/ / How to grease plastic skis correctly?

How to lubricate plastic skis correctly?

How to smear plastic skis?Why do athletes resort to lubrication? This is required not only for acquiring a good slip forward, but also so that the skis do not slip when moving backwards.

Main types of lubricants

Как смазать пластиковые лыжи?For this purpose, special substances are used, which are conventionally divided into categories of holding and sliding lubricants. If we talk about ski lubricants slip, then they are most often made on the basis of paraffins with the addition of powder accelerators. Such lubricants are applied to the surface of the ski with cotton swabs or by spraying. After drying, ski lubrication needs to be polished.

how to smear plastic skis

Lubricants can have a liquid or solid consistency. Their use contributes to the acquisition by the surface of the skis of the effect of additional sticking, which becomes indispensable when pushing.

Selection of optimal ski lubrication isquite a difficult task, because it is often from this that the availability of an optimal ability to maximize smooth glide depends. One of the best options today can be a professional lubricant for ski Swix. In order to achieve optimal performance in big sports, individual lubricants are stacked on top of each other in a staggered manner.


how to grease plastic skis

If necessary, ski grease lovers, in contrastfrom professional athletes, can be limited to a rather modest set of tools. The main device for ski lubrication is the iron. As the rest of the tools you can use the available tools that are found in every home.

For lubrication of skis, a good iron with a smooth one will do.surface, without holes in the sole. A prerequisite is the presence of a damp sponge, which will not only remove excess grease, but also reduce the temperature of the soleplate.

Primary treatment of the sliding surface of skisIt is recommended to perform using flux paraffin, which does not contain fluorine, with a melting point of 60 to 75 degrees. The temperature of the iron should be as low as possible. This will gradually melt the lubricant, evenly distributing it over the surface of the ski. Lead the iron on the ski when lubricating better wide, back surface. The excess remains of greasing are removed with a scraper or any other convenient improvised means.

The use of improvised tools and materials is ideal for amateur athletes who do not need to regularly lubricate plastic skis with a notch.

Optional Accessories

swix ski grease

One of the most desirable accessories whenThe need for lubrication of skis is a cover that will preserve the structure of the sliding surface. On top of that, the special slip lubricant for skis is very poorly rubbed off from clothes.

Preparation plays an important role in lubrication.surface. It is often used fine-grained sandpaper, with which the sliding surface of the skis is processed to the acquisition of absolute smoothness.

Lubrication process

ski lubricant

The procedure for lubricating the sliding surface of skisshould begin with the imposition of the so-called primer in the form of a thin layer of paraffin. Then a hard, retaining and more malleable outer layer of lubricant is applied.

How to grease plastic skis? The process of lubrication of skis as follows:

  1. Skis securely fixed sliding surfaceup on a flat horizontal plane. The iron is heated to the minimum temperature, after which the base lubricant is applied to its sole so that its drops evenly lie on the surface of the skis.
  2. Liquid melted neat lubricantdistributed over the surface of the skis by the same iron. If possible, you should try to avoid excessive overheating of the sole of the iron and its delay in one place in order to avoid burning the surface of the skis.
  3. As soon as the ski lubricant completely hardens, its excess must be carefully removed with a scraper. In conclusion, the sliding surface of the skis is rubbed with a nylon brush.

The secrets of proper ski lubrication

plastic notched skis

There are several helpful tips, applicationwhich will most effectively lubricate the skis. First of all, the lubricant must be applied at room temperature, after cleaning and drying the skis. In this case, solid lubricants should be applied to the sliding surface in several separate, pre-frozen layers.

To determine how effectively lubricatedplastic skis with a notch, you need to check them, moving through the snow in a smooth, measured way. If the skis begin to slip along the passage of several kilometers, in this case it is recommended to use lubricants of higher melting points.

Understand how to grease plastic skiscorrectly, tracking environmental factors will allow. Important here are the indicators of air temperature, the structure of snow and its humidity. On this basis, when buying lubricants, it is necessary to carefully read the description and instructions for use.


Having figured out how to lubricate plastic skis,and having acquired practical skills, you need to pay attention to the need to treat the sliding surface at least once a year, which will allow you to keep it in good condition. With frequent driving in different weather conditions, the procedure can be carried out more often. Keep lubricated skis in a dry room at room temperature.

В конечном итоге, не нужно лениться фиксировать, where and how the sliding surface of the ski behaves when using separate lubricants. Only a serious approach to the procedure and a thorough study of the characteristics of each brand will quickly determine the choice of a truly effective means for lubricating skis.