Begin to twist the hoop

It is said that, when engaged with the hoop daily andintensively, a good result will be seen in a month: the muscles will become elastic, and the volumes will significantly decrease. Let's discuss how to make your figure more beautiful with the help of a hoop. And also find out which hoop is best for training, what exercises should be done to become an owner of an aspen waist, what to look for and answer one of the main questions about whether to twist the hoop is harmful or useful.

Ordinary hoop or hula-hoop

twist wrap
Probably, this is the very first question thatemerges in the head of a person who decided to start training with a hoop. Which hoop to choose: usual hollow or filled with sand, hula-hoop or something like a training hoop with attachments.

Of course, the choice is yours.But pay attention to the following points. Firstly, if your body is not trained, then it's difficult and difficult to start turning the hoop, for example, filled with sand. And you can not stand the whole workout right away. Needless to say, the next day your muscles will ache so that all the hunt to engage in and dreams of harmony will fall off on their own. Therefore, you need to start with a light (iron or plastic) hollow hoop. And when the muscles get used to this kind of load, gradually increase the weight of the hoop. Secondly, if your choice fell on hula-hoop, then we advise you to think again. Hula-Hup, of course, a good thing. But many women after training with such a hoop noted the appearance on their body of large bruises and subcutaneous sweats, which for a long time pass and constantly hurt. Buying a hula-hoop or a massage hoop, pay attention to the material from which the balls are made. It is better if they are rubberized.

How to deal with the hoop

to twist a hoop is harmful
No matter what part of the body you aretrain, you should follow certain rules, so that your occupation will bring results. First of all, starting to twist the hoop, you should remember that you need to train regularly, at least 2 times a day. When twisting the hoop, remember the breath. Muscles tighten - you should do a deep exhalation, with relaxation - inhale more air. While you begin to twist the hoop, pull in the belly and slightly tilt the body forward. This exercise will not only work on the waist muscles, but also help burn calories. By the way, as soon as you start to twist the hoop, the calories immediately begin to burn.

We twist the hoop. Benefit or harm

To say unequivocally that twisting the hoop is harmful oron the contrary, it is not useful. Of course, the hoop will allow you to practice well and stretch your muscles. But not in all cases and not all of these workouts are useful. Let's see what is the use of the hoop, and what is the harm.

twist hoop calories
Let's start with the useful.So, the hoop helps to correct the beautiful figure, helps to reduce the volume, normalizes the breathing apparatus, strengthens the heart, enriches the cells with oxygen than trains the heart muscle.

At the same time, to twist the hoop is contraindicated,who have problems with the musculoskeletal system and have abdominal diseases. It is contraindicated during critical days, pregnant women who have recently given birth to women. It is not allowed to twist the hoop to elderly people.

Before you begin training with the use of a hoop, you need to undergo a series of examinations and get medical advice.

Let's sum up.Training with a hoop or hula hoop is a great way to bring your body in order, train muscles and burn extra calories from the day. It is pleasant to be engaged, especially if training takes place under favorite music and in pleasure. At the same time, starting to twist the hoop, remember that the wrong technique, breathing and sudden movements can lead to severe consequences and injuries to the back, vertebra. In everything there should be a measure and a sensible approach.