Feeder tackle with own hands

For all lovers of fishing on the feeder, probably,will be an interesting question: how to make a feeder tackle and how to assemble it? After all, there was always a huge risk of losing several feeders, which have always been one of the main consumables. Feeder tackle with their own hands is a saving and a lot of pleasure from the work done.

For a significant reduction in the price of your favorite fishing, it is worth trying to make a tackle for the feeder yourself. On how to make and how to collect a feeder tackle with our own hands, let's talk in more detail:

There is a very simple method of manufacturingFeeder tackle: first go to the nearest building store that is in your area, and buy there a direct suspension from the metal (it is usually used for fixing cardboard from gypsum). Also you will need to take small fittings for mounting the feeder and the plate of lead.

You will also need these materials:

- The line is about 0.2 or more, but in no case is it thicker than the main one;

- Carabiner with swivel (take the whole package).

The following method for manufacturing feederfeeders can initially seem very complicated, but you will not need any supernatural technology. There are a lot of Umplets in the country, but this method is for those who are not afraid to take the tools into their hands.

Feeder tackle with their own hands is made as follows:

1.First, we take a piece of line in the length of both arms (the diameter should be slightly larger than the leash with a hook), add it in half and make a knot, you can double. Before this, we deviate from the bend by a couple of centimeters. Here we will fasten the leash with a hook.

2. Both ends of the line should be spread in opposite directions, holding with a loop in the middle, we start to twist in different directions.

3. The scimitar must be twisted like a pigtail.

4. We fix the received pigtail by a knot, preferably double.

5.At any end of our line we put on a carbine with a swivel.

6.We make a large loop and again fix it with a double knot. Only the side on which the swivel is located should be slightly longer than the second (by 5-20 mm). The loop on the manger will be made softer that will allow the feeder to flow around freely any obstacles on the fishing.

7. Cut one end of the line, bend the other in half and fix it with a double knot.

Then we hang it to the main line for a loop.

8. You can cut off all unnecessary ends of the line.

Now we see that the feeder tackle with our own hands is quite easy and several times cheaper.

In addition to all, a few tips:it is advisable not to leave any joints on the outside of the trough when it is manufactured, as this can lead to hooks over the grass cover, stones, tree roots or any of the objects during fishing.

A self-made tackle has onea significant advantage - very quickly rises to the surface of the water when you are fishing on the feeder, this is due to the body of the feeder. Weight feeder for the feeder is regulated with lead.

Еще одним из немаловажных преимуществ self-made gear is that the center of gravity of the feeder is displaced, and this in turn prevents rolling on the current during fishing. But if you put another feeder on the same swivel, they will work in pairs, even in very strong currents.

Feeder gear with their own hands will be very pleasedonly you, in your hobby, but also your friends, whom you will take with you on fishing. After all, all the most pleasant and joyful, always want to share with people close in spirit. At the end of making the tackle, you will be able to exchange experiences and tell you how to make a feeder tackle and how to assemble it. Do not doubt that fast enough, you will become a truly competent expert in this matter.