/ / Sochi, Adler - Dolphinarium

Sochi, Adler - Dolphinarium

Дельфинарий «Акватория» города Адлера был основан in 1998 and can simultaneously accommodate up to 1000 people. Performances held here annually attend up to 150 thousand guests. This is one of the most popular attractions of the city. In dolphinariums, not only dolphins, but also other marine animals. Most visitors come here with children.

Architectural features Dolphinarium

Adler Dolphinarium
Visit colorful and interesting performances,definitely worth to everyone who came to rest in Sochi and Adler. The dolphinarium is divided into nine large sectors. One of them belongs to the VIP-class. The room is partially covered with a roof. The dolphinarium pool is quite large. Its diameter is 20 m. The depth is six meters.

Visiting time

The very first performance took place in dolphinariums.December 30, 1998. Since then, animals perform here daily (except Monday) during the summer time period. The performance lasts 50-55 minutes. Performances are held three times a day. Start at 11:00, 16:00 and at 18:00. The territory of the dolphinarium itself can be reached from ten in the morning. After the performance, anyone can take pictures with the animals that they liked the most. Of course, you have to pay for it separately. Many vacationers are closer to the "artists" of the dolphinarium to get a better look at them. In addition, you can purchase a video recording of the performance. Each submission is filmed. In memory of visiting Adler and this wonderful place you can buy some original things in the souvenir shop.

Research work

Dolphinarium "Aquatoria" (Adler) is a branchUtrish Dolphinarium. The main scientific base is located between Anapa and Novorossiysk on the Black Sea coast in the village of Maliy Utrish. The main activity of this research center is the popularization of scientific knowledge about various kinds of marine animals. Specialists of the Utrish Dolphinarium carry out the broadest work aimed at familiarizing the population with marine life of various species. The Adler branch is the first specialized demonstration dolphinarium in Russia.

Dolphinarium Adler


The true stars of the entertainment center"Water area" are, of course, dolphins. A family of local fine artists shows tricks with balls and hoops. In addition, these marine animals ride on themselves instructors dolphin. Very interesting is the number in which the dolphins draw. Their creations, if desired, can be purchased for memory. After the presentation, an auction is held.

The word "dolphin" in Greek translates as"friend". There are quite real cases of the rescue of sinking people by these animals. They belong to the order of cetaceans and live in many seas, oceans and rivers. These are unusually kind, beautiful and graceful animals, pets and children, and adults. The Russians have an excellent opportunity to look at them, arriving in Adler (resort town). Dolphinarium is truly magnificent. An unforgettable performance of six dexterous artists awaits you.

Adler resort town Dolphinarium

Средняя скорость, с которой передвигаются в nature dolphins - 5-12 km / h. However, the fastest individuals can accelerate to 35 km / h. These sea animals live in flocks. That is why their mutual assistance is so well developed. The other individual members of the flock can keep the diseased individual on their backs on the surface of the water for a long time. It is believed that it is to this instinct that some people owe their salvation.

Dolphins communicate with each other whistling.It is very interesting that at birth to each baby, the other members of the pack give their own name, which is reserved for them for life. This is actually a scientifically proven fact. It is the dolphin whose name it corresponds to that always responds to the recorded whistle signal.

Dolphin brain weight is almost equal to brain weightperson The heart of these animals is the same as in humans, four-chamber. And the length of dolphins is comparable to the height of a man - 1.5-2 m. These animals breathe with the help of light air. Under water, they can be 7-15 minutes.

Seals and Walrus

The tricks performed by the sea are also very interesting.seals. A room with a ball is sure to please both children and adults. A special delight among the public is the ability of cats to find a waterproof watch thrown there at the bottom of the pool. Recently, the Dolphinarium in Sochi (Adler) has acquired a new artist - a shy, large walrus. In addition to an impressive ball game, this interesting animal can play the saxophone.

Dolphinarium Adler how to get

Walruses are one of the largest pinnipeds of the sea.mammals. The weight of an adult male can reach 1.7 tons, and females - 1.2 tons. The fins of these interesting animals resemble human hands with five fingers. They feed on crayfish, shrimps, fish, and shellfish. Very large individuals can hunt even small whales or fur seals. On land, the walrus sometimes catches a bird. These animals live in groups of 10 or more. Breathing under water, they can hold for as long as half an hour. Be sure to look at the most famous walrus cities of Sochi and Adler. Dolphinarium "Aquatoria" provides you with this wonderful opportunity.

Other animals

Also with his number two smallwhite whales. These are the most vocal artists of the dolphinarium. Whales can tweet, whistle, squeal and even tweet like birds. This interesting spectacle is definitely worth a look to everyone who came to rest in Adler. Dolphinarium "Aquatoria" also gives an idea with the participation of other animals. His real business card is the number of albatross seal and seal seal. An interesting fact is that these two sea animals were saved from death in the wild. That is why they are recognized favorites of the dolphinarium staff.

Dolphinarium Adler photo

Just shake their plastic and gracesea ​​lions weighing more than a ton. Not bad they move not only in the water, but also on land, deftly acting with the front flippers. Very interesting is the number with hoops that these animals show. Also, lions can jump through the ring and even get up to their full height, which causes genuine delight in children. At the end of the performance, they do this trick and at the same time bow to the audience.

For the training of each animal takes moreof the year. Instructors Dolphinarium constantly update the program of performance. Therefore, you can visit this entertainment center more than once. Dolphinarium (Adler), whose photo will decorate the family album, is always glad to its guests.

Dolphinarium in Sochi Adler

What kind of entertainment in the dolphinarium is still there?

In addition to viewing the unforgettable interestingperformances, children whose parents bought a ticket to the Aquatoria Dolphinarium, can jump on an inflatable trampoline or play with cartoon characters. Be sure to come with children to Adler. The dolphinarium of this city is a really interesting place. In addition, you can visit the cafe operating in its territory. Your children will certainly like his menu.

Ticket prices

Kids under three years old are allowed to playabsolutely free. Adults and older children will have to pay 500 p. in the event that they want to watch the presentation from the top rows. However, of course, it is more interesting to observe the performance of animals, being closer to them. For this you have to overpay a total of 100 p. The ticket for the bottom two rows costs 600 rubles. Sold and discount tickets. They cost 250 p.

Dolphinarium (Adler): how to get there?

You can get to the Adler Dolphinarium on anyminibus or bus going from Sochi to Adler. You should get off at the stop "Sanatorium" Izvestia "". Address dolphinarium: Adler, Lenin Street, house 219.