Every man would like to have big pumped uparms. Of all the muscle groups, the hands occupy the leading position. They are almost always open, they can be demonstrated to the fair sex or rival. Often, newcomers in the gym prioritize exactly biceps. Experienced athletes also pay a lot of attention to this muscle.
What to do if a busy schedule is notallows you to go to the gym? Lack of time and energy can make it impossible to become the owner of a strong biceps and triceps. Trite, the hall just may not have money or desire. How to pump up your hands at home and is it possible?
The fundamental principles of any training
What do you need to grow muscles? The body will respond to the load and change its shape only when performing a number of factors:
- The progression of loads.In order not to catch stagnation in training, it is necessary to constantly increase the working weight or weight the exercise. This is the basis of any power sport. If the increase in the number of repetitions strengthens the structure and endurance, then for the growth of the mass you need to lift more and more weight.
- Proper nutrition.To build muscle, you need a building material. For an athlete, it is squirrel. The diet should be enriched with protein foods, also do not forget about carbohydrates, fats and fiber.
- Recovery.As you know, the musculature is not growing at the trainings themselves. Loads only give an impetus to growth, therefore, to pump up your arms, you need to sleep for at least 7 hours. The indicator is individual, but, as a rule, you rarely meet a person who gets enough sleep in less than 7 hours.
The body does not care where the training is held.You can do it at home, in the hall, on the street. How to pump up your hands at home? The answer is simple - you must comply with all of the above requirements. The only drawback with homework is the lack of basic exercises. But it’s quite affordable to squeeze 80% from its potential, which will be a very good indicator. The reward will be strong hands.
What is for muscle growth
To pump up your hands at home, in addition to training,need to build power properly. You need to consume 2 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of fat. All proportions are per kilogram of body weight. For example, an athlete weighing 80 kg must consume 160 g of protein.
Кирпичами для фундамента сильных мышц служат protein products. The most popular source is chicken breast fillet. Contains high-quality, easily digestible protein, without extra fat and carbohydrates. The rest of the chicken is not worse, except for the additional fat content. Also a good addition to the menu will be any lean fish, eggs, dairy products (especially cottage cheese) and meat (beef, lamb).
Carbohydrates provide the body with the necessary energy.Moreover, without them, it is impossible to quickly break down the protein into amino acids. Carbohydrates must be consumed with a low glycemic index, in other words, slow carbohydrates. The source will be cereals such as buckwheat, rice, hard pasta and oatmeal. Fast carbohydrates will be useful in the morning or before training as a quick energy boost.
Fats are also important for an athlete.A lack of fat leads to poor functioning of the hormonal system. In order for the balance of nutrients in the body to be complete, you need to enrich the daily menu with a serving of nuts, red fish or eggs. Eggs, in addition to the most valuable protein, contain essential fats. Only 3-4 eggs will cover the daily allowance.
Для хорошего переваривания необходимо потреблять fiber. And there are no restrictions. Fiber can be obtained from fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Prunes and dried apricots will also be useful. How to quickly pump up your hands? There is quality food.
What equipment is needed for home training
The main tool for home training will bedumbbells. With their help, you can perform many exercises, load the biceps, triceps, middle, front and back bundle of deltoid muscles, back and chest.
It will be useful to install a horizontal bar at home. This will add some basic exercise. In addition to the back, you can pump up your arms on the horizontal bar. Even with a normal grip, the biceps and forearm work fine.
If it is not possible to purchase dumbbells, you can do without them at the initial stages by including various push-ups in the training process.
How to pump up your hands with dumbbells
Exercises with dumbbells are divided into movements for working out the main muscles of the hands:
- biceps muscle (biceps);
- triceps muscle (triceps);
- deltoid muscles (shoulders).
Each muscle group should be trained once a week.It is permissible to strain one muscle group 2 times only if one of the workouts is light. It is worth remembering that excessive loading will not make muscle growth rapid, and even vice versa. How to quickly pump up your hands? Give them quality rest.
