/ / When does pike begin autumn zhor in Siberia?

When does pike begin autumn zhor in Siberia?

Pike anglers are waiting impatiently for autumn todo your favorite hobby. After the summer, the predator is most active. He hunts for anything that is considered edible. Amphibians, waterfowl and mice are used as prey. When does pike begin autumn zhor? This is described in the article.

Fish description

when pike begins autumn zhor

Pike refers to the predators.The exact origin of the fish name is unknown. Pike has a long and lean body. In length, it can be up to 1.5 meters and weigh up to 35 kg. But usually fish is caught up to a meter and weighing up to 8 kg. It is believed that females are larger than males. In appearance, pike is difficult to confuse with any other fish.

It lives in many reservoirs of Russia.Catching on it should be arranged at the right time, so that there is a big catch. It is believed that a suitable period is the time of active zhora, which happens in the fall. You also need to choose the right gear, because the success of the catch also depends on it.

What is zhor?

Zhorom is considered increased food activity.fish. Predator requires the accumulation of forces (before the winter period). This is necessary for living in adverse conditions with a minimum of losses. In winter, the body has limited resources, they must be spent correctly.

when does zhor begin in pike in autumn

Intensive nutrition before cold quicklyrestores energy and helps to enter the cold period without harm. Thanks to the prewinter pike zhora, its survival is ensured. Many believe that a predator can rush at anything, but it is not. It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for fishing - stock up with baits, adjust tackle. It is also important to know when the zoo usually begins in pike.

Fishing features

In the middle of Russia in late September, waterit becomes cold, and with it increases the activity of the predator. This is not zhor, but already at this time you can catch large fish. The lower the water temperature, the better the bite. It is better to go fishing at +15 aboutFrom and below, and the weather should be cloudy.

By the resistance of the fish, it is clear that the predator is moremore relaxed than the August one, as she desperately resists, enters the candles. "Laces" are rare, especially if fishing does not occur in shallow water. When zhora pike reveals the presence of bursts. She may be chasing prey, but still careful. The register of baits in this period applies energetic.

If the catch is on wobblers, at the first castit is necessary to take a uniform reconnaissance wiring. Then for a small amount of time it will turn out to catch profitable places. If the fish is in the sector, then it will definitely be noticeable.

Zhora period

When does pike begin autumn zhor?Accurately answer this question is difficult. Each year is a different time. It depends on the timing, water temperature, time of extinction of aquatic vegetation, abundance of rain, transparency of the reservoir.

when does autumn zhor begin in pike in autumn

The first cooling leads to the fact thataquatic vegetation subsidence is observed. This usually happens at the end of October - in November. To determine when the pike begins autumn zhor, perch will help. If he is going to the boilers, then you should get spinning for the pike. No need to rely on reports from fishermen. Moreover, the fish can feed in different layers of water. It is necessary to change the fishing horizon, distance from the coastal part. These parameters are different daily.

If pike does not pick up from the bottom, should be raisedbait in half a year. While the algae are still not lying on the ground, surface baits should be used with some depths. The ambush fish will abandon it and attack the bait at the top of the water. If the water is cold, you need to use large bait. Wobblers, shakes, silicones are suitable for autumn. Pinwheels are more suitable for summer.

В осенний период не надо спешить к утренней заре.The fish goes out to dinner, performing several outings throughout the day. Since the water is cold, the dim sun does warm up slightly. Predator can be anywhere in the reservoir, so it should be caught everywhere. Perfectly fit places - long brows near the shore, exits from the pits.

Fishing in the fall

Compared with pre spawning and post spawningZhor autumn autumn is considered stable. If a break occurs in the first situation, during which the pike weakens, it is therefore inactive. And in the fall, only the weather affects appetite.

when the autumn zhor begins in the fall to spinning

When does zhor begin in pike in the fall? This period may be from the end of October. Some seasons have a pronounced zhor, and sometimes it is invisible for those who go fishing only on weekends.

At this time, pike can be collected on 2-5 individuals.at one place. This means that you do not need to change the location after catching one fish. It is necessary to make several casts for verification. It is necessary to know not only when the autumn zhor begins in pike, but also the timing of its completion. This period usually ends with the first ice. When does pike begin autumn zhor in Siberia? Estimated time - the end of October, November.

Fishing for spinning and live bait

Late autumn should be caught on live bait.When the water becomes cold, and the fish will save power and will not chase the baits, when spinningists catch jig heads with silicone baits, such fishing will be with good results. With a fast posting speed, by the end of the fall passive bait should be used.

when pike begins autumn zhor in Siberia

You can fish on spinning.When does the autumn zhor in pike begin? This usually accounts for the first half of October. That's when you need to catch her when she reacts to quick baits. At this time, all the places for fishing available. As a rule, spinning is used on a small stretch of shore. You should not leave him, seek solitude. Usually pike is caught there for more than one season.

Conditions affect what gear you need to prepare:

  1. With the arrival of autumn is better to use spinningmedium-fast pitch, which have a test of 5-25 g. Thanks to this, you can use heavy spinners and light wobblers. Rods 210-240 cm long should be used when fishing from a boat.
  2. From the middle of autumn, jinge spinning with a test of 10 g will do. If casting is long-range, then the rod should be 270 cm.

An important role is the color of the bait.An important rule is that it should be noticeable. For muddy water is better to take bright wobblers. The color of the spoon should be silver or gold. On a sunny day, copper oscillations are noticeable.

Nuances of fishing

You need to know not only when it startsAutumn zhor at the pike in the autumn, but also the nuances of fishing. This will allow you to get a rich catch. In different reservoirs zhor time is different. The reason for this is the unequal cooling of water. When does pike begin autumn zhor in small lakes? This period may be at the end of October. The fish that serves as food for the pike changes its behavior depending on the weather and the temperature of the water, which determines the activity of the predator.

when pike begins autumn zhor in small lakes

Spinning player must choose the place and time of fishing. It is difficult to determine in practice when the zoo begins in pike in the fall. But still there are some landmarks:

  1. If the summer is long, zhor will be by November.
  2. If the weather is stable during the week, then it’s best to start fishing early in the morning. Pike will be active throughout the day.
  3. In bad weather, the fish do not have a big appetite, since at this time it is sleeping.
  4. When water has +6 aboutFrom degrees, pike lives in the depths, but still eats. During this period, silicone baits with jig heads are used for fishing.
  5. While the grass does not lie on the bottom, it is better to carry out lure fishing around the edge of the vegetation of water, reeds.

How to catch a big pike?

Pikes weighing 3 kg should be sought at depth.Bottom fish bite at the bottom of the bait. Large pike resists survival; it does not want to rise from the depths. Therefore, it will be difficult to catch it. But do not strongly pull, otherwise the fish will jump off the hook.

when usually pike begins autumn zhor

During the opening of the mouth of the pike, when shespits out the nozzle, you need to loosen the line. The fish will go deep - let it do it, it is important that there are no snags. Trophy pikes usually inhabit large rivers and lakes. To catch a big fish, you need a great depth, a snag, a river bed. Fishing is necessary on the boat, taking the echo sounder.

Thus, pike fishing has its own characteristics. During her active zhora will be a rich catch. Simple fishing rules help choose the time and place for the best bite.