/ / Inversion table for spinal hernia: use and contraindications. Simulator for spinal stretching

Inversion table for spinal hernia: use and contraindications. Simulator for spinal stretching

Kinesitherapy - treatment of the spine and jointsexercise Motor exercises are an integral part of the full-fledged treatment and prevention of various types of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. To combat spinal hernia developed a number of special exercises. Some of them involve the use of special simulators.

inversion table with spinal hernia

Simulator against spinal hernia

Inversion table for spinal herniaconsidered to be highly efficient enough. This is one of the most gentle and effective ways to stretch the spine and increase intervertebral space. You do not need to perform many grueling exercises in the hall, you just need to lie down for a short time on the inversion table. Reviews about him are numerous and almost all enthusiastic.

Inversion trainer for stretching the spine: invaluable help to your health

With the help of such a device for some 15 minutes you can relieve tension from the spine after a hard day's work. Use of inversion table:

  • back muscle relaxation;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • increased blood flow to the brain and heart;
  • recovery of vertebral ligaments;
  • clamped intervertebral space is stretched;
  • relieving pressure from the spinal nerve endings causing pain to the patient;
  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • posture is corrected, flexibility develops;
  • increased activity of the lymphatic system: edema, inflammation are removed, metabolic exchange in the body is accelerated, which means that immunity increases, cellulite and excess weight are eliminated.

Inversion table for spinal hernia: use correctly

Every time before starting classes, we constantly check all the settings of the simulator. It is very important.

  1. Rotation.Most tables have three or four rotation settings: from the fastest to the lowest speed. Beginners always have a slow rotation method. Further, depending on your weight and personal preferences, you can gradually increase the speed.
  2. Height. You need to loosen the safety screw, pull out the retainer with one hand, and move the main axis with the other hand to the mark that is 2-3 cm longer than the height. Then insert the retainer and tighten the screw.
  3. Restraint belt. With it, you can change the angle of inclination. If you intend to perform a complete inversion, then this belt can be completely unfastened.
  4. Foot platform. It is necessary to adjust the position of the platform so that the legs are fixed sufficiently firmly, without experiencing physical inconvenience.

When you are convinced that all the settings of the simulator are correct, you can proceed directly to the classes.

Lift and mount

Need to stand back to the table, legs on both sidesfrom the platform, lean against the lower body, thread the legs between the clamps and stand on the platform. The ankles should be tightly pressed against the back clamps. Next, you need to pull the latch handle to your feet all the way and make sure the strength of fixation. Never rest your back on the table until you are sure that your legs are held securely, this can lead to numerous injuries.


inversion table reviews

Slowly raise your arms and fold them onto yourchest If all the settings of the simulator are set as they should, then the table should rise slightly from the floor and stop. Further rotation of the table occurs due to the movement of the hands.


simulator for stretching the spine

To the table took a horizontal position, handsshould be slowly raised above your head. We return to our original upright position, hands down. Full inversion is possible when the restrictive belt is unfastened. Hands should be made by the head. As a result, you hang upside down, not leaning on the back. When returning to the starting position, you should not lift your head and try to raise the torso; hand movements should be enough.


Although the classes on the inversion tableare considered a gentle option for dealing with vertebral hernia and do not involve the application of special physical effort, the list of contraindications is very wide. Before you buy and use the inversion table for spinal hernia, be sure to consult your doctor for the presence of such illnesses as:

inversion trainer

  • ear infections;
  • obesity (weight over 136 kg, height above 198 cm);
  • abdominal or hiatal hernia;
  • state of pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal damage;
  • joint tumors;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • high arterial and blood pressure;
  • injuries of the pelvis, neck and back;
  • ischemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • recent fractures, pins, implants in the bones and joints.

Where to use: in the hall or at home?

Inversion Trainers - Professionalequipment. They are equipped with sports clubs and medical orthopedic centers around the world. It is advisable to start at one of these centers under the supervision of a personal trainer, who will tell you how to use the inversion table for hernia of the spine, teach you how to do it correctly, and prescribe an individual load according to your physical fitness. After several sessions, it makes sense to purchase such a simulator home for personal use. Now you can be engaged at a convenient time for yourself.

use of inversion table

Make an inversion table with their own hands will beis difficult. Correctly pick up materials, make parts of the right size, think through all the details and assemble such a complex structure can only a real expert.

How to choose the ideal inversion table?

inversion table do it yourself

In order to get the most effective inversion table for spinal hernia, the choice should be taken seriously and take into account many factors:

  1. Weight of the structure.The lower the weight, the more convenient it is, of course, to transport and move it around the house. However, this table is lost stability. On a massive simulator you will feel more confident and calmer.
  2. The material must be strong and durable. Wear parts must be metal, the plastic back is ventilated, and the handles are non-slip.
  3. Категория стола.The simulator can be stationary or portable. Stationary, of course, better. It is stable, withstands more weight, has additional options and implies a longer and more intensive use.
  4. Характер управления.The simulator for stretching the spine with manual mechanical control is relatively cheaper, and with the electronic - more comfortable. In this matter, it is difficult to give an unequivocal recommendation; everyone decides for himself how it will be more convenient for him.
  5. Regulation. The table must have the functions of adjustment to the height of the person. It is unacceptable to use an unregulated table for medicinal purposes, the result of such exercises may be negative.
  6. Фиксаторы.It is extremely important that the clips are easy to use and are made of quality materials. Too narrow and tight cuffs can hurt and turn classes into sheer misery.
  7. To choose a good inversion table, reviews abouteach manufacturer needs to study in detail. If the product is of inadequate quality, then dissatisfied customers will be sure to write about it and tell.

К лечению позвоночной грыжи подходить нужно complex: the use of drugs and ointments, physiotherapy, massage, wearing a bandage, sleeping on an orthopedic mattress and, of course, therapeutic exercise. Training in special simulators after consulting with a specialist, taking into account all indications and contraindications will surely bring many benefits: the functionality of the musculoskeletal system increases, pain is eliminated, the healing process quickly goes uphill.