/ / Interesting places of Sochi: Mount Akhun, singing fountains, waterfalls, Riviera Park, Olympic Village

Interesting places in Sochi: Mount Akhun, singing fountains, waterfalls, park "Riviera", Olympic village

In the vastness of our country there are strange corners,in which exotic palm trees and flowers of great beauty are heated in the southern sun. Mountains covered with greenery and blue waves - all this is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, which does not descend from television screens. Interesting places of Sochi can be described endlessly because they simply do not count.

This unique city combines relict groves, tea plantations, picturesque waterfalls, as well as museums and protected areas. We will try to describe in this article the most interesting places of Sochi.

Mount Akhun

Amazing beauty opens when viewedbird’s eye view of the city and surroundings. For this, Mount Akhun is best suited. How to get to this picturesque place will be described below. If you look at the green ridge from the city of Sochi, you may associate with a volcano, but it will be erroneous. This anticline, which was formed from calcareous rocks and sandstones of the valley of the rivers Matsesta and Khosta. The mountain rivers Khosta and Agura continued their way along the existing depressions.

interesting places sochi

Picturesque places

Matsestinsky sources richhydrogen sulfide, the healing properties of which have glorified the Sochi resort. In the place where the river Agura leaves the gorge, there are similar medical sources. Of the mountain attractions of Sochi, Mount Akhun is of the greatest interest. How to get to its very top? This can be done in several ways: by car, by bus or on foot.

The flora of Mount Ahun is represented veryvaried. From the southern slopes in the rays of the sun stretched oak forest (in the lowlands there are trees of ash and linden). The shady northern side is covered with beech (here and there is undergrowth in which laurel and hazel grow in). From this, the mountain looks different, depending on which point of the city you are looking at: the green ridge, the correct cone that crowns the surrounding low mountains.

origin of name

The origin of the name is a secret hidden fromus for centuries, so there are several options. Previously, the mountain tribes had the god Akhun, whom pastoralists worshiped in times of paganism. And in the Abkhaz language there is the word “ahu” - “hill, hill”, and the ending “n” indicates the plural form. That is why in the mountain range there are peaks called Big Akhun and Small Akhun. Particularly interesting for travelers is the mountain Big Akhun, which rises 663 meters above sea level. It is not far from the city - only at a distance of 20 kilometers. And for the convenience of tourists an eleven-kilometer road was laid, which is hoisted by serpentine and crowned with a viewing tower.

mountain ahun how to get

На машине лучше всего ехать из центра Сочи.On the Kurortny Avenue, you must go to the Hostinsky district. After the turn to Matsesta, turn right and cross the bridge. On the way there will be signs. By bus you can only get to the mountain Small Akhun. You should get to Big Akhun on foot.

Singing Fountains

The most beautiful sight takenconsider singing fountains - Sochi is famous for such entertainment. This is truly a magnificent spectacle, when with the onset of the evening the lights embrace the fiery bird and the dance of water and music begins.

This is the legacy of the Olympics. When the holiday season comes, the show takes place every evening in the Olympic Park. Now singing fountains - this is the calling card of the city.

sochi singing fountains

The fountain is represented by a large bowl.(diameter 75 m), which hugs a bird. Hence the name - "Bowl of the Olympic Flame". The construction of this object was specifically timed to the opening and closing ceremonies of the Sochi Olympic Games.

264 fountains make up this complex, and for each individual lighting is provided. The magic “bird” comes alive under the influence of the control panel.

Real fairy tale

Some interesting places of Sochi can be visitedseveral times a day. The impression from them will be completely different. With the onset of the evening, the park of singing fountains is the personification of a fairy tale. The illuminated jets soar into the sky like fireworks. And the mist that forms above the surface of the water introduces a mysterious atmosphere.

interesting places in Sochi which are worth seeing

If you want to immerse yourself in the magical world, helpin this singing fountains (Sochi): under the melodies “Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and “Eugene Onegin” familiar to you from childhood, a fairy tale will come to your life.

Photo and video shooting is allowed, but in order to feel all the beauty and scale, you need to see this spectacle live.

Park "Riviera"

В переводе с итальянского riviera – «побережье».The park was founded by a well-known entrepreneur, honorary citizen of Yegoryevsk Vasily Alekseevich Khludov, and now this place is one of the most popular among holidaymakers. The park is located in the very center of the city, on the coast of the river Sochi. This place is created for those who want to eat the most delicious kebabs and roasted red mullet.


Парк «Ривьера» – лучшее место для отдыха.In this park, anyone will find something to their liking: cognitive places - from cinemas, showrooms, a dolphinarium and a penguin to the library, as well as corners of romance - a reconciliation bench and a fountain of love. The Green Theater hosts various concerts and shows. There are also many cafes and bars where you can let go of yourself and plenty to dance.


Describing the attractions, we can not sayabout the waterfalls that are found on the territory of the entire Sochi Natural National Park and Krasnaya Polyana in the Agur Gorge. These and other interesting places in Sochi, which are worth seeing, leave a mark in my memory forever.

The peculiarity of the Zmeikovskiy waterfalls is that, thanks to the feeding of the springs, they always function. More than others, the Emerald Waterfall is popular, especially its crystal drinking water.

waterfalls in Sochi tour

The highest mountain is the Canyon Keeper Falls. Women who dream of becoming mothers should definitely visit the “Chalice of the Rose” waterfall, which has magical effects.

The most inconstant of all is the Tandem Waterfall.When the river that flows it feeds, it splits into two full-flowing streams. Its waters are healing: if you take a shower under a stream of waterfalls for 40 minutes, the healing effect will be equal to several hydromassage sessions.

«Грот любви и разлуки» целиком и полностью justifies its name: in it you can both meet love couples making the first step in the country of love, and people with a broken heart - it has a magical, healing effect on them. This atmosphere heals the soul and energizes. Be sure to look at the waterfalls in Sochi. Excursion is the best option in order not only to see all the waterfalls, but also to learn many interesting things about these places.

Olympic Village

In order to see all the beauty of the Black Seacoast, you should go on holiday in Sochi. The Olympic Village is ready to receive guests almost all year round. This hotel complex was built near the Olympic Park. This is a comfortable resort with 47 buildings, which occupy an area of ​​72 hectares and are ready to accommodate 3000 guests.

rest in Sochi Olympic Village

The Olympic Village consists of recreationalcomplexes and walking areas, landscapes and views that delight the eye of tourists. There are respectable restaurants, cafes and places of recreation, special attention is paid to the issue of the comfort of people with disabilities.

What is the success of the Olympic Village?

Interesting places in Sochi are not only naturalattractions and entertainment. There are still places saturated with a certain atmosphere. Of particular interest is the concept itself: the goal of the designers was to uncover the mystery of the soul of the Russian people and to present as much as possible things and phenomena that are traditional for Russia. All this was presented in the form of a synthesis of the latest technologies and classics.

On the territory of the Olympic Village foreverThe official mascots of the Sochi Olympics of 2014 settled down: a modest Bunny, a purposeful Leopard and a good-natured White Bear. The residential complex "Olympic Village" is waiting for its guests from around the world at any time.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to describe all the interesting places in Sochi that are worth seeing. But for acquaintance with the city it will be quite enough.