Egypt - a country with ancient culture and richhistory - invariably attracts tourists from all over the world. Many people come here for the crystal clear and transparent Red Sea where, thanks to the hot climate, thousands of fish species and amazingly beautiful corals live. Egypt, cities and resorts of which amaze travelers with its architecture, sights and tourist offers, it is necessary to visit. At least once in a lifetime.

It is considered the main resort center of this sultrycountries. It's warm all year round here, and tens of hotels are built right in the middle of the desert, capable of satisfying the needs of any client. Every tourist who has visited the city has a unique opportunity to dive. From Hurghada, you can make an exciting sea trip to the coral island or visit the Mysterious Castle, where once the beautiful Scheherazade told a thousand and one-night stories to the severe sultan ...
El Gouna
If you plan to visit the most important citiesand resorts of Egypt, the list must necessarily be replenished with this picturesque paradise. Here, in the middle of the crimson mountains of the Eastern Desert, lies the real "Venice". Cozy houses are built on picturesque islands, connected by neat bridges. The neighboring hotel can be reached by boat, as well as in the Italian Venice. Luxurious beaches and the beauty of traditional Egyptian architecture, bright emerald lagoons with clear sea water seem to be created for those who want to relax their soul and body.

Egypt, cities and resorts of which canboasting the availability of ideal places for scuba diving, attracts divers and surfers from all over the world. The list of places for recreation can be replenished with one more unique settlement - Safaga. They come here not only to relax, but also to treat those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as skin ailments, including psoriasis.

Sharm el-Sheikh
Many tourists with this nameEgypt is associated. The cities and resorts of this country are not without reason considered the most ecologically clean places of the planet. Travelers love the transparent Red Sea, filled with different kinds of flora and fauna. Sharm El Sheikh - a real paradise for all fans of underwater exotics. Fishing and docking boats are prohibited here, so you can swim in the mask right from the beach, enjoying the beauty of "paradise gardens" - that's what corals call.

There is another reason to visit Egypt.The cities and resorts of this country are attractive for tourists in that people get the opportunity to see one of the longest rivers in the world. To do this, travelers travel to Aswan, located on the Nile, south of Cairo. In ancient times, this city was considered a major shopping center. Aswan flourished during the reign of the Pharaohs. Here, the world famous pink granite was mined. Nowadays people come here to rest in the winter time to admire the beauty of the majestic picturesque Nile, hear the ancient Nubian music and buy bright Nubian embroidery. In general, the resorts of Egypt, housing and food prices in which are very attractive for tourists, are filled all year round by guests dreaming of a wonderful holiday.