/ / Vacation in Sochi in October: features, weather, nature, hotels and tourist reviews

Rest in Sochi in October: features, weather, nature, hotels and tourist reviews

October is a month for residents of our latitudes.dampness, cold and rain. Is it possible to rest somewhere in our country when autumn is already approaching its equator, or even crossed over it? Maybe we should look for happiness in Turkey, Egypt or other southern lands? Let's consider the warmest city of the Russian Federation, Sochi. It is located, as we know, near the slowly cooling Black Sea, under the protection of the high Caucasian mountains. Such an arrangement makes the microclimate in Sochi very attractive in October. Rest, prices, hotels in the All-Russian resort in the middle of autumn - we will consider all this in our article. The information was to a large extent taken from reviews of tourists who visited Sochi this month. In the article you will also find useful information about what things to take with you on vacation, what events will take place at the resort, what to do there in October.

Rest in Sochi in October


It is believed that the swimming season in KrasnodarThe region where the city of Sochi is located lasts from May to the end of September. In the first month of autumn comes the "velvet season" when the temperature of water and air are practically compared. The thermometer stops at a comfortable 23 degrees for the body.

Высокие горы Кавказа надежно укрывают город от dank northeast winds. Therefore, such a fertile microclimate is established here. But to taste the delights of the velvet season, the Russian elite comes to Sochi. That is why it is not necessary to count on budget rest in September. And here comes October. The light day is reduced, and in connection with this, the nights become cold, and the morning and evening hours become fresh. Meteorologists have noted an increase in precipitation. But they do not really affect the rest in Sochi in September and October.

Another picture comes when autumnpasses through the "equator". In the second half of October, the weather may sadden holidaymakers with rain, and the sea - frighten by a serious storm. And the water will be muddy for another two days. But the nature of the autumn weather in Sochi is changeable. The southern sun will come out again, it will quickly drain puddles, and again it will be possible to sunbathe and even swim.

Rest in Sochi in October reviews

Rest in Sochi in October: weather

Как отмечают отзывы туристов, выбираясь на курорт in the middle of autumn, you need to rely on luck. In some years, such as, for example, in 2011, it was hot all year long in October, and it rained rarely. Usually precipitation takes place at night, but it also happens that rain will charge for the whole day. At the same time the sea is not cold. It is deep near the Sochi shores, and therefore keeps the summer warm. It so happens that the water temperature is higher than air! The Caucasus Mountains are the main factor influencing the rest in Sochi in October. If the slopes following the peaks are snowing, wait for bad weather. Cold air descends from the mountains - boron. The wind raises waves in the sea. But this phenomenon passes as quickly as it begins. The very next day, the water may be +20, and the air - +25 degrees. Reviews advise to go to the beach by eleven in the morning and leave it by four in the afternoon. With sunset, the temperature of the mountain air begins to plummet.

Sochi in October rest prices

What to take to the October resort

Based on the variability of weather, you need to carefullythink over your luggage. Umbrella should be put in a suitcase. It is also nice to grab a couple of warm things with you, so as not to spoil your vacation in Sochi with a cold in October. But there are plenty of warm days in the middle of autumn at the resort. So we take bathing suits, shorts, T-shirts, sandals, slippers. For people with a light skin tint is not superfluous to grab and sunscreen. Further, we proceed from what we plan to do in Sochi. Visit the water park? Go to Krasnaya Polyana on the lift to the mountains? In the second case, you should take not just autumn sweaters, but also a jacket, and a hat with gloves. For trips on excursions should stock up on suitable shoes. Reviews advise to take two pairs of sneakers. Raincoat is also not superfluous. You need warm clothes when visiting the Vorontsov caves. Indeed, under the ground all year round the same temperature - +9 degrees.

