/ / Fitness Club Alex Fitness (Yaroslavl) - review, trainers and reviews

Fitness Club Alex Fitness (Yaroslavl) - review, trainers and reviews

Fitness club Alex Fitness in Yaroslavl, part ofThe Russian network (numbering about 30 cities in which there are clubs) is a modern sports facility with functional and spacious halls, professional coaching staff, attentive staff and a friendly atmosphere.

alex fitness Yaroslavl

Here, everyone will choose an individual or group program for themselves, join a healthy lifestyle, learn how to choose a diet for themselves, and also find like-minded people.


In the city of Yaroslavl, Alex Fitness is located in a spacious room in which there are two large rooms, comfortable changing rooms, and showers.

Spaces for training are equipped with simulators, wall bars, punching bags, fitballs, platforms for step aerobics, dumbbells and other sports equipment.

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Good ventilation system, comfortable outdoorcoating, bright walls, sufficient lighting, mirrors - will help make each workout high-quality and effective. A stay in the institution - enjoyable.

According to reviews about Alex Fitness in Yaroslavl, this is a decent fitness, offering a good level of training and service at a reasonable price.

The sports club is located in the Cosmos Shopping Center, which is located on Leningradsky Avenue, the central “artery” of the Bragino residential area.

Company strategy

The network of institutions Alex Fitness has its own mission and strategy.

Первая заключается в предоставлении качественных fitness services at an affordable price for people of all socio-economic groups. It is so important that every person, regardless of financial condition, but striving to live a healthy lifestyle, can afford to exercise regularly. And the institutions of 30 cities of the country in every way contribute to this.

alex fitness yaroslavl reviews

The strategy is that the club wants and does everything possible to be involved in the overall sports development of the country.

Alex Fitness also provides fitness programs for people of retirement age, people with disabilities, and children from orphanages.

Representatives of the coaching staff regularly participate in various charitable and social events.

Thus, the network of fitness clubs Alex Fitness declares itself as an organization equal for all and receiving into its ranks every person who wants to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Well, what each individual chooses specifically for himself depends on the personal preferences and needs of the soul and body of an individual.


In the fitness club Alex Fitness ("Cosmos", Yaroslavl) classes are held in the following areas:

  1. Corporate fitness.
  2. Gym (there is a water individual training with an instructor).
  3. Aerobics.
  4. Fitness for children.
  5. Cardio classes.
  6. Dance directions.
  7. Pilates.
  8. Yoga.
  9. CrossFit
  10. Martial arts.
  11. Author's programs.
  12. Classes in small groups.

alex fitness schedule

Additionally for visitors there are:

  • Finnish sauna;
  • solarium;
  • beauty saloon;
  • fitness bar;
  • sporting goods store;
  • towel rental;
  • insurance during your stay at the club.

About every direction

  1. Corporate fitness is the promotion of the idea ofactive sports and healthy lifestyle for employees of enterprises. Programs are based on the wishes and preferences of the assembled group of people. Excellent conditions for the acquisition of subscriptions. Conducting classes, both in the office and in the club. Participation in sporting events.
  2. Занятия в тренажерном зале – это тренировки, which are always more effective than at home (even with the necessary equipment at home). First, they are led by a trainer who regulates the load and ensures that there are no injuries. Secondly, in the hall the right attitude is only for training, and at home there is a chance to succumb to laziness or be distracted by other matters. But like-minded people are an additional motivation for more efficient work.
  3. For beginners there is an introductory lesson, which takes place with an instructor. He acquaints with all the conditions of training, shows all the equipment, the individual training program is coordinated with him.
  4. Aerobics is the same rhythmic gymnastics,which involves performing exercises to the music. As for the classes themselves, they include walking, turning, bending, flexibility exercises, running, jumping (including on a special step platform), and so on. The music accompanying the training is rhythmic, so that each movement is performed at every interval of the sounding music track. Such exercises help to keep muscles in shape, work out the respiratory system, improve posture and gait.
  5. Детский фитнес – это программа игровой физической culture, including such areas: rhythmic gymnastics, dance, gym, martial arts. Classes are held in a comfortable atmosphere and have an unobtrusive nature. Thus, children develop physically, play, practice on simulators and are involved in leading a healthy lifestyle from a young age.
  6. Cardio exercises are such exercises in which the load on the heart is uniform. They include: running, walking, exercise bike, boxing, working with an elliptical trainer.
  7. Dance styles in this fitness club are represented by the following dances: Zumba, Bally Dance, Fusion Dance.
  8. Pilates is a program that includes physicalexercises that can be performed by people of any age without harm to health. The focus is mainly on breathing, balance, alternation of load and relaxation, mind and body work.
  9. Yoga is a very popular and useful direction, which involves the implementation of asanas. Endurance, flexibility develops, the internal state of a person is harmonized.
  10. Crossfit - exercises that train all muscle groups of the body, thus, there is a comprehensive physical development.
  11. Combat training includes martial arts, boxing and Mix Fight direction.

