/ / Salad "Mistletka" - a good way to cleanse the body

Salad "Mistletka" - a good way to cleanse the body

The process of losing weight each person representsthemselves in different ways, but more often people try to pre-cleanse the body of so-called slags, which also carry extra pounds. For a comfortable and high-quality cleansing of the body, folk remedies and all sorts of culinary recipes that will help you get healthier quickly and without consequences are excellent. For example, the salad "Mistletka", despite its not quite culinary name, brings quite positive results.

salad whisk
As a part of a salad exclusively natural products which will allow to get rid naturally of slags and, as consequence, from terrible figures on scales.

Приготовить салат «Метелка» сможет даже тот, кто does not consider himself an ace of cooking, as the ingredients for him are quite familiar products, such as apple green (gram hundred), fresh carrots (gram hundred), cabbage white (gram hundred), lemon juice, and a teaspoon of olive oil. Salad for salad should not be used, because it will delay the release of excess fluid from the body. Preparation of lettuce does not take much time, it will be enough only to cut cabbage and mash it with hands, due to what it will let out the juice, so necessary for purification. Carrots should be peeled and grated, a green apple, peeling, and also sent to a grater. After all the ground ingredients of the salad are mixed and seasoned with olive oil. Salad "Mistletka" is ready!

cleansing the body with herbs

If you are not used to eating without salt, then a little "sea seasoning" is acceptable, but it is desirable to do without it.

Salad combination is also an ideal option.with other ways to cleanse the body of toxins. For example, cleansing the body with herbs is another great way to quickly improve the body. If you are not well versed in the science of studying herbs, then it will be enough just to purchase special cleansing fees sold in pharmacies. The ease of use of such a collection is that they are made in the form of filter bags, which can be brewed as tea. Salad "Whisk" in combination with herbal preparations will provide a comprehensive cleansing of the body, while you do not have to use any chemical additives.

complex cleansing of the body

At the time of cleaning the body should be completelystop drinking alcohol, try not to be zealous with cooking as such, and stick to a low-calorie diet. Ideally, if vegetable salad becomes the basis of your diet for the duration of the entire diet. If we talk about the time period for the removal of slags, then it usually ranges from five to seven days, depending on how you feel. In addition to cleansing this diet will also get rid of a decent amount of extra pounds, depending on the initial weight. This is due to the fact that a salad, even seasoned with olive oil and moderately salted, will not have in its composition more than 50 kcal per hundred grams, which is incommensurably small compared with the daily norm of an adult person in 2000 kcal.