/ / Tackle a petty tyrant is ... Fishing tackle. Bullshit on horse mackerel

Gnawing a tyrant is ... Fishing gear. Scoundrel on horse mackerel

Among the fishing gear used todayfor deep-sea fishing, there are those who, despite their ancient age, continue to be actively used. One of them is a petty tyrant. This is a simple but catchy tackle used by anglers for catching various types of fish. By the way, it has another, more consonant name - “samolov”, which explains the method of fishing.

In this article we will talk about whatis a fishing device, as well as consider how to make a petunion with your own hands. In addition, we will tell you what fish you can catch with it and how it is done.

Tyrant this

The essence of gear

In essence, a petty tyrant is a bottom gear consistingfrom the main and additional fishing line with attached to it short and elastic leads with hooks and a load on the end. It is used for fishing at great depth from a boat. Classic tackle design does not provide for the use of rods. The fishing line with equipment is wound on a reel, with which the gear is controlled. But some anglers still use the rod for greater convenience when casting and pulling.

What fish can be caught by a petty tyrant

A tyrant is an exceptionally predatory tackle, butsometimes peaceful species gladly react to it. It is designed for catching schooling fish both in the sea and in freshwater bodies. Such fishing gear used for fishing on:

  • horse mackerel;
  • mackerel;
  • Black Sea herring;
  • Don herring;
  • Black Sea and Azov bull;
  • smelt;
  • chekhon and others

Often when sea fishing on the hook can catch bluefish, pelamida, or even katran. Naturally, for each type of fish a different tooling and a different bait is used.

Bullshit on horse mackerel

Tackle design

Tackle tyrant consists of the following elements:

  • fishing rod or reel;
  • main fishing line (szvorka);
  • additional fishing line (bet);
  • leads (the quantity depends on the length of the bet);
  • hooks;
  • sinker.

Rod or reel?

How is the catch?On the petty tyrant, you can catch either with the help of a reel, which is constantly held in his hand, or with the help of a rod. As it uses a short (1.5-2.5 m) rigid form with a coil. The latter may be of any design, just to be reliable.

Main line and bet

Shvorka - a strong monofilny thread, kapron ornylon cord. Its length is determined by the depth of the fishing spot, but be that as it may, it is not worth constructing a tackle shorter than 50 m. The thickness of the main line depends on the transparency of the water and the intended catch. Typically, these fishing gear equipped with fishing line or cord no thinner than 0.4-0.6 mm.

Fishing gear

The stake is a monofil thread 0.3-0.35 mm thick and 4-6 m long.


For leads used fishing line thickness of 0.25-0.3mm Their length is usually from 2 to 5 cm. Longer ones will confuse the line. The number of leads may be different. It all depends on what kind of fish you are going to hunt. For the horse mackerel, the leads are knitted at a distance of 25-30 cm, for catching mackerel - 60 cm. Based on the length of the additional fishing line (4-6 m), they can be from 10 to 20 pieces. Experienced anglers have at their disposal several different rates with leads and hooks designed for different fish: horse mackerel, mackerel, bull, etc.


The size of the hooks also depends on the type of fish you plan to catch. Self-expts on a mackerel, for example, are equipped with hooks of size No. 8, for mackerel — No. 10, on herring — No. 7.

Tackle tyrant

In addition, the hook must match the bait. When using various feathers as it, the hooks should have an elongated forearm.


The load for the tyrant is selected based on the conditions andway of fishing. For shallow depths in stagnant water, weights weighing 100-200 g are used. For deep-sea fishing, as well as for fishing from a boat in motion, it is better to use weights weighing 300-400 g. As for the shape, spindle-shaped sinkers are usually used.

Bait used when fishing with petty tyrants

В качестве приманки чаще всего используют small bird feathers. It is better if they are bright colors: cocks, ducks, ducks, jay feathers, etc. In addition to them or with them, bright woolen threads or floss can be used. The composition is selected according to the principle of color contrast: black with white or red, yellow with purple, white, white with blue, etc.

Correctly equip the hook can not everyone. Here a certain skill is needed.

Samodur do it yourself

After the composition is selected,feathers cut off rough parts so that they are 15-20 mm longer than the forearm of the hook. Bind the feathers using the same wool yarn or thin fishing line (0.1-0.15 mm), using fishing knots, such as a "clinch". So that the structure does not stretch, it can be fixed with the help of waterproof glue.

Bullshit on scad: design features

In addition to feathers and threads, hooks can be baited and a worm, moldy worm, and mussel meat, snails. It all depends on what kind of fish you will hunt.

Ставрида – самая популярная рыба, которую ловят with the help of a tyrant. It is quite common, and if you also quickly find a fish school, the catch can be just great. Consider how to knit a petition for a horse mackerel with your own hands, and what materials for this is better to use.

Let's start with rods.This is exactly the case when it is really necessary. With intense cloves, you just get tired of reeling the line with a reel. Yes, and cant find easier, making some kind of abandonment. Rod length - 1.5-2 m. Build - exceptionally hard. The reel is a speedless size of 2500-3000. It is desirable that the rod had 2 brass crossing rings (the first from the coil and the middle).

Fishing for a petty tyrant

Крючки - № 8, не больше.Cargo select the appropriate fishing conditions. The main line is 0.4 mm and 50 m long. The stakes are 4 meters, 0.35 mm thick. The number of leads - 10-12 pieces, length - 2 cm, fishing line - 0.25 mm. Many fishermen put beads or lurex on leashes. It is believed that such a visual bait helps better attract scad.

Technique for catching petty tyrants from a boat

Consider how fishing is done with a petty tyrantfrom the boat. It is better if you have an assistant who could manage the boat. Having left on the place of catching, it is necessary to prepare tackle or tackle. When they are ready, with one hand hold the rod or reel, and the second we begin to unwind them, slowly lowering them into the water. When the sinker reaches the bottom, we tighten the main line, leaving it in tension. If the catch is carried out on several gears, unwind them all in turn.

При первом же ударе делаем подсечку и продолжаем fishing, without taking the tackle out of the water, because we have a lot of hooks. Only after the termination of the bite, you can pull the tyrant. In order for the fish not to descend, the rod can be put aside, and the rewind of the line to be carried out by hand, turning it over and removing the caught fish.

As you can see, the petitioner is very simple inmaking and using a tackle, even a novice can mount it and handle it. With the right bait and the presence of fish in the pond you will never be left without a catch.