/ / "The Seven Skills of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

"Seven Skills of Highly Effective People" by Steven Covey

Every person in his life strives for something.Some people succeed, and they become successful, famous. Others do not, and they are looking for the cause of their failures in external circumstances or those around them. Why this happens, explains Stephen Covey. “The Seven Skills of Highly Effective People” is a book that helps people.

about the author

Steven R Covey Books
Tremendous value in the lives of many people from acrossEarth played an American Stephen R. Covey. The books on personal growth written by this author helped them to look at the world and themselves with completely different eyes. He is known in the field of leadership training, life management issues and other aspects of self-accomplishment. He is the author of many books on this topic.

Book popularity

Edition "Seven skills of highly effective people",according to Time magazine, in 2011 it was among the 25 best books on management. It is published in seventy-three countries in thirty-eight languages. For the first time the world saw the work in 1989.

About the content

The book served a systematic approach tosetting goals based on a person’s life priorities. The author gives recommendations on how to achieve the intended. It is also about how to change through self-improvement. Emphasis is placed on the fact that change requires hard work and time. The book teaches effective relationships in society and at home, as well as the skills of successful self-management. In general, the Seven Skills of Highly Effective People is a guide for those who are willing to change and become better.

What you need to do to be successful (from the book Seven Skills of Highly Effective People)

seven skills of highly effective people
1. Take responsibility for what happens to you, to yourself. Admit it - you are to blame for everything that happens around you (both good and bad). Be the creators of your destiny.
2. Before you begin to do something, decide where you are going, what is your ultimate goal. Draw in your mind a picture of what you want as a result.
3. First do what is more important. Even if deadlines are tolerated, do not put off meaningful matters for “later”, since “later” may never come.
4. Act in your own interests and the interests of others. Then people will want to deal with you more than once. And this is in your interest.
5. Learn to understand other people, then you will be understood. If opinions diverge, ask politely the question of what exactly the person did not like and how he sees the solution to the problem.
Steven R Covey Books

6. Find like-minded people. It will bring you closer to your goal. You can do much more with others.

7. Do not stop on the path of self-improvement. This applies to all aspects of your development: spiritual, physical, emotional and social.


The book "Seven skills of highly effective people"sets out truths that have long been known to most people. But the very reading of the works of this author or many others gives nothing. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to practice in practice what is recommended by specialists in personal growth. Hard, but possible. If the goal is worthwhile and you are a strong person, read, act and become successful.