Hunting crossbow - quite effectiveweapons that, if necessary, can serve as a worthy replacement for a rifle. The main advantage of the weapon is noiseless shooting. Therefore, in the course of its application is quite difficult to scare the beast.
Design features
- The hull is the main power unit to which the load falls when the bowstring is lowered. It serves as the basis for the installation of functional parts.
- The pads are part of the design for setting bowstring arcs.
- Lodge - a detail of the crossbow, which is used to accommodate the arrow.
- Bowstring - a functional part that serves to propel the used projectiles.
- Shoulders - elastic structural element, which gives energy when tensioning the bowstring.
- The stirrup is a detail that makes it easier to charge the crossbow.
- The trigger mechanism is a device by which the lock is opened and the bowstring is released when fired.
- The sight is mounted on a crossbow to facilitate aiming at the target.
Hunting crossbow with wooden shoulders
Metal Crossbow
Extremely common option.Hunters pay attention to such crossbows, as they demonstrate high power when firing. Hunting bows and crossbows with metal arcs are suitable not only for training, but also for use in field conditions when tracking down prey. For manufacturing, both solid arcs and composite structures are used, which are assembled from several symmetrical parts.
Recursive crossbow
Classic version with curved shoulders.Such a hunting crossbow is an extremely easy to use and convenient to use device. It has a small size and improved performance. Easy to disassemble and transport.
Recursive crossbows contain reinforced shoulders, the tension force which can reach about 50 kg. This, in turn, opens up the possibility of hunting for small and large animals.
Block crossbow
Minor dimensions are provided by installing short arcs. The use of this solution helps the owner to easily overcome areas covered with bushes and bushes.
The characteristics of a block-type hunting crossbow provide a simple platoon of bowstring and low recoil, which is achieved by rational distribution of the force vector.
Pistol type crossbow
To a separate category include the so-called pistol crossbow. Products of this type are distinguished by the following qualities:
- thanks to the reduced dimensions, they are an extremely convenient weapon during transportation;
- have high power and allow you to hit targets both at medium and long distances;
- they are characterized by less destructive force compared to block systems, however, they emit arrows with greater speed;
- in addition to arrows, can produce darts, harpoons, metal balls.
The main feature of crossbow shooting -significant displacement of the sighting line. In other words, after firing a shot, the projectile fired quickly enough to land. Therefore, it is advisable to install optics with a special crossbow grid on such a weapon. For effective aiming at the target crossbows enough to equip optical sights with a 4-fold approximation.
Some hunters prefercollimator systems, which also manifest themselves quite effectively. Moreover, this option makes it possible to hunt both during the day and in the evening. Collimator sights are extremely convenient to use when aiming at moving targets.
Hunting crossbow with his own hands
During the preparation of the drawing, one should be guided not only by personal wishes, but also take into account the availability of the necessary materials, proceed from their cost, complexity of processing.
How to make a hunting crossbow with your own hands?Usually a bed is prepared for the beginning, on which later the shoulders, the stirrup, the guide, the trigger mechanism are fastened. Difficult for self-manufacturing element of the arc. Therefore, in some cases it is better to purchase them in the finished version.
They will help to make a hunting crossbow with their own hands drawings, examples of which are shown in the photos below.
The base on which the bed and shoulders of the product are fixed is the body. It is desirable to cut it from a metal billet with a thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.
In the central part of the body and at the end withbolts fixed bed crossbow. The use of such a solution contributes to the rapid assembly of weapons for combat and disassembly during transport.
A stirrup welded to the body at the bottom.The latter provides the ability to hold the crossbow with his foot while pulling the string. As a material for the manufacture of stirrups is recommended to use a wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm.
The material of manufacture of the structural elementcan serve as a car spring. In such metal shoulders, semicircular recesses for bolts are made, with the help of which the part will be screwed to the body.
The common opinion is thatto which the use of metal springs as a basis for the manufacture of shoulders is a rather dangerous decision. And in fact, when using an improvised crossbow in conditions of low ambient temperature, the probability of breaking the part increases, especially at the points of attachment. Such cases are accompanied by the release of small fragments. Therefore, the idea should be applied at your own peril and risk.
Ready drawings of a hunting crossbow oftenprovide for block devices. The latter facilitate tension and give an advantage in strength. Bringing such a crossbow into a combat state is easier than with a simple connection of the ends of a bowstring with the ends of the shoulders. Moreover, during the descent, the starting speed of the boom increases, which is reflected in an increase in the range of the weapon. The main drawback of installing the block system is the complexity of manufacturing and the increase in the total weight of the crossbow.
To fix the string at the ends of the shoulders,Enough to do the usual loop. Under the cable anchorages, it is better to place pieces of leather or any other dense material in advance. This solution allows you to avoid rubbing the strings when in contact with metal shoulders.
For the manufacture of parts can be used easilywooden workable in the form of a board about 30 mm thick. It is worth noting that, despite the high strength, oak is not very suitable for these purposes due to its significant weight. As for spruce and pine, the latter are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage and warp when in contact with moisture. Therefore, the type of wood should be selected depending on the goals and conditions of future use of the crossbow.
How to make a hunting crossbow for realpractical? Particular attention in the manufacture should be paid to the guide in the form of a groove for the boom, which should be tried to make as smooth, smooth and polished as possible. The state of the groove is largely reflected in the accuracy of shooting. It is desirable that the width of the bed is equal to the diameter of the arrows used. It can be cut using a circular saw.
As a means to hold the boom it is rational to use a spring that will press the projectile against the bed and will not allow the latter to slip out of the groove before the shot is fired.
Trigger mechanism
The material used to manufacture the parts will be sheet iron. It is desirable that its thickness was not less than 6-7 mm. The drawing of the mechanism is presented in the following diagram:
Все детали укладываются непосредственно в ложе homemade crossbow. Here a special nest is cut, through holes are made under the axes of the mechanism, on which subsequent elements of the trigger are installed. An example of the installation of the descent is shown in the figure below.
Sight Optics
В качестве арбалетного прицела можно использовать factory optics from firearms. Quite a practical solution - the use of front and rear sight. With the latter, you can make vertical corrections. Horizontal adjustments are conveniently performed using a fly fixed on the intersection of the shoulders and the bed.
To ensure easy transportationcrossbow, it is worth making the sighting device removable. To do this, the weapon can be installed so-called Picatinny rail, which provides the ability to mount individual sights of the factory assembly.
Как видно, изготовить охотничий арбалет вполне really. However, acquiring a weapon in a specialized shop, the user receives guarantees of its safety, reliability of assembly. When operating the self-made crossbow, you can only rely on yourself.