/ / Fascinating riddles about skis

Fascinating riddles about skis

All children love entertainment without exception.Therefore, the riddles of skiing by each child will be perceived with ease and pleasure. It is worth carefully preparing for the developmental lesson and include in it not just assignments, but also cheerful relay races, contests and motivation at the end of the event. Riddles about skis should be various, painted with bright colors, filled with mood and emotions. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers should carefully prepare a program of developing classes.

riddles about skis

Are puzzles important for children?

While thinking over the answers to questions from the son or daughter, the following skills develop:

  • logical thinking;
  • fantasy;
  • horizon;
  • perseverance;
  • the desire to achieve goals;
  • attentiveness.

Each of these skills is very important for the child.And the riddles about skis especially will please, after all at once winter entertainment will be recollected and the child will plunge into pleasant experiences. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically organize events in which there will be many problems, questions and fascinating travels around the world of knowledge.

Riddles about skis for the smallest

Tasks for the youngest should be easy, accessible for perception, for example:


Two Wooden Sisters

Rolling on the snow is a great master.


Two wooden sticks,

In the snow with a breeze rolling.

a riddle about skis for children


You put them on the legs, wooden two spoons.

In the hands you take two sticks

And from the mountain you rush, what is it?


Two sisters put on your legs,

And roll in them on the hill, the path.

Such a riddle about skis for children, short or long, will be easily guessed even by the smallest boys and girls. Therefore, it is worth taking them into account.

The riddle about skis for school-age children

Roller-racing is loved both by adults and children.Therefore, riddles about skiing like boys and girls of different ages. Children of school age can ask more difficult questions. This will help them to show their wits, skills and knowledge. As an example, you can take the following options:


On the hill they help to ride,

Two wooden sticks on their feet are put on.

And in the hands - two thin rods,

What do you call it, friends?


You can quickly roll down from the mountain in them,

Long traces they leave.

You can easily push away with sticks,

Because they are dedicated to this purpose.

riddle about skis for children short

It is quite easy to interest a child to participate in a teaching and entertainment activity. To do this, simply turn the activity into a fun adventure. How to do it? It's very simple:

  • To come up with such riddles that will be diverse and filled with emotions.
  • Organize the baton from the usual event.
  • You can also give a prize to a child at the end of a developing lesson.

These moments inspire and motivate, thereforeSufficient attention should be paid to the organization of the event. Solving riddles, boys and girls develop and acquire new, useful for life skills. Therefore, such gaming and training activities should be conducted as often as possible. And joint games with your beloved parents help the boys and girls understand how important and necessary they are.