/ / Why does a person know himself? Good purpose of self-knowledge

Why does man know himself? The Good Purpose of Self-Knowledge

So that a man understands the meaning of his existence,he is given the opportunity to know himself first of all. The world is designed so that everything is harmonious in it. Why does a person know himself, what does it give him? There are many different answers to these questions from saints, theologians, philosophers, psychologists and simple wise people.

why does man know himself

What is a sense of life?

In one series of the cartoon "Smeshariki" a lambthe wise crow asks: "What is the meaning of life? I do not understand. Why should I live?" The raven realized that the lamb did not just ask, he really did not want to live without meaning. He offered him to go look for kozinaki (these are peeled seeds glued with molasses or honey). Lamb does not know what it is. Crow takes it and leads him very far to harsh places. It was necessary even to fight for my life in a terrible snowstorm. They did not find the kozinaki, but the lamb realized that it was good at home. The meaning of life is precisely what surrounds him. Then he took a tea with jam in his paws and smiled, saying: "The point is in tea with jam, so that I warm up and refresh!"

This instructive episode can answer the question:"Why does a man know himself?" Surrounding things, of course, are not the main elements for knowing oneself, but a person’s attitude to them can say a lot. Undoubtedly, one needs to know oneself from within, to start from the heart, from the soul.

Self-knowledge from the spiritual point of view

You may notice how kind, generous andAn honest person treats all people, animals, and even things with care and affection. He has peace in his heart, which means he is peace-loving to everything around him. Anyone who decides to know himself from the inside should look at the world around him and appreciate it. If you like everything, nothing annoying, everything suits you, then peace of mind is assured.

why does man know himself

Irritated, angry, displeased with all peopleis spiritually flawed, it needs to be corrected. If the spirit is unhealthy, the soul is covered with mud, then the body will be sore. "Why does a man know himself?" - such a life hater will ask. Namely, then, to see everything bad in yourself and drive it out of your soul. Naturally, without the desire of the person himself will not work. There are such words: "As it goes around comes around, so it will respond." This saying applies to the perception of human life.

Christian view of life

It happens that people wonder:"Why do I live? What is the point? Old-lived, I die, nothing changes!" The Orthodox Church has long given the answer to this question. And she says that a person is born to learn love, patience, forgiveness. Family people are Christians, and there are monks. Everyone chose their way. Some - to continue the human race and teach the little ones to love, respect, be like God, others - to pray to the Lord for all of humanity day and night, to perform obediences in the monastery. These people know the meaning of life, why a person knows himself. In short, we can say that they are happy. Why? Because they follow the path that God has prepared for them. This is the road of love, mutual aid, forgiveness, kindness, mercy.

why does man know himself briefly

It will be helpful to watch those who help.to others. A young man helps her grandmother to lift a heavy bag on the stairs, the girl gives way to a pregnant woman in transport, everyone has a smile on her face instead of irritation.

Why does nothing work and fail in everything?

Failures most often pursue evil, irritatedpeople. You need to know that a person’s negative attitude towards everything will not lead to a happy life. On the contrary, failures will haunt him, since he himself unknowingly "magnetizes" all bad things to himself. It is worth noting that many diseases are associated with nerves, a state of mind. For example, a person complains: "I have yours ... sitting in my liver! How did you get me, to colic!" What will happen to him? Right! He will earn liver disease and various colic. It is not necessary that all diseases are “targeted”; they can occur in other organs and parts of the body. Why does a person know himself in time of illness? Then, to normalize your life. No wonder they say that the Lord sends a disease for sins, and in order to realize his weakness, stop and think about the main things.

The mirror of one's heart

Unhappy and lost people even to themselves inthe mirror is afraid to look, because on the other side there will be a terrible, displeased, haggard face. Even such a person does not want to look into his eyes. After all, looking in the mirror, you can get an answer to the question: "Why does a person know himself?"

the answer to the question why a person knows himself

As you know, the eyes - a mirror of the soul.In them you can see something strange, fascinating. In the eyes you can even read how a person treats someone, if he is lying. That person who is not in tune with himself will not look into the mirror in his eyes. If this is so, then it is advisable to immediately begin to understand yourself. Why does a person know himself in this case? The lack of understanding with others appears for a reason. It turns out that the person himself behaves this way, acts incorrectly, does not appreciate anyone. Blame it do not need anyone, just yourself.

If you want to build relationships with people and behappy, you need to retrain. To do this, it is recommended to look at other people, to observe those to whom everything is good, how these people behave. You can see how polite, kind, disinterested they are.