Structure of a person's personality

Каждый человек является, прежде всего, живым body, however, like other living creatures on this planet. But there is one “but” that distinguishes people from animals: a person is a carrier of consciousness, that is, a person. And this aspect of human existence is immaterial, it can not be viewed under a microscope or touch it. But this does not mean that the concept of personality cannot be studied. And psychology has been doing this for quite a few years. But psychologists are also people, and in each of them the structure of a person’s personality has its own interpretation.

Both Western and domestic psychologists have worked a lot on this issue. And the latter managed to create a coherent scientific system, according to which the structure of the personality is divided into four substructures.

The first of them is called the orientation of the individual.This concept includes desires, inclinations, inclinations, interests, worldviews, ideals and beliefs. All these elements of personality are not innate. They are socially conditioned and are formed during upbringing. And the most stable and active trait of the personality are beliefs. And their combination is a person’s worldview. In a passive state, it is available to all people. But people strong-willed their beliefs are active in nature, and they actively implement them. And sometimes they even impose their beliefs on others.

Also the structure of the personality includes suchconcept as an experience. These are skills, knowledge, habits and skills that a person acquires in society through training. The experience is already influenced by the biological and genetic properties of people. But not each of these properties overnight becomes a property of the individual. One-time actions or skills that are just beginning to form are not yet an experience. But if a particular person has fixed knowledge and some skill or he has a well-established habit or skill, then they, undoubtedly, become properties of his personality. Experience can be passive. In this embodiment, all the knowledge and skills just lie "dead weight". But also all this knowledge and skills can be actively used.

В третью подструктуру личности входят individual characteristics of various mental functions. It is a memory, sensations, emotions, feelings, perception, thought and will of a person. After all, all these psychological processes for each person work in different ways, that is, they are individual. And over time, they are fixed and become integral features of the personality. For example, one person has a phenomenal memory, another feels fine art, and the third one can “boil” because of a trifle. Also, all these components can be trained and changed. But sensations and emotions are peculiar not only to people, but also to animals. Therefore, the basis of this substructure is rather a biological rather than a social component.

Another personality structure includes suchsubstructure as properties of temperament. These properties mainly depend on such physiological characteristics of the brain as the speed with which the nervous processes take place in it, the balance of the processes of inhibition and excitation, and the like. Age and sex of a person also affect these properties. And even the disease can affect the temperament of the individual. All these features have a biological basis, and it is very difficult to change them. But by training some of these traits can be redone. Also here you can replace one function if you wish. For example, some people after watching “horror” can not sleep. It is associated with a highly agitated nervous system. But this system can also be “deceived” if you “count the elephants” or use other similar tricks.

But such a division into substructures is notthe only one. For example, the structure of personality according to Jung looks somewhat different. This scientist identified three main components of a person’s personality. The first component is the consciousness of the individual or his ego. The second component is the individual unconscious, and the third is the collective unconscious. And if each individual has an individual unconscious, then the collective one is identical for all people. This component of personality is the legacy of the emotional past of all mankind, and it is reborn in the brain structure of each individual individual.

And on the basis of all these substructures is formedmotivational structure of a person’s personality. That is, if we take into account various objective factors: needs, goals of an individual, ideals, conditions of activity, level of aspirations. And here to include subjective factors (skills, knowledge, character, abilities), as well as the orientation of the individual, his beliefs and worldview, it is possible to determine which person will make a decision in a particular situation.