/ / Major resorts of Italy at sea

The main resorts of Italy at sea

Among all Europeans and Russians, a largepopular resorts of Italy at sea. All of them are diverse and unique, each has its own differences and charms, therefore, going to one of the cities of this sunny country, beforehand familiarize yourself with its customs. Italy is washed by four seas. Each of these reservoirs is characterized by one or another of the features, and we suggest now to examine the main criteria by which you can compose your own tourist itinerary.

resorts italy at sea

The resorts of Italy at sea originate fromnorthern province of Liguria. There the banks are washed by the sea of ​​the same name, the lands are lined with green gardens and bushes, in which all cities and towns are buried. The center of the province is the city of Genoa - a living architectural monument, where you can admire the medieval churches, romantic palaces and modern well-equipped parks. The sea here is warm mainly in the summer months, and the air warms up to 30 degrees. It is worth noting that the coast of Liguria is located near the French border and next to Nice, so the atmosphere here is appropriate. All the most expensive hotels and restaurants are located in the seaside towns of this region.

resorts italy at sea photo

The next coast is Tuscany, wherethe most ancient resorts in Italy. On the sea, which is washed by these banks, annually come to see the world-scale stars, as well as ordinary tourists who have to afford a vacation here. By the way, it should be noted that the Tuscan coast has an outlet immediately to the two seas - Ligurian and Tyrrhenian. The first is much cleaner, but the water in it is colder. The Tyrrhenian Sea is located to the south, so most often in the villages on its banks, families with children rest. It is worth noting that many coastal areas of the Tuscan coast are equipped with golf courses. In this region, this game is the most popular.

We are moving to the South of the Apennine peninsula andwe stop in Rome. It is from this city that the famous Odyssey coast begins, which stretches down to Naples. Here are the most sunny resorts of Italy on the sea, among which are mostly small towns with a rich past. In their territory, many monuments of ancient architecture are preserved. Looking at all this beauty, one can not help being transferred to one of the myths of Ancient Greece. One of these centers is the city of Terracina, in which architectural masterpieces are located at every step. Also very popular among tourists is the village of Sperlonga.

italy resorts on the sea map

Without a city like Naples, it is inconceivableItaly. Resorts on the sea (the card is sold in all kiosks of the country) in this area are one of the most exquisite and exotic. The city itself and all the villages that surround it are buried in mandarin trees, green bushes and rosaries, and sandy beaches are washed by the Bay of Naples. On the territory of the region there are also hot springs, which fill the local air with iodine. They are often visited by people against whose diseases medicine is powerless.

And, of course, the most popular and noisy isAdriatic coast. There is a great tourist infrastructure, almost all cities live by day and night, and entertainment can be found here for every taste.

Here are such diverse and uniqueformed during the centuries resorts of Italy at sea. A photo of some of them is in the article, and when you look at them immediately it becomes clear that heaven on earth exists.