/ What is insecurity? Causes and examples of self-doubt. How to overcome fear and self-doubt?

What is self-doubt? Causes and examples of self-doubt. How to overcome fear and self-doubt?

Often, starting a new business or facingunfamiliar situation, a person begins to doubt his own strength, is uncertain. What is self-doubt? How to deal with it? The science of the human soul - psychology - helps to get answers to these questions.

What is insecurity?

Definition of concept

Uncertainty is fear, inner fears,associated with a biased assessment of their own capabilities and forces. The fears that bind a person, preventing him from growing and developing further, causing him to hesitate in solving any questions, accomplishing actions - all this is the definition of what self-doubt is.


Doubts in one's own strength beginform as a child, and the child correctly assesses his abilities and has confidence. Misunderstanding, incorrect (often understated) evaluation of the child's abilities in the future will lead to the fact that a small man will turn into a hammered and weak person, depending on the opinion and desires of the surrounding people.

Fear and self-doubt

The main causes of insecurity:

  • Education. The influence of authoritarian parents or the pressure of one of them on the child provokes the development of uncertainty.
  • Environment. The pressure from the society in which a person develops has a negative impact on the formation of the individual. Mockery and mockery gradually destroy it.
  • Ignorance of one's own self.The inability to listen to the inner voice, communicate with your subconscious, and the failure to take on your own real role in society - all this creates a fertile ground for the development of uncertainty.
  • Uncertainty about the purpose and meaning of life.When a person has clearly defined goals and a firm desire to achieve them, he develops confidence in his capabilities. In the case of an individual who can not choose his own path and understand what is his prerogative for life, the feeling of insecurity and his own insignificance grows like a snowball.
  • Bad experience. If in the past a person has faced a situation that has caused a loss to the subconscious, then such a bad experience can teach him to believe in himself.

The above causesuncertainties are not considered the main and the only true. According to experts in the field of psychology and sociology, there are many prerequisites for the appearance of doubts in one's own forces.

Influence on human life

Examples of self-doubt

The feeling of indecision has a negativeinfluence on the daily activities of the individual. What is self-doubt? This is primarily a manifestation of disrespect for themselves and their needs, staging of other people's desires than their own. A person experiencing uncertainty, it is difficult to work, communicate, build relationships with the opposite sex.

When a person is faced with problems inan incomprehensible situation for him, wants to overcome them, but begins to doubt his own abilities, this is normal. Another thing is when a man or a woman, due to his own fears and insecurities, silently endure bullying, humiliation and do not even try to change their lives for the better. It requires the intervention of a specialist, since usually such individuals rarely realize the fact that they are victims of their own subconscious.

How to overcome fear and self-doubt

Fear and insecurity destroy lifeman, make his existence impossible in society. There are cases when a sense of own worthlessness, uselessness to this world, insecurity in its capabilities provoked suicide.


In order to prevent the further development of the inferiority complex in time, it is necessary to listen to yourself and identify the first alarming bells from the subconscious.

The main "symptoms" of uncertainty:

  • An inexplicable fear of new challenges and communication with people.
  • Constant fuss, being in which, insecure person is saved from internal discomfort.
  • Dependence on the approval and opinions of others, reluctance to be themselves.
  • Attempts to assert themselves at someone else's expense.

In addition, it is worth noting that uncertainty makes a person a slave who agrees to any desire and decision of a stronger person. The leader receives almost complete authority over such a person.


In everyday life, there are often people,underestimating themselves. They occupy low positions, do not strive to exceed their surroundings in anything. In communication with them, any hint of exaggeration or lie is easily revealed - insecure people like to "embellish" the facts.

Some examples of self-doubt:

  • When meeting a man with a low self-esteem, he will never extend his hand first, he will not say a greeting.
  • In the collective, the personality when the proposal is receivedon a higher position, in most cases, refuses it, without any good reason. That is, a person rejects a proposal without even trying himself in a new role.
  • In dealing with women, a man unsure of his powers will allow a woman to play a dominant role (if the relationship is still there, otherwise he will not be able to associate two words during the conversation).
  • The woman will completely depend on the opinions of others. Any, even everyday issues, she solves only through the discussion and advice of girlfriends, friends.

How to fight? Advice

What is insecurity?

What is self-doubt?This is an internal struggle, a protest to make any changes in life. As M.Ye. Litvak said, our enemy is in the reflection, and it is worthwhile to deal with it, as other problems will go away by themselves. To combat uncertainty, it is important to understand and understand the fact that the problem is not in the surrounding world, but inside the person, in his attitude to himself and his life.

reasons for self-doubt

How to overcome fear and self-doubt? It is enough to follow the simple advice presented below:

  • Try to praise yourself as often as possible, even for the smallest successes. Fix on paper the cases that ended in your favor - this will help raise self-esteem.
  • Do not be afraid to deny people. Consider not only other people's interests, needs, but also your own desires.
  • Do not reproach yourself for misconduct and failure, conduct an internal dialogue with yourself. When you think that you do not have enough energy to implement your plan, ask yourself a question, is it really difficult?
  • Concentrate on positive thoughts. It is not necessary to plunge into the head with problems, it takes time and energy.

In the fight against the inferiority complex, the most important thing is a sincere desire to overcome it and gain confidence in oneself.