Biceps Exercises
It must be taken into account in order to pump up the muscles of the hands like thick logs, and not thin branches, it is very important to observe the progression in the scales. Stick to 6-8 reps in 4 sets.
Biceps flexion while standing.Starting position - standing, palms with dumbbells deployed to the body. Deep breath. On exhalation, one arm bends, smoothly turning the brush. The highest point is the forearm at an angle of 45 ° from the shoulder. No need to try to finish the hand. Delay for 2 seconds with maximum voltage and smooth lowering of the projectile, in parallel with inhalation. Next comes the other hand.
All movement occurs smoothly, without jerking. No need to try to throw your hand back or swing, pushing the dumbbell inertia.
"Hammer". If the previous exercise gives a concentrated load on the inner bundle of the biceps, this will allow you to hit the outside, allowing you to volume up your arms.
Starting position - as in the previous version. Bending at the elbow occurs up to an angle of 90 °, with a delay at the top point for 1 second.
No need to try to throw your hand over your whole body,helping with your back or with inertia. In recent repetitions, a little cheating is permissible. But no need to chase the scales. Biceps is a small muscle group. The underlying principle is technical performance.
Triceps Exercises
If a person wondered how to pumphands with dumbbells, it is necessary to understand that training is not limited to one biceps. The triceps muscle occupies the vast majority of the arm. A pumped triceps will add visual volume to your hands.
"Antenna".Starting position - working arm with dumbbell raised up. The elbow is turned sideways. The arm bends at the elbow in the direction behind the head, just below the angle of 90 °. The projectile is delayed at the extreme point for 1 second, while exhaling, the arm straightens.
The number of approaches is 4, with repetitions of 6-8 times. If the force allows you to make more bends, the weight of the dumbbell should be increased.
Extension of the arms in an inclination.Starting position - the body is parallel to the floor. The working hand holds a dumbbell. The forearm is perpendicular to the floor, the humerus is pressed against the body. The free hand rests on a stool or bench. On exhalation, the arm straightens, creating a parallel with the floor. After a delay of 1 second at the top, the hand gently lowers.
Deflection in the lower back is not permissible. The knees need to be slightly bent for greater convenience. In order for a man to pump up his hands like a Hulk, special attention should be paid to triceps.
Exercises for working out the deltoid muscles
Big trained hands are impossible to imaginewithout round shoulders. The owner of the spherical deltas inspires the impression of a strong person. In addition, the developed shoulders will add "width" to the body as a whole. The next two exercises involve all the bundles of deltas. This will help to build muscle in the hands of a serious athlete due to the full study of the shoulder.
Dumbbell Bench Press.This movement gives an accentuated load on the anterior and middle bundle of deltoid muscles. Starting position - sitting on a chair, preferably with a back. The loin is bent. Hands with dumbbells extended up. On inhalation, the hands drop down just below the ears. On exhalation, an upward movement occurs.
Hands should be slightly wider than shoulders. The bent arm creates an angle of slightly less than 90 °.
Dumbbell Deadlift. Arms extended down. On exhalation, the arm bends at the elbow until the humerus forms a parallel with the floor. The forearm hangs freely. Traction is carried out by the rear beam of deltas.
How to build arms without dumbbells
If the funds do not allow you to purchase sports equipment, then push-ups will become the only way to load your hands. They use the muscles of the triceps, shoulders and chest.
Единственный минус - к такому роду нагрузки the body gets used very quickly. After a week of exercise, the body is almost not stressed. All work is done on endurance. Therefore, it is extremely important to use weighting. You can pump up your hands with push-ups only by constantly adding weight.
It is enough to find a backpack and type sand in it.And add it a little every week. The principle is the same as in the previous exercises. It is necessary to do 8-10 repetitions, if the force allows you to do more, then you need to weight the backpack.
Is it possible to train my hands at home
Сделать это вполне возможно, соблюдая все requirements specified in the article. It is important to remember that the basis of the result is the regularity of classes and quality recovery. Only by fulfilling these conditions can a relatively quick result be obtained. You should not hope for an effect in a week, but after a few months the result will be noticeable.