/ / Allen David and his unique time planning system

Allen David and his unique time planning system

Allen David offers an effective concept.allocating personal resources in his book, How to Put Business in Order: The Art of Productivity Without Stress. Literary work is the result of 20 years of practical activity, supported by theoretical studies. How to gain the ability to separate the important from the minor with maintaining calm and balance, without which full health is unthinkable? David Allen Methodology Widespread due to the availability and ease of use, the author himself presents its essence in the form of a call "Have time to live!".

What is this book about?

The book includes three main parts.The first part is devoted to a general description of what is the system of David Allen. The second part deals with the use of the author’s techniques in practice, while the third gives an idea of ​​the effectiveness of applying new approaches to managing one’s time. The author emphasizes that the methods offered by him do not imply a choice between work productivity and full value rest. Rather, they are aimed at mastering the art of constructive combination of the one and the other without stress and loss of strength. The areas of application of the technique are very different - home and family, schooling and education, the organization of production and any other enterprise.

Overview of the system in the first part of the book

David Allen technique

Current requirements for quality indicatorsworks have changed significantly compared with those requests that existed previously. Allen David states that most of the varieties of work (in companies, in enterprises) now have an intellectual and multitasking character, without clear boundaries and no concept of completion. Also, most people are hampered by an imaginary lack of free time and real personal lack of organization. The author of the methodology writes that in order to more effectively manage his affairs, first of all, one needs to “free brains”, that is, transfer the unfinished business in the form of a record to any media, electronic or paper, thereby saving oneself from “excess garbage”. It is very important to regularly review the records, adjusting them to reflect the current changes. Having disappeared from the head and appeared in a notebook or on a smartphone, most of the problems lose their imaginary significance, and only the most necessary falls to the fore. It is very important to identify for yourself the specific steps of following to the goal. This can be done using the methodology outlined in the book of the five stages of planning.

Application of the system in practice in the second part of the book

David Allen system
It should start with the preparation of the working area,thinks allen david. Special time is required to arrange a place in the office or at home, as well as an intermediate workplace, if professional duties require it. A properly equipped workspace implies the availability of comfortable furniture, necessary stationery and a rationally equipped system for storing documents. Collecting information for its subsequent prioritization is also considered preparation for work. The book describes in great detail the types and methods of storing and sorting documentation, ranging from paper file cabinets to system folders in a computer. You can also learn from it:

- how to sort the cases and divide them into categories;

- in what cases it is required to reassign the task to other people;

- when and for how long it is necessary to postpone the work;

- how to competently organize work with projects;

- What methods can be used to maintain the system created in working condition?

The results of using the system in the third part of the book

Allen david
Успешное внедрение инновационных методик дает great results. The better a person is aware of the time and quantitative frameworks in the area of ​​his obligations (and at the same time he copes well with them), the less he is anxious and tense. A full-fledged, high-quality implementation of plans causes a surge of inspiration, supported by dividends in the form of the need to take on more complex matters. Allen David calls the traditional method of time management erroneous, as it implements the assumption that less important tasks do not require careful monitoring. Thus, remaining outside the conscious level, "unimportant" problems will attack the person from the unconscious part of the psyche, causing anxiety and stress, depriving energy. According to the new, author, methodology, all problems and tasks, regardless of relevance and size, should be discovered and placed on "their places". Accordingly, all mental garbage will be sent to the "basket", thereby freeing up space for fresh ideas.
David allen reviews

Valuable information in the field of growth andImproving personal potential offers readers David Allen. Reviews of its customers, those who, by their own example, have tested the effectiveness of the new system, are filled with recognition and appreciation. The author also admits that his work causes him deep satisfaction and does not allow him to be bored. He believes that freedom and new experience of productive concentration through relaxation are possible for everyone.