/ / The most powerful traumatic pistol on the Russian market. What is he like?

The most powerful traumatic gun on the Russian market. What is he?

As a rule, any sport shooting lover starts with a pneumatic weapon, since he doesn’t need permission, and the stray bullet ejected from pneumatics carries no particular danger.

The most powerful traumatic gun
If the first shooting experience was successful, and the shooternot lost interest in weapons, he, as a rule, tries to get something more serious. Of course, permission is required to buy a traumatic pistol, but getting it is not a serious problem. And the possession of the "rezrastrelo" will give its owner a considerable pleasure - after all, here is the power, and high firing range, and considerable destructive power.

Of course, before you buy a weapon, anythe person asks himself which traumatic pistol is better? What is better to buy? How much is worth spending? Of course, a cheap pistol will have low power, and vice versa. The question is, how much would you like to buy a "killer" thing?

It is clear that it is better to start with medium-power weapons, since it will not be a cause for disappointment, nor a too dangerous thing in inexperienced hands.

It is quite another thing - arrows with experience,having tried many different pistols, but not yet completed the search for their own ideal. Often the goal of such people is the most powerful traumatic pistol available in their country.

Which traumatic gun is better
If we talk about the Russian market, it should be noted that it is impossible to name any one model as the strongest. But there are several best.

The three of the first in terms of carnage include the following: "Makarych" MP-79-9TM, Grand Power T12 and Streamer 2014.

"Макарыч" МР-79-9ТМ - это если и не самый мощный the traumatic gun, then one of the most famous. Depending on the variation, the magazine holds 8-10 rounds of 9RA caliber cartridges or 6 rounds of 45 caliber cartridges. The mass of the gun slightly exceeds 0.7 kilograms without cartridges and 0.8 kilograms with full gear. With a relatively small size, the weapon has a considerable aiming range, equal to ten meters. Power shot reaches 70 joules.

The gun Grand Power T12 is the most powerfultraumatic pistol from his line. His shop holds 10 cartridges of 10x28 caliber, the weight of a discharged pistol almost reaches 0.8 kg. Target range is 8 meters.

Traumatic gun clearance
Well, about Streamer 2014 you can with a calmit is fair to say that he is the most powerful traumatic pistol not only in this trio, but in the entire Russian market. It was first produced in 2009 and became an improved modification of its predecessor - Streamer 1014. The 2014 model has a considerable minimum resource - it is six thousand shots.

With a weight not reaching even 0.7 kilograms,This compact pistol has a magazine that holds 14 or 13 cartridges of 9RA or 10x22 caliber, respectively. It is very remarkable that the cost of this weapon is less than 20 thousand rubles, and the shooting characteristics correspond to more expensive models. So, the speed of a bullet in Streamer 2014 almost reaches 500 meters per second (from 450 and more), and the power is 120 Joules. All this speaks of the uniqueness of the pistol and the excellent value for money.

True, we can not forget about the disadvantages of this model -due to the use in the manufacture of alloys, its strength is not too great. But if you treat Streamer 2014 with care, it will serve its owner for many years.