/ / How to make a wheel? How to independently learn how to make a wheel?

How to make a wheel? How do you learn how to make a wheel yourself?

It's quite interesting to watch from the sidelines.a man who can perform any acrobatic exercises. Be it in the park, in the square, in crowded places or on the beach. Acrobats always and everywhere attract attention. Looking at physically developed athletes, you want to manage your body just as beautifully, demonstrating elements of acrobatics to passersby. Nothing is impossible. At any age, a person is able to learn how to perform simple elements even at home. Professional gymnasts recommend starting with the simplest exercises. How to make a wheel? We will discuss this issue later. Before starting classes at home, you need to properly prepare, study the technique and only then get down to business.

how to make a wheel

Where better to do?

The apartment is very different from the gymlack of free space in large amounts. Everything can be a hindrance - including a chandelier, a sofa, a wardrobe and other furniture. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a comfortable place before making the wheel. Exercising at home requires caution. Make sure that there are no obstacles. For high-quality training, exercises are best performed near the wall. It is clear that in the gym or on the street to do more convenient. A strong enough assistant capable of holding the novice acrobat in his hands will not be redundant.

how to make wheel gymnastics


Pay attention to clothes.No constraint of movement and baggyness. In the process of learning, you must be prepared for the fact that before you make a wheel, you have to be in a “upside down” position for some time. Accordingly, all things will roll down. Slightly tight shorts and a T-shirt is the most practical option. Warming up before exercise will warm up all the muscles, preventing possible stretching in case of improper exercise.

Warm up

Warm-up should be given much attention.Just wave your hands and immediately begin to learn will not work. Warm up should include a set of exercises that must be performed correctly. All the muscles of the body need to warm up as much as possible. Joints should not crunch. Be sure to warm up the muscles of the arms, legs, back and neck. The neck generally needs to be given special attention. Experts recommend performing several exercises for her workout. When falling from the rack "upside down" a significant deformation of the cervical vertebrae are exposed. Indicators of effective warm-ups are a marked increase in pulse rate and a feeling of heat rush to all parts of the body.

how to make wheel gymnastics at home

Technique of execution

Before you make a wheel, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of the exercise.

1. Handstand.Not every novice acrobat can do it the first time. This exercise must be learned to perform near the wall with an assistant. For a handstand near a support, experts recommend that you follow three gymnastic rules: arms are straightened in elbows, the back is kept straight, legs are straightened in joints, socks are maximally extended. The whole body must be in constant tension. Any relaxation of the muscles of the arms or back causes a fall.

2. Pendulum handstand.Having learned to stand on hands near a wall or with an assistant, you must go to work on this exercise before you make a wheel. Gymnastics requires consistent task execution. You need to learn how to control your center of gravity. By gently changing the slope of the legs, you need to transfer the weight of the body, completely freeing the right limb on your left arm, which can be slightly raised. Returning the right hand in place, we move the center of gravity on it and lift the left hand. The pendulum is a very difficult and dangerous exercise that must be done carefully and carefully.

how to make wheel acrobatics

3. Jumping with bent legs through the support.Standing next to a support or bench, you need to lean into it with straight arms. The back is parallel to the floor. Having pushed off by legs, it is necessary to transfer the body to the other side - through the support. Do not move your arms, do not bend in your elbows.

4. Jumping with straight legs through the support.Like this? It's time to make out how to make a wheel with straight legs. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous action. Just do it on straight legs. They do not need to be brought together.

5. The wheel through the support.Jumps are performed with straight legs through the support with only one difference. Hands are no longer fixed on the stand. They need to be put on it just before making the wheel. Hands abut the support alternately. It is in the process of this exercise that novice acrobats decide for themselves which hand is more convenient for them to make the wheel. It is recommended to work out this exercise in such a way that it can be done in any direction. This will help to do more complex tricks in the future.

Classic Edition

Consider the classics.How to make a wheel? Acrobatics provides step by step instructions. As an example, consider the exercise on the right side. You need to become straight, stretch your arms up. The back is straight. Step with the right foot - the right hand goes down. Simultaneously push off with your left foot. In this case, the right hand is placed on the floor. With a push with the right foot, the left hand is placed on the floor. I remember the exercise "pendulum" in handstand. The center of gravity is transferred to the left hand, the right limb rises. The left leg touches the floor. The center of gravity goes to the feet. The left hand comes off the floor. The right leg touches the floor.

how can you make a wheel

Safety regulations

How can you make a wheel without hurting yourself?Many in the process of exercise are trying to push off additionally with their hands. This is absolutely not worth doing, because to create a push you need to weaken the elbow joint. You can find out what happens during the first exercise by standing against a wall. Before the maneuver, it is better to warn the assistant to avoid injuries.