/ / Sunny Egypt in December: weather, climate, leisure features

Sunny Egypt in December: weather, climate, recreation

Magnificent Egypt is one of the favoriteplaces of rest of the Russians. Especially good to relax on the sunny beaches of the country in winter. So, Egypt is very popular with tourists in December. The weather at this time of the year in the Russian latitudes does not indulge. But on the African coast in this period - a hot summer.

Egypt December weather

Egypt in December: weather, climatic conditions

In the winter months, the weather in the country pleases itswarmth and lack of scorching heat. The average air temperature is 30 degrees. This allows tourists to comfortably spend their holidays. You can swim in the sea (usually the water at this time is heated to 20 degrees), and in the pools near the hotels.

The sun heats warm, but not scorching, as in the summer season, rays. The weather in Egypt in winter will not torment tourists with the sweltering heat, but will provide them with quite comfortable rest.

In winter, there is almost no rain in the country, so you can not be afraid to get to rest in the midst of tropical storms.

However, during this period, nights become cold, so it is not recommended to swim after sunset. To spend your vacation in comfort, take care of warm clothes for evening walks in advance.

Egypt in December (the weather at this time is the mostfavorable for recreation) is the most popular destination for holidaymakers from Russia and the European Union countries. On the eve of the Christmas holidays, the excitement is rising around holidays on the African continent. But closer to the end of December, the flow of tourists is reduced.

weather in egypt


Spending a winter holiday in Egypt, you can enjoy the ancient culture and history of a great country. December is the best time for informative excursions.

Among the most popular attractions are the following:

  • Great Pyramids
  • Museums.
  • Alexandrian lighthouse.

Not bad as to get on a tour of Luxor and the desert. Warm weather and the absence of an exhausting wind will fully enjoy the cultural heritage of a great civilization.


Going on vacation, you should considerclimatic characteristics of the country in winter. If during the day the air temperature can reach 30 degrees, then at night it drops sharply to 10-12. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare well for rest.

weather in egypt

A sample list of necessary things that will be needed when visiting the country in December:

  • Swimsuit
  • Hat from the sun.
  • Summer things.
  • Suntan cream.
  • Sport suit.
  • Warm shoes.
  • Warm pants.
  • Blouse.
  • Jacket.

Sunny Egypt in December, the weather in which pleases warm days - one of the best places to relax.