/ / Deadlift: execution fundamentals

Deadlift: the basics of doing

Становая тяга считается одним из базовых exercises to build a really pumped up body. Even such well-known sports areas such as bodybuilding and powerlifting are simply unthinkable without its use.

With proper deadlift performancedisproportionately more for the whole body than with any other exercise. It includes in the human body quite complex and effective processes for subsequent training, due to which the metabolism and the efficiency of growth of muscle mass increase significantly. A constant implementation of this exercise strengthens the vast number of joints and tendons in the human body. Along with an increase in the athlete's performance, the volume of muscle mass of the whole body also grows.

Do not forget that deadlift causesmore efficient pumping of the bulk muscles than a narrow isolated work on the same muscles. Many beginners try not to do this exercise for fear of back injuries. However, professionals argue that such cases most often occur with people who do not do deadlift at all. They recommend minimizing reasonable risk through the use of proper technology.

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumedthat the classic deadlift is an exercise that can help each athlete achieve significant results without any side effects. In its execution should follow a few simple rules. Be sure to put the legs to the width of their own hips, while the foot is recommended to put parallel to each other. Accurately determine the width of the rack will help simple exercise. It only takes a few seconds to hang on the bar and relaxed to jump from it. After the jump, look at your own heels - this is the distance between them that will be optimal for the execution of the deadlift.

The correct grip in this exercise is notsmaller role than excellent rack. The bar when performing is taken so that the legs and hands do not touch each other. The distance between the hands should not exceed the width of the shoulders. This grip allows you to facilitate the reduction of the shoulder blades at the top of the exercise.

And in order that the deadlift does not become a cause of back injuries or arm muscles, it should be performed only with a straight grip. On occasion, it is possible to use special belts and magnesia.

Special care when doing this exercise.drawn on the state of the loin. A rather tense and slightly arched position of the back makes it easier to lift the barbell and is the safest for the spine.

Each deadlift begins with a cleardefinitions of the work of the head and shoulders. It is their sudden movement back and the subsequent push of the legs from the floor gives the main direction to the exercise. Do not be afraid of feeling a sudden tilt back. This feeling is one of the signs of proper execution of the deadlift technique.

However, you should never do this.exercise with heels cut off from the floor. Not only the athlete’s technique, but his tendons, biceps, and back often suffer from this. Wearing shoes with a soft sole is also not recommended. Under the influence of a large weight, the effect of falling feet into the sole will be seen, which may affect the results of the exercise. It is not recommended to train on concrete or a different slippery surface, this greatly increases the risk of injury. Using these and many other useful tips, anyone can become the creator of their own ideal figure.

Does deadlift standards?Many novice athletes are interested in this issue, but at the moment there are no single effective indicators in this exercise. If earlier the sports category was assigned on the basis of one completed standard, now the result is the sum of three different exercises.