/ / Diet-briefcase "Lose weight in a week with Borodina": consumer reviews, composition and characteristics of the power system

Diet-suitcase "Lose weight for a week with Borodina": consumer reviews, composition and characteristics of the food system

lose weight in a week with a beard reviews
Holidays are around the corner, and many women are startingthink about how to bring a figure in order and remove those extra pounds. This is especially true in autumn and winter, because in the cold season, our body, adapting to weather conditions, also strives to store as many calories as possible, which settle in the form of fat deposits on the waist and hips. To date, the market has a large number of dietary supplements and drugs for weight loss, both foreign and Russian production. The choice is yours, it all depends on the preferences and thickness of your wallet. When there are only a few days left before the holiday, and you urgently need to wear a dress that is somewhat smaller than yours at the moment, try the “Lose Weight in a Week with Borodina” complex, you will find reviews, features and detailed information about this five-day diet in our article. This wonderful suitcase, which includes a variety of dishes, packaged in bags, will help you lose weight in a matter of days. And to use this diet is very simple, just boil the sachet contents with boiling water and get a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner. The choice of the manufacturer offers more than 5 types of different menus, taking into account the peculiarities of food and taste preferences of consumers. The diet of the beard "Lose weight in a week" is extremely low-calorie (read more below), so be careful in using it if you have any chronic diseases. It will be better if you consult with your doctor before using this food complex.

"We grow thin in a week with Borodina": responses, structure, characteristics of a complex of a food

Xenia Borodina losing weight in a week
This wonder-suitcase with dry breakfasts, lunchesand dinner was developed by the Russian company "Leovit" and is designed for three meals a day. According to the manufacturer, in the manufacture of the complex, only natural ingredients are used, and the dishes themselves are carefully balanced in terms of the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The contents of the package is designed for 5 days of the diet, and all this period it is proposed to eat only those dishes that are included in the bag. According to consumer reviews, this diet is quite satisfying, and if on the first or second day of the diet there is often some feeling of hunger, then it passes, and this diet is enough to feel awake and energetic all day. If we consider the set in terms of caloric content, then this diet is designed for the consumption of 500-700 kcal. per day, which is extremely small. Perhaps this explains the fairly noticeable weight loss, which was observed by many users of this diet, including the TV host Ksenia Borodina. "Losing weight in a week" contributes to a significant weight loss, and if the manufacturer promises an average loss of 3-4 kg per course, then some lose weight by all 5-6 kg. Perhaps it depends on the initial body mass of the person, as it is known, people with a high degree of obesity lose weight in much larger volumes than the thinner ones.

"Lose weight in a week with Borodina": reviews and contraindications for use

As with any supplement for weight loss, this product has its limitations in use. So, it can not be used in the following conditions and diseases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cancer;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • children's age up to 18 years.

diet beard lose weight in a week
All other product can be applied.The "Lose Weight in a Week with Borodina" suitcase, reviews of which are mostly positive, really helps to remove the extra 2-5 kg ​​of weight, but it also has its negative sides. For example, users often complain that the taste of dishes is somewhat synthetic, moreover, the composition of the products includes a fairly large amount of salt, starch, and soy flour. This is not surprising, because dry products when brewing with water should have a pronounced taste, so, sadly, without taste enhancers can not do here. Also, users note a rather high price, which, depending on the region, varies from 550 to 800 rubles per package. But in the end, the decision is yours: according to consumer reviews, the diet works. And for those who seek to lose a large number of kilograms in a short period of time, this food complex can be a great help in the fight for an excellent figure.