/ / Social role of personality

The social role of personality

What does the concept of the social role of the individual?Why even those who try their best to behave in the same way in all situations, still act differently when they are at home or at work, while in the store or at a party. The fact is that we constantly change our social roles depending on the situation and situation around. It is absolutely natural for every person.

In terms of psychological science, socialA role is a formed behavioral image that is endowed with a set of self-determined (subjective) and generally established (objective) functions.

How much will the socialthe role depends on how a person feels his current status and how satisfied he is with it, on what society expects from a person in a given situation, on relations with partners in life in society.

The concept of social role includes the importancepersonality in a society with all the features of its manifestation. This refers to the status - the position of the person. Statuses can be professional, related, political, religious - and this is only the most pronounced. In addition, we are buyers, patients, listeners, readers ... People can enter the same social community without communicating with each other and without knowing each other. They simultaneously belong to many groups, and by their role in some determine behavior in others. For example, a successful businessman, occupying a high position among entrepreneurs, is likely to occupy a high status in a group of relatives. However, this is optional.

The social role of man as a man or woman is predetermined by nature. It is also clear in advance how to play the role of a fireman, doctors - professional roles.

Some social roles of the individual are easily subjectchanges, others are stable. For example, interpersonal roles. It is difficult to force yourself to suddenly fall in love with a person who causes antipathy, quit the role of lead, and become led. Therefore, with the choice and acceptance of such a role, which can become your “second skin”, you need to be especially careful. If you need to part with a social role that negatively affects the course of life, you should try to switch to a new occupation, a new person, objectively arguing that such changes will really benefit.

You can highlight the role of hidden and relevant - thosewhich manifest here and now. It happens so that in an unforeseen situation one has to act according to a scheme unusual for us, to assume the role of others who cannot be near and take their place. Such roles are called spontaneous. The transition from childhood to the adolescent phase, maturity, the creation of a family, the appearance of children, maturity — all this and much more brings new social roles into our lives and corrects existing ones. Here, an adequate perception of new statuses, a potential and a desire to learn in order to successfully complete their life positions are important. Everything has its time, so children should be children as they are supposed to - with all the ensuing consequences, in order to later cope with the new status.

Socialization — the teaching of a new social role — occurs more often “in the process,” through observing and copying the behavior of others by people, adapting it “for themselves”.

If mastering a role is not good enough,antisocial behavior takes place both in this group and in others. Therefore, the social role must be comprehensible, it must be fulfilled and improved. If a person spends more time in one role than in the others, it means that today he asserts himself precisely in this capacity.