/ / Tricycles do it yourself: step by step instructions

DIY tricycles: step by step instructions

Do tricycles do it yourselfis quite real. Such models are popular with people of venerable age, can be used as simulators that stimulate the muscles and the heart. In addition, these machines are highly resistant, allow you to transport a certain load without the risk of falling. Consider the features of the unit and the stages of its independent production.

tricycles do it yourself


Deciding to make a tricycle with your own hands, familiarize yourself with its advantages, compared with analogues on two wheels:

  1. Anyone can use such transport, regardless of age, financial status and physical fitness.
  2. Making a model yourself will not require special knowledge and significant capital investment.
  3. Do-it-yourself tricycles made or bought in a store are much more stable on the road.
  4. Operation does not require balance, and this is a very significant factor for older people.
  5. The model is equipped with a low frame, facilitating the landing of the rider.
  6. High load capacity of the unit allows it to be used for commercial purposes.

Where to begin?

Чтобы создать трехколесный взрослый велосипед do it yourself, you will need to purchase a two-wheeled model of domestic or foreign production. Depending on the chosen modification, the aesthetic side of the future vehicle will be determined.

tricycle do it yourself

It is not necessary to rely on the quality of parts during the work. It is necessary to follow the basic rules, namely:

  1. To calculate the height of the model so that the owner is comfortable to sit on it.
  2. Check the stability of the sample so that it does not collapse with a sharp turn of the steering wheel.
  3. A new bicycle machine should be equipped with a reliable braking system and an alarm bell.
  4. Pedals and wheels better to mount new ones, which will avoid slipping and slipping.
  5. The wheel and wheels should rotate smoothly, without making extraneous sounds.


The most significant moment when creatingtricycles do it yourself is the need to modify the frame. This will require reinforcement of the metal core using the profile ribs.

One of the easiest and most economical waysthe creation of such a design is considered the use of the frame from the "Ural". You will need to cut the rear fork, install a new frame of duralumin tubes. The second element is mounted below the seat. This will install a container for the transport of goods. The wheels connected by the axis of the axle are installed on both sides, and an asterisk adapts in the center.

Dimensions of the frame in the manufacture of three-wheeledBicycle with their own hands can vary, depending on the creative ideas of the designer. The most reliable and fast in the technological plan of production of the model in question is the use of the rear factory axle with a differential type UK-65.

tricycle do-it-yourself drawings

Bridge installation

The order of assembly of this element is not particularly difficult, since it fits almost all classic frames. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. First, all regular elements of the rear part are removed, including the standard chain, wheel, fender, trunk and handbrakes.
  2. Then the UK bridge is installed on the nativelanding nest of a back wheel. In this case, the stops are turned on the lower tube of the rear part of the frame, the axis is threaded into the lugs. All parts are tightened, the stops are attracted with the help of clamps.
  3. Next is mounted a new chain that is longerordinary analogue. To make it, you need to buy two regular chains and adjust the element to the desired size. To remove excess links, use the method of grinding a rivet or installing a new lock.
  4. It remains only to adjust the speed switch.

As you can see, tricycles with their hands are not such an impossible task.

Brake system

Assembly of equipment can be considered finished.However, you should pay attention to the brakes. The fact is that only disk elements are suitable for such a modification, it is not possible to establish the rim option. This site will require certain investments, but it will allow to secure the cyclist and will please you with reliable work. In addition to the discs, the purchased kit includes hubs, calipers, brake lever (located on the steering wheel).

tricycle adult do it yourself

Tools and materials

To make a tricycle with your own hands, you need to stock up on certain materials. These include:

  • Old two-wheeled donor bike.
  • Steel frame.
  • Plywood.
  • Body kit
  • A pair of wheels, preferably 20 inches in diameter.
  • Square profile preparation.
  • Saw "Bulgarian".
  • Welding unit.
  • A hammer.
  • A set of keys and screwdrivers.
  • Drill and hacksaw.

What do you have to spend on?

При создании рассматриваемой модификации on your own, you need to take into account the cost of purchasing the necessary parts In specialized stores, you can easily find the right material. The main part, which allows to transform a two-wheeled bicycle into an analog with three levels, is the bridge UK-6S (or its analogue). The average cost of a part is about 25 thousand rubles. In addition, it is imperative to have to buy an additional chain, gearshift, wheels and a set of stars.

As a result, the future owner will be able to independentlyto design a model without significant financial costs, as well as to choose an individual exterior design, giving the bike the originality. With proper work, the technique will please the user not only comfort, but also reliability.

make a tricycle do it yourself


In order not to work in vain to create the unit in question, you will need to make drawings of a tricycle. It will be much easier to make it with your own hands in this case.

After reviewing these tips and choosing the right onetools and material, you get a reliable assistant on the farm, which does not require fuel, stable, has a good carrying capacity and original design.