/ Belosaray Spit. Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov

Belosarayskaya spit. Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov - warm, shallow, friendly,tender - always attracted the attention of tourists not only from Ukraine itself, but also from nearby countries. Extensive sandy beaches, affordable prices, its own microclimate - what can I say ... One of the pearls of Azov, of course, is the Belosaray spit. Holidays in this resort area is very popular.

Belosaray braid rest


Belosaraysky Spit is located in Donetsk regionon South. Distance to Donetsk - 145 km, and to the city of Mariupol - and at all 30 km. Belosarayka, as it were, continues the village of Melekino, and there is no clear boundary between them. You can get to the spit from the Mariupol highway (second descent), and from the side of Urzuf, turning on the pointer. Minus - there is no direct railway connection to Belosarayka. But buses and minibuses go there from almost all cities of the region.

Environmentally friendly place

Отдых здесь — в первую очередь оздоровительный.The healing Azov Sea, rich in minerals, the air saturated with many trace elements, have a beneficial effect on our lungs, cleaning them from the dust of the city, and restore the nervous system after overwork. The Azov Sea water in large quantities contains iodine, bromine, calcium, and is therapeutic in its composition. The remoteness of the spit itself, its entry into the open sea contribute to the preservation of the ecology and microclimate of Belosarayki, and prevent the pollution of industrial waste of the environment.

Great kids resort

The settlement of Belosaray Spit (rest in thisresort area) is very popular among family vacationers with small children. And this is understandable. After all, the depth of the sea on the spit is not very large, even at a considerable distance from the coast. So you can not be afraid that your baby swallows water or, God forbid, will begin to sink. In addition, the shallow sea warms up already in May (that is, in fact, you can swim - checked by personal experience) and maintains a comfortable temperature until mid-September! Here is such a glorious place - Belosaray Spit.

Pensions, recreation

recreation center Belosarayskaya Spit

Currently quite deep hereinfrastructure of entertainment and recreation. More than fifty boarding houses, recreation centers, hotels capable of receiving up to twenty thousand people at a time work. They are located along the sea line, so that virtually any recreation center will provide direct access to the water. Belosaray Spit as a resort also includes many private mini-hotels, villas, cottages. The so-called private sector is also important. It is almost always easy to rent an apartment cheaply (bed).

Historical reference

For a long time (since the time of Kievan Rustwelfth century) here was the city of Belgorod, which in the thirteenth century, the Mongols renamed the White Shed. Then the city gradually falls into decay. The Greeks of Azov re-occupy these lands. Now Belosarayka is a fishing and mainly resort settlement. Every year the quality of services improves, recreation infrastructure develops.

Reserve of Ukraine

belosaray braid holidays reviews

Чем еще знаменита Белосарайская коса?Rest - yes, but not only! It is also a reserve, which was founded in 1980 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR). It covers an area of ​​616 hectares. A great variety of plants grow here, including those listed in the Red Book, that is, rare, endangered. Many species are birds and wild animals, insects and arachnids. In the coastal waters, rich in fish, there are goby, pike perch, flounder, pelengas. Flora and fauna are diverse and amaze with their magnificence and originality. The colony of gulls and cormorants in the ornithological reserve on Belosarayka (organized in 1995), and egrets on the estuary deserve special attention. Here is also the landscape park "Meotida".

On the spit itself there are salt marshes, estuaries,small lakes. In winter, they are flooded with water, in the summertime they dry out and overgrow with thick grass. Belosarayka is connected with the continental part by narrow isthmuses, shell and sand drifts, which are bordered by a breaking shaft from the sea. The age of the spit is over a thousand years old. As a result of the rise of the soil (tectonic), then with the help of further sand-wash, this is how the Belosaray Spit was formed.

Rest (reviews of tourists)

Belosaray spit boarding houses

Belosarayka is one of the most impressive.places for recreation and tourism. In addition, prices compare favorably, for example, from the Crimean, not to mention Turkey or Egypt. Beautiful beaches in combination with a rather shallow and clear sea - what you need for our undemanding vacationers (if you wish, you can also have a suite with air conditioning, microwave and TV, but more expensive). There are also super-rooms for those who are accustomed to comfort. And for lovers of outdoor activities - sea fishing (supposed to go to the open sea and catch the famous Azov bull) and walking tours of the famous reserve.