/ / Svetlana Tsarukayeva: sporting achievements and biography

Svetlana Tsarukaeva: sport achievements and biography

Tsarukaeva Svetlana - one of the most famousRussian weightlifters. Winner of many international awards. Regular participant and winner of many tournaments and competitions. The article tells the story of her sporting success.

early years

The future champion was born in the winter of 1987. The girl was no different from her peers, but her hobbies were not the same as everyone. Girl начала увлекаться тяжелой атлетикой.Svetlana Tsarukaeva was worried that her parents and relatives would not understand her activities, and decided that she would not say anything to anyone. As you know, all the secret becomes clear. Parents learned that the girl is engaged in a similar sport, and did not hinder her. The athlete was surprised by this turn of events.

Помимо всего прочего, Света считалась одной из most promising athletes at their age. Already in 2002, she won the first gold award, although she was only fifteen. The following year, she again won gold at the championship of Russia. It is worth noting that these were competitions of youth and youth levels.

Adult career

svetlana tsarukaeva

In 2006 Tsarukaeva Svetlana makes her debut onadult competitions. At that time she was only nineteen years old, but she managed to win silver at the 2006 World Championships. Despite the fact that no one saw her as a contender for a medal, the Russian woman managed to prove to everyone the opposite. Very surprised everyone Svetlana Tsarukaeva. Photos and videos from the competition show all the passions and the joy of sportswomen.

A year later, the girl again wins silvermedal at the world championships. In the same year she won the gold of the adult championship of Russia. Svetlana is only twenty years old at the time, and she is among the most promising athletes in the country.

In 2008, she will receive a gold medal at the Russian Championship.

In the following years, the athlete will win several awards at the World and European Championships, but will not win a single gold medal.

2011 will be very important in the career of a young weightlifter.

Golden year

Tsarukaeva Svetlana

In 2011, Svetlana Tsarukaeva sent toWorld Cup, which takes place in the French capital. The bookmakers were confident that the Russian woman would fight for the podium, but the chances that she would win gold were few.

Despite everything, Tsarukayeva managed not onlyto win gold, but also set a world record in the snatch. She resigned weight in 117 kilograms. In addition to success in an international tournament, she won the main prize at the Russian Championship. The tournament was held in Penza. Well, it is worth noting the silver of the European Forum.

Olympic Games

svetlana tsarukayeva biography

At her first Olympics girlwent back in 2008 to Beijing. Competitions were failed, because the Russian woman was not able to even finish the exercise and immediately was among those who left the tournament.

Failure blamed on youth and excessive excitement. Anyway, she did not give up, but continued to prepare for other competitions.

Four years later, Tsarukayeva easily passesqualifying and winning a ticket to the Olympics in London. By that time, she is already considered one of the favorites of the summer games, because a year ago she won the World Cup and set a world record there.

From the girl everyone was waiting for gold, but she failedmeet the expectations. As a result, won the silver. At home, the performance was rated as successful. However, the girl still believes that she could and should have shown a much better result at those competitions.

Svetlana Tsarukaeva: personal life

svetlana tsarukayeva photo

Athlete's personal life is not as rich as a sports career. The girl herself connects this with the fact that she is completely focused on sports.

Despite weightlifting, the girl is a big fan of literature. In many interviews, she stated that she loved to read Balmont’s poems.

Like all ladies, she loves flowers and cooking. Svetlana has repeatedly said that she loves baking cakes and treating her loved ones with them.

The warmest girl speaks about her mother. The athlete in all interviews declares that she is the main, most important person in her life. Mom - the man who always supported the weightlifter.

The girl is not married. It is worth noting that a professional career is moving towards an end, which means that soon Svetlana may find the person with whom she will connect her life.

State level awards

svetlana tsarukaeva personal life

Considering that during her career Svetlana Tsarukaeva won many awards, the government of the Russian Federation could not fail to notice.

After returning from the Olympics in London, the athlete was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland medal.

It can also be noted that she is a master of sports in weightlifting.

Personality summary

In fact, an amazing athlete Svetlana Tsarukaeva. The biography of the girl is filled with many different events, among which there are important victories and offensive defeats.

In spite of everything, she will forever go down in the history of Russian weightlifting as one of the most successful athletes.

Quite a rare case when the outwardly fragile girl is able to reach such heights. The athlete herself associates such successes with the fighting character warehouse.

She is one of the few Russian athletes who were recognized as the best by the World Weightlifting magazine. This event is dated 2011.

Svetlana Tsarukaeva is undoubtedly one of the best weightlifters in the history of post-Soviet Russia.