Brown trout, whose name is oftenit is used as a synthesis for some freshwater fish, representatives of the salmon family, leads a pelagic lifestyle. Researchers believe that it is a subspecies of trout.
Under the common name "trout" are combined manyfreshwater forms of salmon of the genus Salmo. Often this is the name of even the spotted slab, which, however, has nothing to do with this subspecies. The lake trout, which photo testifies to the incredible iridescence of its coloring, is a predator. She has a squat, slender body, dark in color with a silver sheen on her upper back, silver-gray on the sides and a slight pink bloom on the abdomen. It is especially beautiful during the spawning period, as, indeed, any other fish. Brown trout has a lot of dark specks. And on the eve of spawning, bright orange stripes and specks appear on it, the lower fins blush. From rainbow trout differs by the absence of spots on the tail. In turn, the bright silver sides are proof of its relationship with brown.
Озерная форель никогда не мигрирует.It remains in its reservoir, where it matures and multiplies. Sometimes in the lake you can find individuals reaching a weight of up to nine kilograms or more, but on average this fish weighs about seven hundred grams. The color of this trout depends on its particular habitat. If there is dark water in the pond or it has peat admixture, then the fish that lives in it also has a darkish tint, and with black large spots all over the body. Conversely, when a trout lives in a lake with a light sandy bottom, then its color is, respectively, lighter.
Этот подвид лососевых является холодноводным.He prefers to live in clean, clear water. The optimal parameters for the environment in which the growth and development of this fish are most successful are: the temperature of the reservoir is from 14 to 20 degrees, and the oxygen content is 7-8 mg / l. The brown trout, avoiding brightly lit areas, almost always hides in the shade, going deep. Long stay in bright light leads her into a depressed state, and her eggs and fry even die. Therefore, lake trout is most active on rainy and cloudy days, as well as in the evening and morning.
Важной особенностью для нормальной жизни этой Fish is a constant need for easy access to the surface of the water. She has to fill her swim bladder with air all the time. That is why in closed cages deeply immersed in water, as well as in such reservoirs, which are for a long time bound by an ice shell, lake trout cannot live.
During spawning, this fish, entering the tributaries -rivers and streams, rises upstream. But it also happens that she lays caviar on the spot. After spawning, a significant part of the already slightly grown juveniles returns to their native lake, while a small number of them remain in the river and replenish the ranks of river trout.
This representative of the salmon family canmeet in Lake Ladoga or Onega. The size of the lake trout is directly dependent on the feed it uses. For example, a trout that lives in pebbled rivers or in lakes with a rich selection of various aquatic insects, as well as crustaceans, is usually larger than the one that lives in flood waters where these fodder is much smaller.
Often she is caught in Karelia and on the Kola.the peninsula. There are many cold-water lakes where this fish feels especially good. Some forms of this fish are also found in the high-mountainous reservoirs in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, where it feeds mainly on small fish, without disdaining also insects and their larvae.
Fishing features
Lake trout fishing is very exciting andit is not at all a simple occupation. Sometimes it is beyond the power of a novice fisherman. In order not to reduce the number of trout that live in this reservoir, it is very important to adhere to all the rules established for catching - seasonality, limit, age of individuals.
Эта рыбалка не признает спешки или ненужной суеты.Sometimes an inexperienced person behaves extremely carelessly: approaches with a noise to the water, adjusts his tackle directly at the fishing spot, and at the same time makes many sharp movements.
All these actions can lead tothe trout, having become very cautious, will go to a secluded place and will not react to the bait for a long time. Therefore, fishermen with great experience know that you need to prepare and adjust the gear no closer than ten meters from the casting site. In unfamiliar bodies of water, one should first of all examine the coast and certain zones of the water surface in order to locate the trout. Only when all prospects are really appreciated, you need to be careful and discreet, trying not to make noise, to go to the place of fishing. In some cases, the fishermen move even crawling to go unnoticed for this shy fish. But the first and not expected production of casting, as a rule, ends with a large enough bite of a large specimen.
Where to catch
Место для ловли на озере следует выбирать с taking into account many factors - the presence of a stream or a small river that flows into it, openings among aquatic vegetation, a pile of stones, etc. You need to choose areas between calm and fast currents, deep holes at waterfalls, reables, a quiet bottom with large stones . It is necessary to consider the need for masking.
In general, when choosing a fishing location you needbased on knowledge of prey habits. A thorough study of the reservoir in which the lake trout is found will not ensure successful fishing. When spring fishing you need to choose the places in which, according to local angler fish, the prey usually spends the winter. Most often these are pits, turbulence of shallows or places on a weak current where there is enough food. With an increase in the level of the reservoir, it becomes muddy, therefore, it is quite difficult to find where the trout stands at this time.
Fishing time
Сезон, когда начинается ловля озерной форели, depends on the region. In many Russian waters, it falls on March, when the ice comes off. Fishing is possible in the winter in non-freezing reservoirs, but it must be remembered that this fish is not very active in cold weather, so the results may not be predictable at all.
Lake trout activity increases whenpond accumulates enough melt water. Due to the fact that at this time the earth is still frozen, the water is quite clear and does not become cloudy. However, in this case it is not necessary to expect enviable catches.
Catch a trout on float, spinning orfly fishing rod. There are no special requirements for tackle: you only need to choose a rod that is long enough so that there is an opportunity for long-distance casting of the bait. Based on the characteristics of catching lake trout, the fisherman, while trying to remain unnoticed, should stand at a certain distance from the edge of the water. The weight of the fishing rod should be chosen so as not to get tired of constantly holding it in your hands. Not bad, if the equipment will be running with any type of coil and an arbitrary volume of the drum.
The fishing rod is completed with a fishing line with a diameter of 0.2-0.25millimeters and a leash length of about one meter. You need to use a subtle option, for example, transparent blue. As a rule, only one hook is placed in a trout rig - No. 6-8; however, it makes sense to use two pieces when burning in a pond with a peaty or oozy bottom. The distance between the leads should be fifteen to twenty centimeters.
In cases where the bottom hook with baitsinks into the silt, the upper one remains in the working position anyway. As a sinker, you can use standard pellets, and small pieces of lead tape work well. They are fixed on the seven to ten cm above the hook, and in the presence of two stings - between them.
Experienced anglers recommend using small-sized floats with a soft color and, preferably, a spindle-shaped type on lake trout.
What pecks
The lake trout is best caught on the leaf lanternor dung-worm, with the most effective red variety. For small individuals, the quality and size of the bait is not relevant, so many anglers put on the hook in half. Large trout prefers moving whole worms. If there is no such hand, then the insect larvae, the entrails of the prey itself, as well as chopped fresh fish can be used.