/ / Alley Pridorozhnaya in the city of St. Petersburg

Alley Roadside in the city of St. Petersburg

Alley Pridorozhnaya, located in St. Petersburg, starts from Prospect Engels and comes to Prospect Kultury. It is located on the territory of the Vyborg district.


Alley Pridorozhnaya got its name 4December 1974. This passage connecting two avenues was planned as a greened strip. The plantings were supposed to protect residential areas of the city from Parnas station and the railway line. However, the planned alley did not work.

roadside alley

The territory between the railway line andPassage given for the construction of garages. There is also a trolleybus tram ring and a fire station. In addition, Suzdal Avenue was laid on the originally allotted landscaping space.

International Institute for Human Reserve

December 15, 1988at 11, Pridorozhnaya Alley, was created by IRHRC. This institute was opened with the blessing of Patriarch of All Russia and Moscow Alexy II, as well as Metropolitan of Ladoga and St. Petersburg John.

The main task of the created organization is treatmentpatients with pathological dependence and psychosomatic illnesses. Unfortunately, in recent years, drug addiction and drunkenness have become a mass epidemic. They lead not only to degradation, but also to the death of a large number of people. The nation genetically degenerates, which aggravates the social situation in the country.

roadside alley St. Petersburg

International Reserve Institutehuman capabilities, uses known means and methods of dealing with this problem. At the same time, he combines them with the revival of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

On the basis of MiRHR, the Society of Sobriety and Mercy of Prince Alexander Nevsky, which existed in pre-revolutionary times, was recreated.

The institute is located near three metro stations. These are "Lakes", "Parnas" and "Prospectus of the Enlightenment".

Architecture and transportation

Roadway Alley on its odd side is built up with residential buildings. Construction was carried out mainly with a series of 1-LG-600.

Roadway Alley in the western part hastram and trolleybus ring. It bears the same name as the street. The routes of the fourth trolleybus are laid along the avenue. There are buses 177 and 69 on the street.

Neighboring streets

Придорожная аллея (Санкт-Петербург) располагается in close proximity or crosses some highways of the city. Their list includes the streets of Rudnev and Yesenin, as well as the prospect of Artists, Engels and Culture.

Buildings and companies

On the roadside alley (9/1) is located fortythe third kindergarten of the Vyborg district. In the house 17 And on the same street there is a branch of the Single Document Center. This organization provides notarial and legal services, provides assistance at the stage of preparing documents for registration of passports, including foreign ones. Here it is proposed to notarize the necessary papers. Provided in the organization and visa support services.

roadside alley 1

On the roadside alley you can visit the centertrade "Family", use the services of parking lots, tire and auto service. Cafe "Carnival", located near the bus stop "Prospect Artists", will allow cheap and tasty lunch. The restaurant, open from nine in the morning until nine in the evening, will delight visitors with a variety of dishes. On the same street is the beauty salon "Lady".