Balabanovo is the largest city in the Borovsk region inThe Kaluga region. It is home to over 25,000 people, it is located near Moscow, only 98 km. Therefore it is quite understandable that the route Moscow - Balabanovo is in demand and popular among its inhabitants. How to get to the city in the Borovsk district from Moscow by bus, train, express train or car? Let's consider the most popular variants.
How to get to Balabanovo from Moscow
The distance from Moscow to Balabanovo is less than 100 km.Many use public transport to get to the right place. You can get to this city of Kaluga region from Moscow and back in several ways:

- Bus service.Regular buses run daily from the railway station Balabanovo to the metro station "Kievskaya" with a stop at the m. "Yugo-Zapadnaya". There is no reverse direct route at the moment. To get from Moscow to Balabanovo by bus is possible with a transfer to Obninsk or Naro-Fominsk.
- The train.From Moscow to Balabanovo you can reach any train with the final points in Kaluga or Maloyaroslavets. Suburban trains leave from Kievsky Station, you can return in the same way. Every day more than 20 electric trains follow the given route.
- Long-distance trains.About five express trains run daily from Moscow to Kaluga, with an obligatory stop in Balabanovo, and back. The ticket for express train, as well as for all long-distance trains, can be purchased with an indication of the location.
- Car.One of the most convenient ways to get from Moscow to Balabanovo is by car. Not everyone likes to travel by public transport, so car owners often use their car for the necessary movements. Also on the sites of many companies selling tickets online for various modes of transport, there is the opportunity to purchase a ticket to the place in the car with a fellow traveler in the right direction.
How to get by bus from Moscow to Balabanovo
Bus communication is in great demand among the population. Therefore, I would like to pay special attention and consider in more detail the trip by bus from Moscow to Balabanovo and back.

Unfortunately, at the moment there are no direct flights on the route Moscow - Balabanovo, but you can reach the destination point by leaving the capital in the following ways:
- With a transfer in Naro-Fominsk. From the metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" on 309 bus you need to get to the station "Nara". In Naro-Fominsk, take the bus to Obninsk and get to Balabanovo.
- With a transfer in Obninsk.From the bus station near the metro station "Teply Stan" there is a bus "Teply Stan - Bryansk". On it you need to get to Obninsk, change to a regular bus to Naro-Fominsk and get off to Balabanovo.

По отзывам опытных пассажиров, на автостанции "Warm Stan" can be boarded in any shuttle bus, which follows the Kaluga direction to Obninsk, and ask the driver to stop at the Kiev highway in Balabanovo near the DPS post. The city center is within walking distance from this point.
Getting to Moscow is somewhat easier. Balabanovo regularly runs direct flights to the subway "Yugo-Zapadnaya", departure takes place at the railway station of the city.
Route Moscow - Balabanovo
The route passes along the M3 highway. To leave the capital is preferable through the south-western district and then it is necessary to follow the Kiev highway.
The distance of the route is 87 km. Depending on the type of transport chosen, the approximate travel time will be:
- 1 h. 20 min. on the car (without traffic jams);
- 1 h. 59 min. by bus without transfers, 2 hours 16 minutes. by bus with a transfer;
- 1 h. 40 min. on the train;
- 1 hour 17 minutes by express train.
On the road there are about 30 gas stations, among them such as Rosneft, Lukoil, Tatneft, Shell and Gazprom Neft.
The cost of travel by various means of transport
What kind of transport to choose for transportation is a private matter for everyone. But do not forget about the cost of the road. For many, this is a decisive factor when choosing one or another method of movement.

The table shows the approximate cost of tickets for public transport and the cost of gasoline.
Bus | Train | Express Train | Personal car |
150-170 rubles. | 245 р. | 330 r. | 300 r. |
Thus, it is worth noting that in Balabanovogetting from Moscow is not at all difficult. Despite the fact that this city is located in the Kaluga region, you can reach it from the capital quickly and in various ways.