/ / Ksenia Borodina before and after weight loss: rational principles of nutrition

Ksenia Borodina before and after losing weight: rational principles of nutrition

Ksyusha Borodin before and after weight loss - two differentgirls A few years ago, she was a lady in the body. And now she has a slim and trim figure. Want to know how she managed to achieve such results? All information about the transformation of the presenter is contained in the article.

Borodin before and after weight loss

How did it all start?

Many fans of "House-2" remember how it lookedKsenia Borodina before and after losing weight. Previously, she had plump cheeks, a small tummy and rounded thighs. Now from all this is not a trace.

Before the birth of her daughter Marousi, the TV presenter weighed 60kg with height 165 cm. During pregnancy, Ksyusha recovered a little. This worried her greatly. Baby was born healthy. Borodina was not up to diets. However, in a few months she managed to get rid of extra pounds. But soon the weight returned with interest.

When the host returned to the site "House-2", sheI realized that participants and viewers see her as a plump lady. Plus 5-7 kg adds a screen. Borodin case decided to look at themselves. She turned on the issue and was horrified: the frame was a girl in the body, with a swollen face and a flabby belly. Then our heroine firmly decided that you need to bring yourself into shape. You have the opportunity to compare what Borodin was before and after losing weight. A photo of her transformation is presented below.

Borodin before and after weight loss photo

Protein diet

This power system is balanced.Therefore, you can sit on it for quite some time. How did Borodina feel before and after losing weight on a protein diet? She used to have weakness and slight shortness of breath. And after several weeks of a diet the TV presenter had lightness in the body. She became energetic and mobile.

Approximate menu


150 g of oatmeal pour boiling water. After 10 minutes, add low-fat kefir.


Eat 2 apples (preferably green). You can cut them into quarters.


Choose one of the options: boiled chicken breast, 2-3 eggs, steamed fish or lean meat on the grill.

Afternoon tea

Eat any fruit (200-300 g), except for bananas and grapes.


We eat boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad. Beverages allowed low-fat yogurt.

Slimming beard before and after weight loss

The diet can be changed at will. However, the following products should be discarded:

  • rice,
  • sugar and salt
  • potatoes, carrots and beets,
  • baking and everything made from flour,
  • alcoholic beverages
  • fats of plant and animal origin.

With strict adherence to a diet tangible resultguaranteed. For a month, you can get rid of 5-10 kg. What are the results on the protein diet received TV presenter? She threw 16 kg. This is 5 months. This power system allowed her to achieve the desired figure on the scales - 48 kg.

Cucumber diet

Such a hard way to lose weight Ksyushaapplies in extreme cases when you need to remove a few centimeters at the waist before an important event (performance, family holiday, fashion show or photo session).

Sample menu for the day

For breakfast, eat 2 cucumber with a slice of rye bread.

We make salad for lunch.It should consist only of chopped greens and sliced ​​cucumbers. Sprinkle the salad with a few drops of vegetable oil. Additionally, you can eat boiled chicken breast (150-200 g) or soup of fresh vegetables.

Dinner will be modest. We eat one cucumber. Do not drink anything. The next day you can make a salad using greens and cucumbers.


  • Diet should last no more than 3 days. During this time, it takes 1-3 kg of weight and up to three cm in the waist.
  • Enemas are used to enhance the effect.
  • You should drink at least 1.5 fluids per day.
  • Be sure to take vitamins.
    Weight beard before and after weight loss

Not a day without sports

Most women think that for weight lossone diet is enough. But it is not. A striking example is Ksyusha Borodina. Before and after losing weight, she had different eating habits. She reduced portions and calories. Weight decreased. But without sport, this was not done. Several times a week, our heroine visited a swimming pool, a yoga studio and a gym. And she made morning jogs and made an appointment with a massage therapist.

The program "Lose Weight in a Week"

Recently, Internet scammers oftenuse the name of the presenter "House-2" for their own selfish purposes. Surely many of you have met advertising banners, in which in capital letters it says “Slimming with a Borodina”. Before and after losing weight - such photos are also attached. People believe in all this and order on the Internet what they are offered.

Our heroine is already tired of repeating:it is not related to wonder drinks, patches and pills. The only thing that advertised Ksyusha is a special program “Lose Weight in a Week.” Her star "House-2" has tested on itself. This program includes ready-made breakfasts, lunches and dinners. In one pack - weekly supply of food. Everything is very convenient, especially for those who have no time to stand at the stove.

Ksenia Borodina before and after weight loss

What about the results?Weight beard before and after weight loss on this program has changed. It decreased by 2 kg. The secret is simple: fractional meals, small portions and low calorie. However, this method is not suitable for people who are overweight. The program "Lose Weight in a Week" is usually used to consolidate the results of diets. So keep this in mind.

Slimming Xenia Borodina after the second birth

In December 2015, the TV presenter again became a mother.She had a charming daughter, Theon. Ksyusha spent a short time on maternity leave. Already in January 2016, she appeared on the set of "House-2". Our heroine struck the participants and the audience with her taut figure. Borodin considers his ideal weight to be 48 kg. so she was up to the second birth. From this mark it separates very little. Now the weight of the girl is a little more than 50 kg.

Ksenia did not hide the fact that she put a loteffort to return to its former form. First, she did not overeat during pregnancy. This allowed her to gain weight in the normal range (not more than 12 kg per month). Secondly, the girl tried not to sit in one place.

Tips for losing weight from the famous TV presenter:

  • Intense physical activity in the first 3 months after birth is unacceptable. You can do light exercises (swinging arms and legs, bending the body and so on).
  • Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air (1-1.5 hours a day). This is useful for both mother and child.
  • Meals should be balanced.Include in the menu lean fish, steamed vegetables, chicken breast. As for the fruit, then you should be careful. Exotic fruits can cause baby allergies. After all, the substances contained in them with milk enter the body of a child.
  • Equally important in the fight against overweight is drinking mode. Daily intake of water - 1.5 liters. Additionally, you can drink a couple of cups of tea.


Now you know what Borodin looked like beforeafter losing weight. The article describes ways to reduce weight, which she tried on herself. It is worth considering that they are not suitable for everyone. People with hormonal disorders or any disease are best to seek advice from a nutritionist.