/ / How to lay a tent figure eight by yourself

How to fold the tent yourself

Неопытные в плане туристических путешествий люди They do not know how to set up the tent correctly. Quite often they have a question about how to fold a tent with a figure eight. Both folding and decomposing it are very difficult, and should be done qualitatively. In this case, it should be understood that it is necessary to perform actions so that the whole structure fits into one or another bag. This process is the best option for solving the above problem. How to fold the tent with the figure eight, we will describe further as much as possible.

how to lay a tent figure eight

Winter tent

As a rule, tents that are provided forfor the winter period, they have both external and internal frame. They also include locks and a lot of velcro. Such designs are quite different from standard types. Consider how to fold the winter tent eight. In order to carry out the packing of this "dwelling", absolutely all locks, as well as velcro, should be closed. Next, one of the 4 corners must be pressed inward. You should have a book form. Next you have to put up a tent so that one corner is turned towards you. The ribs, which are located below, must be firmly pressed to the floor, and the upper ones must be tilted first forward and then down. Then you can safely pack the tent in the bag.

how to fold a winter tent figure eight

Analysis of the internal frame

As we have stated earlier, the frame, which is hidden under the tent, must be disassembled by a special method:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove all pegs along the entire perimeter of this construction.
  • Next, the awning is removed and the necessary arcs are pulled out. The latter need to be folded separately.
  • After that, on the ground, two layers are put together so that the seam passes along the seam of another layer. Then it all needs to be rolled up. You can simply put the layers on each other and twist them.

In the event that you put everything according to the instructions, but the tent does not fit in the bag, it means that it was installed incorrectly.

The tent in which the frame is located outside is assembled in almost identical way:

  • First you need to pull out all the pegs.
  • Remove present awning.
  • Remove all arcs and fold them separately.
  • Collapse the design on the previous principle.

The question of how to fold an eight-figure fishing tent is also quite common.

First of all, you need to remove all things fromit and lay down the structure flat. Choose one of the sides and give it a vertical position. This side must be twisted to 180 degrees. In this process, you get a certain ring, which you have to bend all the time down to the ground. Above you will have a ring from the very beginning. After completing this procedure, you should fold the rings together. Then you can safely put a tent in your case.

How to build a children's tent

How to fold the eight tent for adults, wefigured out, but with the nursery still need to decide some of the nuances. Such designs are going even faster than adults. Let us analyze how to fold a children's tent eight. You will need no more than two minutes to do this. But sometimes to fold it compactly is also difficult. For everything to work out well, you must follow the instructions:

  • Take two opposite edges.
  • The edge of the right arm connects with the opposite edge.
  • The plane that we get, you need to take the lower third part.
  • Then we get one hand under the other - we will have the "eight".
  • The circles of the eight put on each other to form two rings.
  • And these rings fit perfectly in a standard case.

how to fold a children's tent figure eight

How to build a Chinese tent

How to fold the Chinese tent eight?Quite an interesting question. Such tents are the most common due to the fact that they are easy to fold, as well as easy to use. But the information on how to properly collect them is not available to everyone. Therefore, we present you the correct instructions for collecting tents made in China. First of all, the difficulties are at the very beginning of the process. People just do not know how to start it. It is necessary to fold the side bands. This type of assembly is easiest to do together, but if there is no one else around, you can hold the other side with your foot. In conclusion, you need to twist the oval in a rather compact circle.

how to fold a chinese tent figure eight

How to build a tent-machine

Undoubtedly, the automatic type tent hasa number of advantages over the standard version. The design of this tent includes a steel base, which is covered with polyester. It is very easy to assemble it, and most importantly - quickly.

When collecting tents, follow the instructions:

  • Give the construction a flat shape.
  • Gently pull one end of the tent toward you, and then press it to the other edge of the plane.
  • The arcs of the tent will take the shape of a figure eight, then you screw it up to the shape of a circle and put it in a bag.

Thus, we considered all the nuances of folding a tent by the figure eight, which would be a good help in the implementation of this process.