/ / Formation and development of female bodybuilders

Formation and development of female bodybuilders

Бодибилдинг – вид спорта, который привлекает great attention not only to men, but also to women. His attractiveness is due primarily to the fact that this sport allows you to "build" your body yourself.

The emergence of bodybuilding

Множество титулованных атлетов и спортсменов Of this discipline, the founder of bodybuilding is Eugenia Sandova, who drew attention to her developed body at the end of the 19th century. For that time, his form was extremely outstanding. His muscle size and strength amazed the imagination of the people of that time.

Eugene Sandov

He did not hesitate to show his muscles, and in some cases he, hiding behind a sheet or a loincloth, posed in the streets, causing surprise among the locals.

Female bodybuilders of the last century

For a long time the sports associated with the upliftweighed, were revered only by men, and strong women of the nineteenth century mainly performed only in the circus. For the end of the 19th century, a woman with impressive muscles had no prospects of becoming revered in society. These women bodybuilders were treated like clowns, who are only able to entertain the public.

Despite all the difficulties, it was these women that became the reason why women's sports began to be considered.

Growing popularity of bodybuilding

After a long timebodybuilding became more popular. This sport began to be used for the training of servicemen, athletes of other directions and ordinary people. The golden age of bodybuilding is still considered the period after 1939, when the bodybuilding competition was held for the first time, and reached its peak of popularity in the seventies of the 20th century.

Below are photos of female bodybuilders from the early 20th century.

In this photo, Katie Brumbach, popular in those years, is imprinted.

The woman Hercules

Here is represented Lavery Vali, who has the pseudonym Charmion.

Cathy Brumbach

And this photo shows Luis Crocker, who acted under the pseudonym Luisita Lirs.

Luisita Leers

Even at that time, female bodybuilders remained in theshadow of male athletes, but in 1965 for the first time the "Miss Universe" contest was held, which allowed women to take root in this discipline even better. Despite all the importance of this phenomenon, the competition was more accented on the external appeal of women, and the golden era of female bodybuilding was still ahead.

Equal rights in bodybuilding

1978 marked an important event:bodybuilding standards were applied to women. Now they were judged on the quality of muscle development and the ability to pose, and not only in terms of attractiveness.

In just two years, women were included in the list of participants capable of receiving the title “Miss Olympia”, which is a complete analog of the male nomination “Mr. Olympia”.

After this event, many women engaged inthis sport, there was a desire to win the most important title. Competition began to grow, the prize fund increased, and advertisers learned how to make money on athletes, offering them to advertise their products.

Очень быстрое развитие индустрии в данном русле attracted many women who began to look for ways to improve their workout and physique. The result was almost a craze for steroids.

Steroids contributed to faster development.muscle recovery took much less time, and athletic performance improved much faster. All this led to the fact that from the discipline, which was supposed to contribute to improving health, this sport often led to irreversible and negative changes in the female body.

Below are photos of female bodybuilders from the late 20th century.

Here is a woman performing in bodybuilding competitions.

Muscular woman

This photo captures athlete Natalya Kuznetsova.

Natalia Kuznetsova

And here is a photo of an athlete outside the competition.

Female bodybuilder

Несложно заметить, что, в отличие от спортсменок, which only laid the foundations of this sport, there is noticeably coarsening of appearance, there is a clear masculinity. The female body is now much more like a male. To people who see such photos for the first time, it may even seem that the women's faces were combined with the male body in the photo editor.

But actually such a physique isthe result of taking large doses of steroid drugs, diets and intense workouts. Muscle mass is growing, body fat is reduced and is in some cases only 5%. The result of this regime almost always becomes amenorrhea, that is, the absence of menstruation. The body physically changes in order to perform hard work.

Bodybuilding in our country

В России женщина-бодибилдер воспринимается с vigilance, as this sport is not widely spread among the masses. Such areas as bodyfitness, fitness bikini, female physicist, etc., are much better settled. These sports allow you to develop a beautiful and proportional musculature without a set of excess muscle.

Russian women bodybuilders, like Western,use steroid drugs, Clenbuterol and growth hormone to achieve the desired results, so their appearance also shows signs of obvious masculinization. At the same time, most sportswomen deny the use of any kind of doping in order for society to perceive them better.