/ / Statuses about pride: phrases for social networks

Statuses about pride: phrases for social networks

Pride as one of the manifestations of humancharacter is perceived in two ways. On the one hand, it is something that enables you to follow your principles and appreciate your "I". On the other hand, what often prevents you from forgiving and building relationships with people. To understand this concept will help the status of pride, proposed in the article.

Best statuses about pride

  • "We are proud only of those to whom we are indifferent."
  • "Pride is inherent in all people, only in varying degrees and the place of its application."
  • "Pride is the unconscious or conscious elevation of oneself over others."
  • "Pride is a sister of honor."
  • "Pride is like a pivot that keeps the neck straight and does not let your head bend."
  • "Excessive pride prevents you from being happy."
  • "I wish I could forgive as much as appreciate my dignity."
  • "On the path to happiness, do not stumble about pride."
  • "Pride and strength, and weakness at the same time."
  • "They all have different feelings of vanity: weak in spirit, it makes you talk all the time about yourself, strong - to be more silent."

statuses about pride

Statuses about pride in relationships

  • "It's better to let me be considered proud, than I will beg for love and feed on handouts from attention."
  • "He preferred vanity to love, and so he lived - with a silent phone, but pleased with himself."
  • "I would have such a voice to outshout your arrogance."
  • "My self-esteem exists only for those whom I do not like, for the sake of my loved ones I will refuse."
  • "How delicate is the line between pride and excellence, the former values ​​himself, like others, the second does not know anyone but himself."
  • "No arrogance exists near the feet of the beloved, mother and child."
  • "The woman's dignity and passion hardly get along together."
  • "Being proud sometimes means not wanting to be obliged to someone by your happiness."

The status of pride, as can be seen, refers tonot only an individual. Such a trait has a significant influence on the construction of relations, after which it remains to answer to itself - to follow one's beliefs or to forgive?

statuses about pride in relationships

Statuses about pride and insult

Pride has a close connection with insult.A person with a sense of dignity, despite his belief in himself, is vulnerable to acts that undermine his self-confidence and humiliate. Statuses about pride and her frequent companion, resentment, further.

  • "It's easier to survive the insult than to heal your own self-esteem."
  • "Betrayal, pain and resentment are felt more strongly by a self-respecting person."
  • "Proud die of resentment while standing, not on their knees."
  • "If you are offended intentionally - stand on your own, do not give in to humiliation, if by accident - find strength for forgiveness."
  • "Sometimes, after the experiences of grievances, self-esteem is tempered."
  • "In the heat of resentment, one must distinguish - where ends up wounded self-esteem and where revenge begins".
  • "To be silent, being offended, is the cross of a proud man."
  • "Let go of resentment, forgive, but continue to appreciate yourself."
  • "We need to appreciate those who are less important to vanity than a relationship." To forgive an offense is easier than losing you. "

statuses about pride and insult

The status of pride in themselves can not be solvedthe question: to cherish this trait in yourself or to fight it? But to suggest what others think of it, they can exchange experience, which is already the way to more balanced decisions.