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Group classes are held according to the schedule Alex Fitness (Yaroslavl), which is posted on the club's website. The duration of one workout is 55 minutes.

About additional services

  • Finnish bath.It is quite hot, but it has a beneficial effect on the processes of excretion along with sweat of harmful substances from the body. It also strengthens the immune system and helps to restore muscles after physical training.
  • Solarium is an opportunity to give your skingolden-bronze tint, thanks to the development of German scientists. In a special chamber with certain temperature conditions and regulation of the time of stay, anyone can become the owner of such a tan directly without leaving the Alex Fitness fitness club in Yaroslavl.
  • A beauty salon is an opportunity to take care of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and skin. Make a manicure and pedicure.
  • In the fitness bar you can taste delicious herbal tea after a busy workout.
  • In the sporting goods store, anyone can purchase the right thing for training.

fitness club alex fitness space in Yaroslavl

Coaching staff of the club

According to reviews of coaches Alex Fitness (Yaroslavl), one can say the following - these are true masters in conducting interesting lessons. Attentive attitude towards each student, belief in the successful result of his ward, ability to inspire by his own example are their main characteristics.

List of teachers of the club:

  • Poletaeva Anastasia - coordinator of group programs, individual trainer.
  • Alexey Borisov - coordinator of the gym, individual trainer.
  • Valentin Daykov, Dmitry Gogotishvili, Dmitry Savchenkov - coach of individual and group classes.

Group program coach:

  1. Litvina Valentine.
  2. Vorobeva Alain.
  3. Rogozin Vitaly.
  4. Klimova Olga.
  5. Olga Maksimovskaya.

Individual trainers:

  1. Loginov Alexander.
  2. Orlov Alexander.
  3. Tsvetkov Alexander.
  4. Chernov Alexander.
  5. Kopchinsky Alexey.
  6. Semenov Alexey.
  7. Teplova Anastasia.
  8. Khalizov Anton.
  9. Gunygin Boris.
  10. Kononov Victor.
  11. Chernov Dmitry.
  12. Lyapina Elena.
  13. Grikin Ilya.
  14. Sobolev Irina.
  15. Serebryakov Kirill.
  16. Guschina Natalia.
  17. Yasyutin Nikita.
  18. Tsapliyenko Oksana.

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According to reviews on the prices of the fitness club Alex Fitness in Yaroslavl, a sports facility offers a good level of fitness at an affordable cost.

There are several options for purchasing subscriptions (of which, in turn, there are 3 types).

You can purchase online or directly in the club.

  1. Full 8 months + 8 weeks of freezing (that is, 8 months of unlimited classes plus 2 months of freezing) - you can only buy on the site for 6000 rubles.
  2. Full for 6 months - the price in the club is 6900 rubles, on the site - 6555 rubles.
  3. Full for 12 months - the price in the club is 8500 rubles, on the website - 8075 rubles.

Prices lex Fitness (Yaroslavl) are quite competitive compared to other sports clubs. There are discounts for regular customers.


Clients respond differently to the Alex Fitness fitness club in Yaroslavl (Russia). There are both positive and negative comments.

The advantages include:

  • acceptable subscription fees;
  • good conditions for training;
  • variety of occupations;
  • the professionalism of the team of trainers is the real masters of their work;
  • comfortable changing rooms and showers;
  • An impressive list of additional services for club customers;
  • convenient location.

The negative reviews most often mention such minuses:

  • too many people at certain times of the day;
  • insufficient cleanliness of the premises;
  • intermittent problems with hot water and ventilation in the halls.


Address of Alex Fitness fitness club: Yaroslavl city, Leningradsky prospect, 49A, Cosmos Shopping Center.

Opening hours: from Monday to Friday - 6.30: 00-00: 00, on Saturday and Sunday - 08: 30-22: 00.