/ / Trip to Israel in April: reviews of tourists

Trip to Israel in April: reviews of tourists

Israel is a country that can boastwell-deserved year-round popularity. People come here to improve their health in the healing Dead Sea, to plunge into ancient history, to spend a beach holiday or to have an operation with the best doctors.

In this article we will try to figure out what could be the journey. to Israel in April, what you can do here, what is the weather in the regions and what prices for tours are this season.

to Israel in April

Climate and air temperature

Israel has a subtropical hot climate, desert in the south and humid in the north. Here is a dry summer and a wet winter.

The weather in Israel in April usually pleases tourists.In general, this month, according to local residents, is considered one of the most pleasant in the year. Winter at this time here finally gave way to spring, the rains no longer pour, and the thermometer rises every day higher and higher. The water is warming enough and you can safely enter it and swim with pleasure. The sun shines brightly, but there is no sizzling heat yet, although it is worth taking care of the means of protection from its rays.

April is perfect for tourists who want to.Combine a comfortable beach holiday with exploring numerous attractions and visiting insanely interesting excursions. But It is worth noting that the weather can vary depending on the geographic location of a particular resort area.

Weather by region

Going to Israel in April, you can beconfident that warm and sunny here will be everywhere, but the hottest are the regions located on the shores of the Red Sea. Here, the air is heated to a temperature of + 29 ... + 32 ° C. The weather is pleasant and dry. The water has time to warm up to + 23 ° C, which gives tourists the opportunity to enjoy swimming.

weather in Israel in April

In April, the Dead Sea is very warm, about 28 ° C, and the water is warmer than on the Red Sea (24-26 ° C). And this means that all tourists can improve their health and enjoy the beach holiday in full.

On the coast of the Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Tiberias) in the middle of spring it also becomes warm. The air is around 20 ° C, the water is 19 ° C.

Numerous pilgrims and tourists dreamingto see the holy places with my own eyes (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth), you should know that in these regions the temperature in April is around 23 ° C in the daytime, but it gets very cold at night. For example, in Jerusalem, the thermometer may drop to + 10 ° C, so travelers should take care of warm clothing.

On the Mediterranean coast, the weather is also not hot, but pleasant, and this is what attracts tourists to Israel. Sea in april it's cool here, around + 19 ... + 20 ° C, airwarms up to 23 ° C. At night, temperatures are around 16 ° C. Holidaymakers who do not tolerate heat can visit Haifa, Tel Aviv, Netanya. For lovers of water treatments in almost every hotel there are heated pools.

tours to Israel in April

Holy Land

In Israel, a lot of interesting places fortourists who love outdoor activities. After all, people come here not just to lie on the beach, but to worship Christian shrines. The Promised Land, the birthplace of the three religions is rich in historical monuments known to any inhabitant of the planet. Every stone in Bethlehem and Jerusalem is sacred, and Nazareth, where the childhood of Christ took place, is especially revered by Christians.

vacation in Israel in April

Going to Israel in April you should remembermost often this month is the main Christian holiday - Easter. So you need to understand that this month is the busiest in the country. There are a lot of tourists from different parts of the world. Orthodox and Catholics are in a hurry to kneel at the Holy Sepulcher, see the Holy Fire, visit the Procession. Therefore, people who are far from religion, it is advisable to choose another time to visit Jerusalem.

What you need to see

Many tourists, in addition to sacred places, try to visit Tel Aviv - the largest Israeli city, next to which is the ancient city of the world - Jaffa.

Israel sea in april

Also, during a trip to this magnificent country, many advise you to definitely see Mount Moab and the Negev desert, its canyons, lunar craters.

Spring is the time of flowering of many plants, you can safely go to Haifa in Bahai gardens, it is interesting to visit Caesarea, the residence of the Roman emperors.

Permits and their cost

Tours to Israel in April can be purchased from allfamous tourist operators. Prices for accommodation in Israeli hotels in all agencies are almost the same. For example, a double room in Eilat or Haifa in a 3 * hotel will cost about 3,000 rubles (the most budget option). But in Ein Bokek, the price for a similar service is 3 times higher - from ten thousand. In other cities, two people can spend the night in a three-star hotel for 3.5-5 thousand.

For tourists who are accustomed to relax in 5 * hotels, prices start at 40,000 rubles for three nights per person. Prices are without meals.

In Eilat, a city for beach lovers, there are many all inclusive hotels. Prices in such hotels for a weekly stay start from 100 thousand per person.

The best place to restore the body toIsrael is considered the Dead Sea. It is here that various health centers and modernized medical institutions are going to get treatment. The cost of living in these health centers also starts from 100 thousand rubles.

Having decided to go to Israel in April, you can save a lot by buying a ticket in advance. Then you can spend your vacation in this country at a more reasonable cost.

How to get to the country

Popular airlines such as Aeroflot andEl Al operates daily direct flights from the Russian capital to Tel Aviv, plus Aeroflot flies to the airport, located near Eilat. By the time the flight takes about four hours.

In addition, various airlines operate charter flights to Israel.

Israel in april reviews

The cost of a flight with a transferstarts from 190 dollars, no change from 230 dollars (in both directions). For tourists who want to fly to Eilat, a ticket will cost more: from $ 370 with a transfer.

From the northern capital to Tel Aviv, you can fly for about $ 240-280.

Israel in April: reviews of tourists

Судя по отзывам отдыхающих, Израиль – это страна exclusively for lovers of excursions. It doesn't matter in what month you came to rest, in April or in some other one, you can hardly swim in the azure sea or dive with a mask, but you can always admire the sights. The water in the reservoirs is relatively clean, entry into the sea almost everywhere requires special shoes, diving is not interesting, almost no one lives here. The beaches on the coast are municipal, but each hotel has its own plot with sun beds and chairs, toilets and changing rooms not, and if there is, then you can use them for a fee.

As for food, the prices are inflated everywhere.There are few food service places, and many people advise taking food vouchers to Israel with meals. The only thing that can be distinguished is the presence of natural juices everywhere.

Shops in Israel, too little, shopping lovers have nothing to do here.

Judging by the reviews of mummies, holidaymakers in Israel withchildren, in this regard, everything is nice and convenient: you can drive with a pram, there are chairs for children everywhere, baby care products can be found in all stores, many sandy beaches, which is also a plus.

But those tourists who came to this countryfor impressions, always remain satisfied with the trip. According to them, there are surprisingly interesting excursions, many sacred places, incredibly friendly people.

to Israel in April


Summarizing, we can say that the rest in Israelin April, just like in any other month, is more suitable for pilgrimage and sightseeing tours. Among the tourists who come to Israel to relax, see and improve their health at the Dead Sea, there are almost no disappointed people, but there are many discontented people who come for a beach holiday.