/ / When is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening?

When is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening?

Running - the most accessible and healthykind of sport. In order to begin to engage in them, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge. In addition, a big advantage is that any park or stadium can become a training place.

If you want to get the runs you wantresults, namely, a toned body and getting rid of extra pounds, you must comply with a special training regime suitable for you. But when is it better to run, in the morning or in the evening? Let's try to figure it out.

Неоднократно было доказано, что бег полезен всем, regardless of age and fitness. Regular workouts guarantee you strengthen the immune system, improve the functional abilities of the heart and lungs, the overall recovery of the body. Running also has a positive effect on our endocrine system and metabolism. Also, scientists have concluded that people who regularly play sports do not suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases. Of course, you should not bother with loads, especially if there are medical contraindications, but you should not lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Running: in the morning or in the evening?

Turning to our main question, it is impossible notnote the fact that for each person the training time must be chosen individually, in accordance with his habits and daily routine. If for some classes at 6 am are a great stress for the body, for others it is the best time for physical activity. So when is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening? As experts say, most people prefer evening jogging after a working day, but morning training gives an irreplaceable charge of cheerfulness and energy for the whole day, which is a good thing. The downside of morning sports is that a sleepy body is sometimes not ready for such early loads, and this can adversely affect the nervous system.

As they say fitness trainers on whenit is better to run, in the morning or in the evening, the period from 11 to 12 o'clock in the afternoon and from 4 to 6 in the evening is considered ideal; it is at this time that our body is at the peak of physical activity. Unfortunately, due to the busy schedule, not all people can afford to go to the gym at the height of the working day, but if you still have time, use it for the benefit of your health.

How often do you need to run?

Also, what time is best to train,Many are interested in how often it is necessary to do this. An ideal option for all those who want to get results from jogging in the shortest possible time, are daily workouts. After a few sessions the body will get used to the loads and will perceive the run as the norm of life. If you can not afford everyday exercises, run at least 3 times a week.

Duration of employment should gradually increase.If your first workouts will last no more than 20 minutes, then the next ones can reach an hour and a half. The most effective is the hourly load, during which not only muscles are swayed, but also calories are intensively burned.

Contraindications to run

In no case should not go for a run inIf you are seriously ill (sore throat, bronchitis, etc.), colds are not an obstacle to non-intensive training. The main thing - follow all the tips and breathe properly so that your health does not become worse. If you are worried about other diseases, it is better to see a doctor and refrain from sports, so as not to harm your body.

Listen carefully to your body, itIt will tell you exactly not only when it is better to run, in the morning or in the evening, but also how long and fast your run will be. Seeking to get high results, do not forget about your health and pleasure. Believe me, sport can bring not only benefits, but also joy!