There are many sneakers on the market.various brands. That is why most people find it difficult to make the right choice. How to choose the best running shoes and not make a mistake? You will learn about this by reading the article.
Before you start choosing sneakers, you need to decide what you need them for? For sports, jogging or daily wear?

If you need sneakers for everyday wear, then you can choose any of the models. It is better if they are with a supinated insole or instep support.
If you want to choose the best running shoes, then they must be:
1. Light.
2. Have a special sole shape. Its front end should go smoothly off the top.
3. The sole should have shock-absorbing properties.
Sneakers manufacturersrepresented in our market, differ in various systems of depreciation. The sole contains gel, foam in its various forms, a plastic wave or air. For example, Nike running shoes have an air sole.

Another subtlety is that the thinnerthe sole, the running of a person will be more in tune with his physiology. In sneakers with a thick sole, he has to run off the heel, and a healthy person must initially step on the toe. That is why for speed races choose marathons or half marathons. People with more weight should use half marathons to protect the ligaments and joints from injury.
When choosing a sneaker size, go for it.question very carefully. Shoes should fit you perfectly and have a stock in socks. Walk in your sneakers and crouch in them. The thumb should not rest against the sock. If you feel any discomfort - this shoe does not suit you. Know that the shoes do not spread over time and will not change their shape, and the feet tend to swell when running, so it is better to try on a model a size larger.

You should not spare money to get the best running shoes for running, because good shoes can not be cheap. Well, if you have not one pair, but several at once.