable soup. Light vegetable salad seasoned with lemon and olive oil is allowed for dinner.

 diet seven petals reviews
Diet "Seven petals". Reviews and competent exit

According to experts, this power system is notis balanced, and, therefore, you should not get involved in it very often, even if you have not achieved the desired results. Remember that it is best to lose weight, competently combining a diet with physical activity. As for getting out of this diet, it is very simple. It should not be taken on the eighth day for cakes and rolls. It is recommended to gradually increase the daily caloric content of products to 1400-1800 kcal. Only in this way will the result be fixed, and the seven-petal diet itself will not harm your body.