/ / History and sights of the city of Brest (France)

History and sights of Brest (France)

На берегу одного из многочисленных заливов Atlantic Ocean built the city of Brest (France). Its harbor is rightly considered one of the most convenient on the European coast. In the south, it closes the Crozon Peninsula, in the north - the Leon Peninsula. Six sleeves seem to be created by nature especially for anchorages of various types of vessels.

Brest (France)

The port city of Brest (France) was founded in XVIIcentury. Since then, it has grown and grown. At the moment it is one of the most important and largest trade and military ports of the country. Today the city of Brest is in sixth place among the ports of the world in terms of cargo turnover and tonnage. However, thanks to this very fact, the city was given the unenviable fate. When World War II came to France, the city was almost completely destroyed. In 1940, Wehrmacht troops came to this region and, after heavy, protracted battles, captured the port city of Brest (France). During these Second World War many bunkers were built in these territories, which still exist and are open for visitors to visit.

In the postwar years, the destroyed city was rebuilt for a long time, and the efforts were not
spent in vain.Today Brest is a beautiful and well-kept resort town. The main attraction of these wonderful places is an ancient Brest castle standing on a hill. It was built in the middle ages. This beautiful architectural structure, consisting of seven towers, is a real highlight of the city. In the center of it there is a separate fortress, in which large halls and corridors were built. A large and deep defensive moat stretched around the castle.

It will be very interesting for those who come toBrest, attractions such as the Maritime Museum (located within the walls of the Brest Castle), "Oceanopolis" - the world famous and famous aquarium. Tourists who are interested in the events of the Second World War will be curious and informative to visit the Museum of the History of Brest, to see a diorama dedicated to those times. Those who like to relax actively and have fun will enjoy spending time in the big center of sea entertainment. A very popular place among tourists who love outdoor activities is the Crozon peninsula with its picturesque long beach. It will be interesting to visit the archaeological excavations in one of the oldest abbeys in Brittany, located near Landevenneka. Experts say it was
Brest, attractions
founded in 485 AD.
In the city of Brest (France) often recreatereconstruction of the last World War II. Tourists arriving in this city will be interested to visit the film festival, which has been regularly held by local authorities since 1985.

The slopes of the majestic hills of Brest fascinateits beauty and natural treasures. Before those tourists who are chosen outside the city, appear magnificent scenery. You can go to admire the beautiful coastline where high cliffs rise above the long sandy beaches. Here you can swim or indulge in other water activities, which include surfing, fishing, and sailing.