/ / Self-massage of the abdomen - remove the fat apron at home

Self-massage of the abdomen - we remove the fat apron at home

Thin waist and flat stomach - the dream of mostof women. However, poor nutrition, lack of regular exercise and pregnancy often make this dream almost impossible. There is an exit! We do self-massage of the abdomen - remove the fat apron.

Preparation for self-massage

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessaryget ready. You will need: massage mitten, massager, anti-cellulite gel for the body, shower gel, cream. Before the session, you must take a warm bath or just stand in the shower. After that, it is necessary to lubricate the stomach with anti-cellulite gel in order to simplify gliding over the body.

self-massage abdomen remove fat apron

It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature inthe room in which the massage will be held. In a stuffy room, the massage cream is simply not absorbed into the body, and a cold room will not allow the muscles to relax properly. Only after we have decided on the most comfortable temperature, we do self-massage of the abdomen - we remove the problem area once and for all.

Features abdominal massage

The abdomen is an area extremely sensitive toany impacts. That is why you should listen to your body and for any problems, such as inflammation, menstruation or pregnancy, it is better to choose another way to bring the figure to normal. If everything is in order, then boldly doing self-massage of the abdomen. We remove the fat apron without using standard warming agents. The effect will be noticeable without thermogels or warming creams.

Basic techniques for self-massage of the abdomenas simple as possible. These are: rubbing, stroking and light tapping with the tips of your fingers. All movements are clockwise. Massage always begins and ends with light soothing strokes. Many people know about the healing power of the hands of a massage therapist, but not many people know whether it is possible to remove the stomach with a massage on their own. Can. Enough to stock up some time and patience.

self-massage of the abdomen remove the problem area

Basic massage techniques

  • Mandatory reception - stroking.Thanks to him, the skin is prepared, warmed up and adjusted to further less gentle self-massage techniques. The degree of pressure of the fingers varies according to their own feelings. Unpleasant emotions stroking should not deliver.
  • The next stage is rubbing.This is a stretching and displacement of the skin as well as the surface tissues. Reception improves blood circulation, helps eliminate cellulite and outflow of fluid. Grinding from the bottom up. On the hips, you can perform circular movements, and you can use both the fingertips and the base of the palm.
  • Kneading - both along and across the musclefibers, allows you to increase muscle elasticity, improve tissue nutrition, remove lactic acid, which is formed in muscles during physical exertion. The rule of kneading is extremely simple - the skin is delayed and kneaded, just like dough on your favorite pizza.

    is it possible to remove the belly massage

  • Slamming the palms of both hands is the next item.self-massage procedures, perfectly coping with the task of improving muscle tone. Movement is performed with both hands alternately. It is important to listen to your own feelings and at the first signs of discomfort to reduce the load on the fabric.
  • Rolling a roller out of leather will help enhance the effect of all the previous steps.
  • The massage ends with the same stroking. After a few weeks of regular procedures to the question of whether you can remove the apron by self-massage, you will answer in the affirmative.

Abdominal self-massage - the basic rules

is it possible to self-massage the apron

We decided to try self-massage of the abdomen?We remove the fat apron complex. By adding proper nutrition and exercise to the massage, you won’t believe your eyes when a month later you measure waist circumference. It is necessary to get rid of such bad habits as jamming of stress by candies or washing down a good mood with the most harmful sweet carbonated drinks. What is more significant self-massage of the abdomen? We remove the fat apron for free, at any time convenient for us.

Согласитесь, во время постоянной нехватки free hours and minutes is really important. Only 10 minutes a day, spent on self-massage, are able to create a real miracle with any figure. The skin is tightened, the volumes melt before our eyes, and the internal organs begin to work better, thereby increasing the metabolism, which is so necessary for healthy weight loss.