/ / The best shoes for futsal: options and tips for choosing

The best shoes for futsal: options and advice on choice

Football is the most popular game in the world.There are many reasons for this. Football is a dynamic, bright performers, incredible emotions, fantastic victories and great dramas. Football is a theater in which lawn grass acts as a stage, and twenty-two players on the field are professionals in their field who will not leave anyone indifferent.

Little about futsal

Futsal is a type of classic football,Another type of classic football is beach soccer. But today we will stop at the futsal. In countries formerly in the USSR, as well as in some other states, futsal is extremely often called futsal.

But this is not entirely true; futsal and futsal aresimilar games, but the rules of the game in them are slightly different. There are confirmed data that say that in the world about thirty million people play futsal and futsal. The figure is very solid. Futsal - the game is incredibly fast, which requires clear discipline and precise equipment from the players. The small size of the site (in comparison with the classic football on the grass) does not give the right to make mistakes and dictate their own features in the game.

Futsal Technique

The main feature of futsal is technicallygifted players. The limited space of the site requires to comply with this condition. A good game technique is a quality footwear for futsal. If you feel good kicking the ball, then work with it perfectly. In big football there is a set of tricks that came from futsal. As a rule, these feints are very spectacular and complex in execution. The simplest and well-known of them is a heel pass, which is called “heel pass” or simply “heel”.

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Choosing shoes for futsal

So, we already found out that with good shoesplayers feel confident. Futsal shoes should at least be comfortable, do not rub the foot and fit the foot. It is also important that the sole of the shoe is not slippery, this moment will add additional technicality and mobility to the player.

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Variety of shoes for the game

There are two large groups of futsal shoes.The first category is futzalki, which are similar to the classic soccer shoes for playing on the grass. The second category is futzalki, which look like volleyball shoes, they are sometimes called Czech.

Futzalki (like football) have a tightsock, it is convenient for undercuts the ball, as well as blows "pyrym", which is very often used in games in the hall. The heel of the futsal is also tight, which helps to keep the foot. It protects against injury and helps to perfectly maneuver the football player. Sole futsalok made of polyurethane, this material is most preferable for playing in the hall.

Futzalki for the game

If we talk about volleyball futsal,they are inferior in comfort, but have the most sensitive feet, and this has a positive effect on the player’s technique. There are professional players who prefer the first type of shoe, and there are those who choose the second type. The best footwear for futsal is a set of many factors for each player individually. Your legs themselves will indicate the right choice.

For the convenience of the player in terms of socks betterFutsal football, they win and in the aspect of applying strong blows with a sock, they better protect the feet from injury and damage. Cheshki contribute to the best control of the ball, the player’s technique and the contact of the foot with the ball. Sole Czeches more subtle.

Famous manufacturers

There are futsal footwear manufacturersundisputed leaders, and there are companies more modest. Shoes from a well-known brand are higher in cost, as is the quality of its performance. But everyone can find for himself exactly the option that suits him best both in quality and price. In our opinion, when it comes to futsal, Nike should not be overlooked. Futsal footwear from this company is famous for its quality, usability and bright modern style. Many well-known professional gamblers choose the Nike futzalki.

Another famous brand in this category isJoma futsal shoes. Maybe the company is not as ambitious as Nike, but it is in the futsal niche that Joma is the leader who has made a name for himself long ago and found his customers, among whom there is also a futsal pro.

If we said about Nike, then we should not forget aboutThe main competitor of the company in all categories is Adidas. Footwear for futsal "Adidas" is the choice of both pros and amateurs. Futzalki "Adidas" comfortable, stylish and durable. The price is a bit overpriced, but the quality product always costs accordingly.

Famous brand or budget option?

If you play futsal quite a lot andyou don’t have plans to “tie up” with this occupation, but there are only prospects and ambitions, then in your case, undoubtedly, you should give preference to a serious company that produces futzalki. However, this also applies to all other equipment for the game.

Futsal Puma

And if you play futsal for the soul and onlythen, when you have free time, you can choose footwear for futsal a little easier. You play less often than a professional player, so the “run” of your shoes will be less than that of a pro. Your budget futzalki serve you for a long time. But if you have the financial capabilities and desire, no one and nothing will stop you from buying professional gear for your hobby.

The only thing that concerns the budgetshoes, is that moderation is required everywhere. You should not rush on the cheapest options from completely unknown companies, copying the name of a famous brand with a world name, changing one letter in it. Such shoes may be poor quality. It will not only quickly become worthless, but may also be inconvenient, and even cause injury during operation.

For a selection of futsal shoes, visitgood sports shop. A competent specialist will give you detailed advice and help you to clearly determine the choice of futsal that will meet your requirements. Good shoes are the key to a quality futsal game on any level!

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Игра в футзал начинается с техники игрока, а Technical arsenal of an athlete directly depends on the right shoes. Approach this issue very seriously, so as not to leave your opponents chances on the playing field.