/ / How to lose weight in the sides and abdomen with exercise

How to lose weight in the sides and abdomen with exercise

Almost all girls suffer from subcutaneous fat insides and stomach. Get rid of this problem is quite difficult. But if you tune in correctly and cast away all doubts, you can still achieve a certain result.

how to lose weight in the sides and stomach
How to lose weight in the sides and stomach?For this you can use a variety of methods. In order to achieve a certain result in this case, special attention should be paid to the muscles of the thighs and abdominal muscles. There are a large number of different exercises for these groups. It is worth knowing that even a hoop can help to answer the question of how to lose weight in the sides and stomach. But it is best to twist in conjunction with other exercises. And it should be done at least one hour a day.

We give examples of several exercises usingwhich subcutaneous fat on the sides and abdomen will remain only in terrible dreams. One of the most effective helpers in solving a problem is a fitball. So, how to lose weight in the sides and stomach with a gymnastic ball?

how to lose weight in the stomach and sides

  1. Movement of the pelvis.In this case, the obliques and thigh muscles will be involved. You need to sit on the sports equipment, keeping your back straight. Shoulders will need to take a little back and lower. Feet should not be torn off the floor. Then you need to start rolling the fitball with the muscles of the hips on the sides. The body itself in this case should remain fixed.
  2. Leg lifts.It is necessary to lie on the fitball on the right side. The floor should be supported with the right hand. Legs must be absolutely straight. Then you should start lifting your left leg up. Having made about sixteen repetitions, the same must be repeated with the right foot.
  3. Clock. It is necessary to lie on the surface, bending the legs and putting them on the ball. Then you need to start moving fitball on the sides.

You can also lose weight in the stomach and sides without using special balls. To do this, you must perform the following exercises:

  1. Slopes. Taking in the hands of goods, you should start to bend first to the left and then to the right. At the same time, if you tilt to the left, you need to raise your right hand. And vice versa.
  2. Body movement.You must stand up straight, with your hands on your waist or just lifting them in front of you. Then you should start moving the body in different directions. The legs should remain motionless.
  3. Велосипед.You need to lie on a flat surface, lift your legs, bending them at the same time in the knees, and begin to perform movements in such a way as if you were pedaling. Hands at this time should be behind the head.
  4. Without changing the initial position described above, it is necessary to begin to carry out rises, trying to reach with the right elbow to the left leg. And vice versa.

As you see, the exercises cannot be called too complex, but they can lead to a certain effect quite quickly.

Lose weight in the stomach and sides

If you want to answer the question of how to lose weight in the stomach and sides, you can resort to exercises from yoga.

  1. You must stand up straight, legs spread wide.The right foot should be directed away from the body at an angle of 90 degrees, and the left foot should be turned inward by 45 degrees. The right leg is required to bend about 90 degrees in the knee. Head should also be turned to the right. You will need to reach to the sides with your hands. After taking a few breaths and exhale, go back to your original position and do the same with your left foot.
  2. Slopes. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.Set the right hand aside as far as possible. The thigh in this case should touch the floor. The hull should not be piled aside. Raise your left hand up, trying to stretch the body. Pull the brush on the inhale, and on the exhale to remove the tension. Then the same should be done with the right hand.

By doing these simple exercises, you cananswer the question of how to lose weight in the sides and abdomen. But it should be understood that self-pity in this case is meaningless and can only harm on the way to your goal.