/ / Part gymnastics gives life!

Parterre gymnastics gives life!

The effectiveness of treatment classes on simulatorsimpossible to dispute. However, any rehabilitation course cannot do without partere gymnastics, because the exercises must develop all the muscles and joints in order to avoid starting the mechanism of degenerative changes. Physical activity is a guarantee of health.

Rehabilitation method - parquet gymnastics

Exercises on the floor are incredibly useful for people.any age. Parquet gymnastics complex is performed sitting, lying down and even on the side. Thus, there is a decrease in any loads on the joints. Exercises for each rehabilitation are selected on an individual basis. Some are active, others are, on the contrary, passive.


Stages of therapeutic gymnastics:

  1. Performing exercises in dynamic mode. There is a strengthening of muscle groups. Training time with an instructor is about 40 minutes.
  2. Stretching Stretching should be carried out for 20 minutes.
  3. Meditation. Relaxing muscle groups, immersion in your inner world, strengthening faith, elevating your spirit is the final stage of each session. Duration - at least 5 minutes.

Healing effect

In the course of training all are carefully worked out.muscle groups The dynamic part is able to provide aerobic exercise. Occupations significantly increase the mobility of all joints, the elasticity of the ligaments is restored. At the stretch stage, you need to breathe correctly to improve performance. Exercises are important to perform at a slow speed. The blood circulation of the musculoskeletal system and all organs begins to occur in the correct mode. The emphasis the coach makes on the development and strengthening of the abdominal muscles - the well-being of the internal organs depends largely on their strength. Training maximally contributes to the protection of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

gymnastics exercises

Simulators do not allow to develop muscles wellabdominals, so exercising on the floor is the right approach. Parquet gymnastics stimulates the cardiovascular system of the body, restores proper breathing. Good coordination abilities are also the merit of the developers of the complex.

Parquet gymnastics for children

Especially for kids developed a systemconsisting of certain loads, movements - this is parquet gymnastics. Exercises need to be performed in different positions and positions, but everything should be done only on the floor.

gymnastics for children

Thanks to making the whole complex in a clearsequences children seek to strengthen the supporting systems, can eliminate the shortcomings of the physical plane, they form the elasticity and strength of all the muscles of the body. Exercises allow you to prepare as much as possible for further lessons in choreography. Taking into account the age and initial data, the child's body is strengthened as a whole.

Exercise and result

Parquet gymnastics allows you to identify physicaldata that nature has rewarded kids. Equally important are indicators of vyvorotnosti and lifting the feet, flexibility and coordination of the body. These data are developed with the constant and proper performance of each exercise.

gymnastics exercises

The technique consists of 19 movements thatdivided into 3 stages. The first stage is an easy warm-up, able to prepare the body for more complex loads of the second part: exercises on the floor. The main focus is on the foot, the development of the lumbar. Babies are taught the basics of ballet. This type of dance contributes to a beautiful posture, always the correct position of the body. Relaxation is the final part of the complex. Exercises are often performed under calm classical music in order to maximally feel the received load and to monitor the correctness of repetitions for the teacher. Another significant plus is the development of hearing and rhythm.

Dancers and teachers using the ground floorgymnastics maintain physical fitness. Pupils of this technique are children aged 4 years. At such a young age, ligaments and muscles are best suited to begin the implementation of strengthening exercises. Each choreographer can train in his own way - some follow a well-defined sequence, others like to combine, combine exercises more.

Pupils duty

After a few lessons, the kids should be able tocorrectly perform the exercises of all stages, and upon completion of the complex within a few seconds to restore breathing. In addition, information about the theory and benefits of parquet gymnastics should be properly explained to students. Children and adolescents should clearly understand all the positive aspects gained in the course of the lessons. The benefits of it are great and undeniable. Even during periods of weakening of the body or catarrhal diseases, one should not neglect the performance of the complex. Parquet gymnastics should be a part of life for all people.