/ / Children Beckham - the pride of a famous football player

Children Beckham - the pride of a famous football player

Although David Beckham has reached unprecedentedHeights in sports and has become an icon of style for millions of people, he has another important reason for pride - his sons and daughter. Everyone knows that this footballer has been happily married for many years to the former lead singer of the once popular English group Spice Girls and the successful fashion designer Victoria. And now this famous couple is constantly pleased with wonderful children. Beckham, who ended his sports career, is now increasingly possible to meet at social events, to which he often comes not only with his wife, but also with older children. Since childhood, they have become accustomed to the close attention of the paparazzi and their father’s admirers. David Beckham and his children each time confirm that their family is very friendly, successful and happy.

David Beckham and his children

How many children have Beckham

Many admirers of talent David and Victoriathey wonder how many children have beckhams. This wonderful couple is the happy parents of four children: three boys and a girl. They are all very similar to their parents. Despite their young age, kids since childhood love football and other sports games. They not only attended the whole family matches in which their father participated, but they themselves often play with him in their free time. They also clearly show interest in the fashion industry. Each child has its own style of clothing. The little daughter of Beckham, from infancy, flaunts in the best and most fashionable outfits, so many predict her participation in the design activities of her mother. Beckham's children are actively involved in the lives of their parents. They can often be found at various events where David and Victoria take part. The children of Beckham do not interfere with their parents to make a career and only strengthen the family even more. In the press and on the Internet, photographs are increasingly being seen in which Victoria and David and their offsprings are having fun while walking. At the same time, parents do not forget to pay attention to all children, without depriving anyone of their love. What are the names of the children of Beckham and when were they born?

how many children have beckham

Brooklyn beckham

Thirty-nine footballer first became fatherin 1999, Victoria gave her beloved man a beautiful boy. He was born on March 4th. The parents gave the boy the name Brooklyn Joseph. Beckhams called their son after the eponymous district of New York, where he was conceived. Almost everyone who has come across Brooklyn, says that he is a copy of his father. David Beckham has high hopes for his eldest son. That is why he strongly encourages the practice of Brooklyn football. The guy plays for the youth team, the captain of which he is. Brooklyn Joseph not only chose a career as a footballer, but in many ways copied the manner of behavior and style of his illustrious father.

Romeo Beckham

The next in the Beckham family was born Romeo James.He was born on September 1, 2002. The baby was named after the hero of Shakespeare's most famous work, Romeo and Juliet. Unlike his older brother, the guy is a real sissy. He prefers toys and cartoons to football. He also became seriously interested in fashion, which allowed him to become one of the most stylish representatives of Britain.

Beckham's Children

His appearance is very important to him.He always carefully selects the best combination of hair, clothes and shoes. The size of his wardrobe exceeds the furniture of many recognized fashionistas. Unfortunately, Romeo has poor health. This unfortunate fact of the Beckham couple tries to carefully hide. The godfather of Brooklyn and Romeo is the world famous English singer and composer Elton John.

Cruise david beckham

The youngest son of David and Victoria appeared onLight February 20, 2005 He was named after the good friend of the Beckham family - Tom Cruise. He is interested in dancing. Already in 2 years, he began to break dance. To date, Cruise's dreams are associated with acting and ballet.

what are the names of the children of Beckham

The birth of the third son, many believea blessing for the Beckhams, since in 2005 the couple had serious family problems with rumors of David’s many betrayals. The birth of a child finally reconciled the parents.

Beckham's children

Harper beckham

After the sons of David and Victoria are a bitgrown up, parents are thinking about the birth of another child. To the great joy of their parents, on July 10, 2011, they had a lovely girl who was given the name Harper Seven. Beckham's older children happily accepted their little sister and take great care of her. Boys, like their father, do not care for their souls in a pretty baby, so they do not consider it shameful to nurse her in the absence of her mother.

Today, baby Harper is recognized as oneof the most stylish girls in Hollywood. Parents buy her the most expensive toys and outfits. David Beckham and his children cherish Victoria and Harper, because only real men are brought up in this family who love and cherish their ladies. Despite the fact that the couple already have four talented children, David and Victoria do not deny their desire to once again become parents.