Sochi holidays in October all inclusive

Entertainment in October Sochi

Многих отдыхающих пугает мысль о том, что на the resort, they will find a café boarded up for the winter and closed tour agencies. But it is not. Rest in Sochi in October, tourists call the measured, but not boring. The main influx of tourists decreases, the locals stop beating the fever of profit. The atmosphere in the city becomes more soulful. But Sochi is a year-round resort. Sanatoriums still work, where you can improve your health. Yes, and the main entertainment complexes continue to function normally. You can visit the aquarium in the park "Riviera" or relax in the water park "Mayak". In the summer, the heat discouraged any hunt to go on excursions to the mountains. In October, ecotourism comes to the fore. The mountains, colored in the fall in bright colors, just beckon you to him. You can also go fishing or mushrooming. Tour desk organizes tours to the waterfalls, which by the autumn time are gaining strength. You can go on horseback trips or off-road jeep.

Rest in Sochi in September October

What to try in October Sochi

Did you know that the residents of the North Caucasusalso have their analogue "Beaujole Nouveau"? If you come to rest in Sochi in October, reviews strongly recommend to try the new wine "Madzhari", made according to the ancient recipes of the highlanders. This drink cannot be stored for a long time, so it is sold at low prices, because there are few tourists. Those vacationers who found the end of October in Sochi can enjoy roasted chestnuts. It is time for their harvest. You can collect them yourself. But it’s better not to prick your hands, but to buy a bag of hot chestnuts from street vendors.

Rest in Sochi in October

Events in Sochi in October

Of course, most theater companies and starspop prefer to go to this city in high season. Then you can gather a full audience, and relax yourself. But the middle of the month does not mean calmness in the cultural life of the city. The best theater companies of Russia perform at the Winter Theater. So, the beach and sightseeing holidays in Sochi in October can be easily combined with trips to performances or musical concerts. In 2014, it was in the second month of autumn that Formula 1 racing cars were held at this Caucasian resort. However, during this period, prices soared. There are always a lot of interesting sporting events taking place in Krasnaya Polyana. The lifts at this ski resort are open all year round. The Sochi Arboretum in October is especially beautiful. Choose a nice day to enjoy the chrysanthemum ball. Museums in Sochi in October are functioning normally. On a rainy day, you can spend time in the Art Gallery or the House of Nikolai Ostrovsky.

Rest in Sochi in October

Prices for holidays in Sochi in October

The undoubted advantage of the autumn resort is thatthat literally everything is cheaper here. The demand for housing is falling, and this means that property owners are looking for you, not you. True, in the Central District hotels keep their high bar. But in the resort villages of Greater Sochi (Dagomys, Loo, Khosta, Matsesta) prices are reduced by 25-50% from August. The same situation is observed in the markets. Vegetables and fruits, as if by magic, are getting cheaper. So you can relax here without affecting the family budget.

Housing prices in October

What is the situation observed in the rental markethousing in 2015? In the private sector, prices started from 500 rubles per person per night. In guest houses and mini-hotels the cost of living is already higher - from a thousand rubles. Reviews recommend the best vacation in Sochi in October in sanatoriums - there you can eat and heal. True, the cost of living from 2000 rubles. Not bad also accept hotels with breakfasts. Often in their territory is an indoor pool. Such a vacation will cost from 1,800 rubles per night.

Prices for hotels with all-inclusive

It is clear that the above rental pricemakes staying at the resort very budget. But if we want to relax to the fullest, with maximum comfort, without thinking especially about where to find food, is such a vacation possible in Sochi in October? "All inclusive" - ​​a favorite format of the Russian tourist. And in Sochi, the hoteliers understood this a long time ago. Some hotels with all-inclusive is located in the city center. This is the Neva International Spa Hotel, the Breeze pension, the Zapolyarye sanatorium. But more comfortable conditions for the same money are offered by hotels located in Greater Sochi. Among them is the pension “Aqua Loo”. It is located in the village of Loo. The cost of living (1500 rubles per day) includes not only food, but also the use of water attractions of the water park. In Adler you can recommend the hotel "Valentine". But some hotels, such as, for example, Prometey Club, work in the "all inclusive" mode only in the summer. In October, they offer only breakfast.

Have a great vacation!