/ / Vatnajkull National Park: the fabulous kingdom of ice

Vatnajukul National Park: the fabulous kingdom of ice

The largest national park in Europemore than one million hectares is the main natural attraction of Iceland. The fantastic kingdom of wild nature and fantastically beautiful landscapes, which was appreciated by all lovers of ecotourism, was discovered in 2008.

Virgin and harsh nature

Vatnajökull National Parkwill give visitors an unforgettable experience and provide a unique opportunity to enjoy the entertainment of any choice. Icelandic guests are expected not only by walking through the park, but also by a fascinating journey on powerful quad bikes and snowmobiles. Here you can plunge into the hot springs, admire the beauty of the majestic glacier, mysterious caves and volcanic lakes.

Even the most demanding tourist will staysatisfied, because the harsh northern landscapes that test a person for strength, and the chance to admire the virgin nature will not leave anyone indifferent.

vatnajukul national park photo

Vatnajukull National Park (Iceland) is rich in miraculous sights, which I would like to tell about separately.

Laguna Yokulsarlon

In our world there are not so many picturesque places where you can admire the amazing icebergs. This miracle of nature lies at the foot of the glacier, which bears the name of the huge park of Iceland.

Formed in 1935 the largest lagoon inThe country is a huge glacial lake with many drifting icebergs. It is best to come here in sunny weather, when the ice floes, which are white, green, blue and even black, are constantly in motion, attracting unprecedented interest from tourists. The most photographed place in Iceland surprises with its special grandeur, and it was not for nothing that the famous Hollywood blockbusters were filmed here.

Behind the life of a stunningly beautiful lagoon you canwatch for hours: the amazing spectacle of the splitting icebergs of the most bizarre shapes and colors will charm anyone. Volcanic ash gives a specific color to the ice floes that are carried away into the sea, and the changing lighting colors them in the most incredible shades.

A bridge is spanned across the lagoon, and after passing it, youYou can walk along the coast and see icebergs resembling pieces of clear crystal thrown to the ground. Tourists are given the opportunity to take a boat trip between the fantastically beautiful ice floes.

Large glacier

Glacier of impressive size, which is famous forVatnajkull National Park, rises 1500 meters above sea level. Probably not in the area of ​​another attraction, which would have been so carefully investigated. As early as 1875, an expedition climbed to the top of the glacier, studying the natural wonder that fed Icelandic lakes with water.

Near "Vatnajukull" reminds a snow-covered field without end and edge, and only having risen on top, you can stiffen in amazement from the opened open spaces and mountain peaks.

national park vatnayekyudl region

Under a 400-meter layer of ice are sleeping volcanoes, sometimes making themselves felt. Scorching lava falls on the snow cover, which leads to their rapid melting.

Delightful cave

Located in the national park "Skaftafell"(Skaftafell), which is included in the Vatnajekull nature reserve, the cave delights the tourists who fell here. The centuries-old ice, in which there are no ice bubbles, is surprising by its unusual azure color. Sunlight entering the tunnels that the water has pierced scatters and draws stunning pictures, creating a visual illusion of being on the seabed.

Visitors in the winter from different countriesTravelers rush to Vatnaiküdl National Park, a photo of which often appears on the covers of various magazines to enjoy the enchanting picture of the play of light. With a minimum amount of snow, the ice in the cave acquires a surprisingly rich shade.

Black waterfall

Visit the Vatnajkull National Park and notMeet the local waterfalls is simply impossible. Black Svartifoss is known for its hexagonal sharp columns of basalt, which surround a unique natural phenomenon. Formed as a result of rapid flows of burning lava, which is slowly cooling down and passing through the crystallization process, the waterfall is admired by all the guests of the park.

Vatnajukull National Park Iceland

Interestingly, the local architects, admiring the stunning spectacle, took the original form of the black cascade as the basis for the design of the Icelandic theater.


Another waterfall recognized as the largest inEurope, is located in an ice reserve. His power is manifested in the fact that he makes the surrounding rocks vibrate, and this becomes noticeable when you stand next to him. The average water consumption of the Icelandic "Niagara", which is famous throughout the world for the national park "Vatnajukull", is about 200 cubic meters per second.

The surroundings of this giant were chosen forfilming the fantastic blockbuster "Prometheus". The director of the tape admitted that the breathtaking landscapes of unreal beauty cause feelings that life on our planet originated in this place.

Vatnajukull National Park

The fascinating virtual has come to the endexcursion to the national park "Vatnajkull". The Iceland region, famous for its diverse attractions, invites foreign guests to enjoy the arctic landscape of a unique nature reserve.

The authorities are concerned about the development of tourist infrastructure and are doing everything possible for comfortable rest of travelers.