/ / The weight of Dikul. How much does it weigh? Kettlebell Competitions

Kettlebell of Dikul. How much does it weigh? Kettlebell Competitions

In the program of competitions on traditionalthe disciplines of power extreme must include the lifting and pressing of the world-famous giri of Dikul. According to various sources, the weight of this weight varies from 80 to 85 kg. It is considered nominal, since its creator is the famous Russian healer, academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul.

At the competition, Dikul's weight of 82kg. Color it in gold to emphasize the value for athletes and athletes. Few powerlifters can lift it with one hand, not to mention presses several times.

A bit of history

Was born inKaunas of the Lithuanian SSR boy Valentin Dikul. It happened on April 3, 1948. He did not know his father, and he lost his mother at the age of seven. The grandmother raised the boy, who later gave it to the orphanage for upbringing. From a young age Valentine loved the circus, helped with the preparation of circus performances, cleaned the arena after the performances. From the age of ten, watching acrobats and gymnasts, I loved power exercises. Soon with pleasure I joined the work and began to raise weights and balls, to practice acrobatics and gymnastics.

weight of dick

Fate smiled at him, and, seeing an extraordinaryaspiration of the teenager to the circus, he is taken to the troupe of circus performers as an air gymnast. But soon there was a terrible tragedy. In 1962 Valentin Dikul during a performance in Kaunas becomes a victim of an accident. During performance at a high altitude in the Sports Palace, a steel crossbar breaks. From the 13-meter height, the fall was so rapid that even if he knew how to group in cases of falling, the athlete simply did not have time to do it.

A debilitating fight against the disease

When Valentin falls, he suffers serious injurya skull, a backbone and ten fractures of other bones. A week in the intensive care unit and three months of fighting for life in the hospital did not yield positive results. All the doctors asked the young patient to spend the remaining years of life in a wheelchair. They just did not take into account the extraordinary desire to get up on the feet and the will power of the guy.

Even in the hospital, grueling training began.Studying the literature on anatomy and biomechanics, he devised exercises for the development of leg muscles, using first ropes, and then block constructions with weights collected by friends.

how much does a dickie weight weigh?

For six long years, Valentin Dikul's persistenceyielded visible results. But then he felt life at his feet. This caused him to triple his efforts and after 7 months of intensive training his legs began to act. Since then, he not only got up and went, but thanks to labor and raising weights became the most powerful athlete.

Since Dikul got to his feet, it begancareer healer. He helped not only to stand up firmly on his feet, but also to thousands of sick, mutilated people gave hope for recovery. He created a set of exercises to restore the mobility of muscles and joints.

Sports career

The love for the circus lived in Dikul's soul all the timeforced stop. After rehabilitation, rising to his feet, he returns to the arena, but already as a power juggler. Numbers with tossing balls weighing 45 kg, lifting bars, people and cars were watched by millions of people around the world. But the invented weight of Dikul weighing 80 kg is still considered unique.

kettlebell weight

His ability to throw a weight with one hand went intoGuinness Book of Records. Since then, many powerlifting competitions have in their program a lift and a bench of such an unusual weight. It is considered aerobatics to make jerks with a golden weight. Raising it is part of the traditional disciplines of power extreme.

How much does Dikul's weight weigh?

In Moscow every season on Valentine's birthdayIvanovich Dikul, namely April 3, is the tournament "The strongest man." In the program of the competition - the raising of the famous nominal weights, which the folk healer used all 48 years of his labor activity in the circus. The weight of the weight is 80 kg.

exercises with kettlebells

The federation of the strongest athletes of Russia has included thisprojectile in strongman competitions. The task should be done as follows: lift the weight up only with one hand. Lifting is performed above the head with a push, press or jumper technique. Movement is performed only on a long cycle (from the floor with one hand on the chest, then up).

The winner of the competition is the one who raised it more times. But it is not always the strength for strong men to lift such a burden at least once.

Russian bogatyrs

Weight lifting in Russia has long been popular.Such celebrities as writer Leo Tolstoy and wrestler Ivan Poddubny liked to lift weights. But until the 19th century it was not considered a sport. It was a fun and endurance test for men at fairs and circus performances. Such famous fighters of the past as Ivan Zaikin, Ivan Poddubny, Georg Gakkenshmidt, constantly conducted weights. From such exercises all weightlifting was born later.


Vladislav Kraevsky was lifting a 32-poundweights 10 times, although he was already 60 years old. He is considered the creator of the St. Petersburg circle of fans of athletics. The first book on teaching how to work with weights also belongs to the Russian Ivan Lebedev. His book, A Guide to How to Develop Your Strength by Exercising Heavy Weights, was written in 1916. And his student Alexander Bukharov wrote a textbook for athletes called "Weight Lifting" in 1939.

Weight lifters lift weight in 8, 16, 32 kg. And only now in the competitions of strongmen began to apply exercises with weights Dikul weighing 80 kg.