/ / Lake Maluksa: fishing, ecotourism, reviews

Lake Maluksa: fishing, ecotourism, reviews

It often happens that a person by his economic activity disfigures the virgin places of nature. But very rarely the opposite happens.

Dig the earth with excavators, dig the firmament, take outsand until found on the aquifer of the soil. So there is a new miracle of nature - flooded quarry. As a rule, the water in such artificial lakes is clean, and the shores are sandy. Depth? It depends on the career development. Some time after the sand miners left with their equipment to search for new reserves, life began in the lakes. Fish and crayfish appear, birds flock to the reservoir.

Lake Maluksa, which will be discussed in our article, is precisely such a former quarry. How to get there? And is it worth going there to spend the weekend? Read about it below.

Lake Maluksa

Where are Maluxa's careers?

The lake is not one.Not far from the village of Staraya Maluksa, the sand miners dug several quarries, and almost all of these depressions were filled with water. This network of artificial lakes does not have an official name, but the locals call them Malukhinsky quarries. Most of these bodies of water are of very modest size, except for one. This lake in the local population has several names.

The old quarry is called because of the fact thatfor many years not functioning as a place of extraction of sand. He called the middle, because it is located very close to the village. And, finally, the name of the South Quarry Lake Maluksa owes its geographical location relative to the center of the village.

And where is the village itself located? Old Maluksa is located in the Kirov district of the Leningrad region. From St. Petersburg, the village is separated by 96 kilometers.

Maluksa lake how to get there


Have you tried bathing in careers?The authorities are not very encouraging to do this. After all, as a rule, careers have steep banks, and for inept swimmers, rest can turn into a tragedy. In addition, in such places no one conducted a water analysis. Perhaps, besides sand, other deposits of minerals were also brought to the surface of the earth: aluminum, iron. But did it somehow stop those who like to plunge into the cool waters of the northern lakes?

The shores of an abandoned quarry are surrounded by forests,which is full of berries in summer, and in autumn - mushrooms. Lake Maluksa, since it was abandoned by industrialists before the others, managed to acquire fish. So, people come here not only for beach-bathing holidays, but also for catch. Of course, in such places there are neither bases, nor boarding houses. Yes, and the nearest housing is only in the village of Old Maluksa. But you can come here with a tent for the weekend, especially if you are lucky with the weather.

Maluksa Lake

Maluksa (lake): how to get there

The most budget way is rail transport.Trains in the direction of Budgoshch depart from both Ladoga and Moscow railway stations in St. Petersburg. You should get off at the station "Old Maluksa". From the railway platform to the lake you need to walk about ten minutes.

Do not want to be associated with the scheduleelectric trains? You can visit the lake in your own car. But this carries the risk of attaching the bottom of a car to a boulder in the final phase of the journey. But basically the road pleases. Motorists advised to go on the Kirov highway. After driving through the district center, turn onto the Moscow road and go as far as Pukholovo. To the village of Petrovo laid excellent asphalt. Then you will find quite a decent primer, which stretches for about ten kilometers. But then the train tracks begin. Beyond the crossing, the primer disappears and a winding sandy road appears, along which dump trucks scurry about (some mines are still working).

Lake maluxa reviews


Swimming, walks in the forest - all this summer fun.But the lake Maluksa glorified among fishermen. It is best to go here in the fall, not earlier than August for sure. Fishing is better from a boat. The best fish is found at a depth closer to the middle of the lake. As bait and used maggots, and a wobbler. Perch, pike, tench are found in the lake. Fishermen also say that 800 grams perch and a lot of bleak came across the hook.

Reviews about the rest

Beautiful nature, rich catch, great pineboron, in which there are a lot of mushrooms and berries - this is how tourists and fishermen characterize Lake Maluxa. Guest reviews assure that the former quarry is filled with so clean water that you can contemplate your feet, standing neck and neck in water. For those who are not strong in swimming, tourists recommend to come from the spit. This is a small peninsula that cuts a cape into an oblong lake.

There are downsides to this place.They concern, above all, the rest. Unfortunately, not everyone who comes to the shores of Lake Maluksa, cultural people. After such holidaymakers leave mountains of debris and bald spots from fires. A lot of complaints and on the road. On weekdays, trolleys with sand rumble along the railroad tracks, and dump trucks crawl along narrow roads.